Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    I never said i do not agree with (Reiza's) price. I just want the chance to buy all of those paid tracks and cars into separately dlc's (like in rre). And yes, i m willing to pay a little extra more for every piece (than having all of them into one big content).

    Of course the "big" content can remain (in a better price than the individual ones?), no prob 'bout that :) It s just my thought;)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  2. Squalido

    Squalido New Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    I know that concurrent players show how popular a game is and gives an idea on how good it sells. But I don't think it tells the whole story:
    • There is people who own multiple sims and play all of them. And even if they don't play them, they still paid for them (I have ACC and AC with most DLCs and I barely play them, for example).
    • There are casual players that probably don't jump into the sims for multiple hours every week.
    • There is the beta, who probably pulls the backer into playing that more often than the released version.
    • AC is an outlier in those comparisons, as the game is super cheap now that is no longer being developed. And yes, this shows that most of those sims are in different phases so it is hard to compare them.
    I know that for the multiplayer crowd it is important to have a populated multiplayer, but for Reiza, what is important is that the game and its DLCs are selling, so concurrent players count is not really as significant as people want to make it. I know that more active multiplayer will bring more people and will sell more copies, but this obsession (because this is being mentioned since the game was released) of looking at those charts and compare the games is kind of weird. People often overlook AMS (the first game) numbers, which shows that AMS2 probably is already selling more than its predecessor.
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  3. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    who ever is procrastinating stop wasting time and do it..


    you can thank me tomorrow.. :cool:

    *support sim racing and this small dev team
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  4. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    ok sorry brother, didn't know I misunderstood you. Well thats a good point actually since Reiza I am told did announce all the content in advance. People knew this was essentially coming.

    Well you are on board with that. I just think their economic advisors would say its a bad idea, as it leaves little to the imagination and they don't know how extra good they can make things ahead of time, making it hard to offer it as such. RR is a meandering tale.

    I think Reiza is just being a better company than that in some ways to try to do that from the start and it gets bad trying to 'back and guarantee' each little track or something, because its a tougher sell - raceroom seriously twist your arm and leverage you. Ultimately I think they did get the packaging wrong, if you consider this: you may wish to swap out x car for y car, and you do not like have A,b,C car when you wanted to buy g,h,j car instead.

    I think the disconnect comes from the brazil content to a wider audience, and its a kind of buyers regret or something compared to something they did want. Or they just have that stuff as invisible to them and don't see the value.

    I can appreciate that. I just wonder when they added up their numbers if they thought it could work with 100 cars and 100 tracks; in terms of getting backers to back it on crowd funding. I think they 'fumbled' it after that, but I am not too far removed from their thinking.

    All company's do the front loading in different ways. We just see it as more opaque. I thought Rezia was mostly up front with things. Don't know how many share the same sentiment.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  5. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Maybe I opened a can of worms, but let me take people through it. The game is premium tier. Its just coming from behind and had not been living up to that, also its a refreshing model of selling a game in this day and age and the first dlc essentially came out 1 year later.

    The tracks in AMS2, and some of the cars, are the best in sim racing. Hands down and no contest.

    I agree, what I think like I don't you could probably easily sway me or I don't understand it well enough, but I see the crux and agree; reiza seem methodical, get more equipment, choose a bigger project, get more scope, hire more people, do more with less, waste less, learn more, expand capability, be flexible, get marketing, make contacts, form partnerships, its been building. They started as modders - forget player unknown - that was a fluke. Things happen either fast or slow. It builds.

    A few more patches and I can see the whole thing working. I hate to nit pick because I think with slightly faster development [which is inbound as they say and I reason], this interim period of questioning (like the middle ages) about the faith placed in the product, would be over faster.

    I think this pack proves that they should move to a more star citizen like model. Either let EVERYONE sometimes play the beta, or no one until just before the leadup to the patch. The audience is not huge, just join them all up. That was not possible before due to the rate of change. Maybe it is now. There is also little point I think now in having this special beta area (unless there is and I am not aware). Those people got their money's worth from that; and I am not suggesting it disappear forever. Just that people be on the same page.

    The fact is, and no one can read everything, but the cream of the game is truly phenominal.

    I drove with the new custom file and the additions I worked out I forgot to add back into the file and made a post about, in that forum, 0.44 front load, etc, 3 things, and its bliss.

    So ignorance is a 2 edged sword with this game. If you didn't know you would not be laying blame, but if you did know, you might feel slighted. Because of that I think if people just saw the cream then like 1.2 showed me, its a heck of a game. Previously I thought maybe 5 cars were 'good'. Now I think about 30 are great. The front load feel in the custom file did it for me (a non direct drive user) and certain settings. I drive all games back to back, but today I played this for a while.

    So many people say "I can't go back to X, Y Z now"

    I think not everyone wants to pay x amount of dollars, we all have limited funds no matter how great and work is a long haul, its understandable. I feel the same way - the brain freeze concept of our thoughts/attached to the past. But the development was so quick and changing we can't get to each track. But anyway, if we accept that, then we must ignore all those who choose this title over others, and ask why more are not getting on board, and I think I can't even answer that (I am interested too) until a couple more patches. Its down to content and packaging, yes, or other things, maybe not price.

    If this is not worth 100 I don't know how much I have spent yet, then the others are not worth their price, and AC, come on lol they virtually throw that at people like confetti. This illusion of choice is radical, because there's plenty of dithering business models. I think AMS2 had the best one, honestly - you might not know what its like to live in a world where the man says 'give me x' and its yours. It was better; no services, no subscription, no casino-cards in games. All those business models are being pulled back and products made to be more 'premium'. Look at raceroom, a lot of 'grooming' or prepping goes on in presentation etc.

    This is the rod at reiza's feet imho, that premium aspect, it seems like its coming. As you enter premium territory people expect different things. So the title is a come from behind title, sure.


    WHY? I think we can't look at AMS2 in isolation as the OP points out...

    not comprehesive, but just reframing those parts of us that observe but don't necessarily tell the brain to make the hand do something...

    iracing - people want to leave it - they think it all the time, ice skating, bad x, y, z, but it has online competition. They know a good deal when they see it, as shown by the online component, but they are on the drip. Wouldn't it be nice to ditch that for just a one time payment. I think iracing is over-blown, I'd be interested to see if its growing. It might be making more money but is it growing.

    AC - people are over its dithering quality and mods and want AMS2 to do that - heck any sim, and ACC is too narrow a focus and Kunos know it has a limited shelf life. AMS2 probably went after its fans in a way, if they could I don't know, but people in the AC mould probably think of a modern and good engine like the Madness engine - I know everyone wants to hold onto the delusion that AC is an incredible game (its just a sim) but they want all the modern creature comforts so that they do not feel 'tacked on' like with content manager. They think the AMS2 engine, if it could just show them something, they reason, is the bomb.

    AMS1 its not AMS2

    Raceroom - its avarice and scummy tactics is off-putting. great game I know, drat, I am just saying that people wonder as to the good deal but I am told they went through their own shifts over time.

    Until 1.2 people probably thought AMS2 was not 'delivering'.

    We do have to get off the race room cockas, ya know. Its got a 1000 plus players, sure at peak, but at these sample sizes and methods, its not a sure thing, but their model is hardly a majorly proven model.

    As to the former poster - sorry forgot which one mate! - you would read, that it doesn't matter if we pay 3 dollars a track bit by bit, if we know we can pay a nice round number. Its not a big deal. I once said there's not really a lot of fluff in the content offered. Its my guess 10-30% hold up via covid and racking their minds over the physics, which got solved it seems. Pretty sure the lead developer mentioned that.

    I think they were pretty up front with how people signed on to be in the development train. And the tracks in the DLC, and the reworks, I don't know how people can talk that down.

    There is literally no other version close to bathurst overall, long beach, leguna seca, nords, spa. etc imola. The f1 reiza is worth driving twice for every one time an f1 in rfactor etc.

    i don't give a farkkk if people think x, y, z physics aspect is 4% better in rf2 or iracing, or they think AC with the way it moves is 5% more realistic or something, its just not the same as being an overall winner in 2022; bearing in mind that we/most/everyone literally owns both titles, so its a null topic that.

    But in saying that about physics and price - I bet few people out there are using all the cream in the game to its fullest effect or the ffb (since its changed or they lost track or what may be the reason). A lot seem stuck in october of last year or something. So things are on the up. They will catch up.

    The topic about price, etc is a furpy I think largely. Having gone through it.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  6. sci006

    sci006 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 18, 2020
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    CONGRATULATIONS Raceracerace you the 2nd person on my “Ignore List”
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  7. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    ALTER TABLE ams2_forum_thread_txtbody
    MODIFY (
    body_text VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL)

    • Funny Funny x 3
  8. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Don't know what it exactly means but it smells like a special joke..nudge,nudge...:D
  9. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    hey man, you bought the title. I don't want to talk to you mate, as you can see, I wouldn't even p!ss in the circle you stand in.

    I like the title, I think its a decent game, its fun. I dont care what you think of it. You're just another f-ing sheep in the herd, you're not special.

    If an influencer banged on about AMS2 tommorow and said it was a special, special game, you'd probably go nuts just like when they don't, you wonder if your world is going to come crashing down. You don't know what to think.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  10. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    So is for practically all of the sims, but the good news is that Reiza keeps going strong with the updates unlike some of the most praised sims..
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  11. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Yep if they keep at it, they will fill their days with making the game better. You'll swing by the game one day and it will be better even though its good right now.

    I think the major problem with a lot of these guys here is they don't actually have a life.
    ffs people lol the most inputing person in the custom feedback thread is som weird guy called Kuku (crazy) madog (crazy) double kiwi crazy is a bad thing.

    If you look up to him and his ffb impressions, you are 1 naive, 2 gullible, 3 wet behind the ears.

    This is a computer game, and if you're anything like me you can be typing on here and watching youtube, doing things. Why are people so concerned about the game? If you want to play it, play it.

    The ridiculous thing with a lot of these losers (you know the ones who can't handle what I say, wimps) is that they probably have another 20 games in their steam library they don't play. Boo hoo. Children.


    A proper thread post from people is simply 1.2= 10/10, step in the right direction with highly desirable content and fixes. Whats not to like. - BUT caveat - "it is what it is"

    instead of fielding questions while someone can't accept more than 500 play it at once or something, which please do not add in your 'revisionist history' things happened ok, go play the game, go out, stay longer at work, do more exercise, I don't know. 1.25 or something will come out and the whole nonsense will start again.

    Everytime this game does something its an existential crisis. fkn grow up and relax, patience and 50-100 bucks is bugger all guys. Come on.

    I know I have little small minded twerps blocking me in their 'safe space' I am too mature and manly (im not a manlet or nothing) to let that phase me. I know I am right, I know they are pathetic, if they're getting laid with such an attitude where they cannot have real discourse with an intelligent male, I would be surprised; the quality of their life must be miniscule if they are letting the game stand between them and me, a cool dude... sorry so what - I can't respect that. So get with the program and be a normal person(s) if you can read this hopefully your brain is not turned to mush by the nonsense surrounding this title.

    Don't worry if I actually gave a rats ars I would have changed accounts and come at them another way, but you don't alter minds like that its too much effort. If these fktards actually admitted the game is 1 year old with about 1 more give or take of lesser development as it ramped up, I would also be surprised.

    At this point I am not defending the title - I am defending normal rational reality and sensibility. I'm not going to turn on my charm for these fools. If I have a crack at some of these guys and they block me, maybe they will wake up to themselves one day.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  12. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    With the sim being only 1 year old and having undergone pretty much the worst treatment in sim racing history by the community and the influencers who just took a sh..t on it after driving it half an hour and just because they can since day one I think the future looks bright. More and more players are finally trying to make an opinion on their own finally and liking it. More and more streamers are finally giving it a proper look rather than just clickbaiting. Even some of the most hardcore disliking streamers are backtracking (slowly just not to catch the eye :D ) ...
    On socials the requests for help setting AMS2 have gone up probably 10 times after the last release and most of the people who join from new those groups are happy. So I guess when the MP gets some big upgrades numbers will be up by a lot.
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  13. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I agree. I don't find the grip per se being the problem and I would not relate it to one track: for instance GTEs at Daytona yielded reasonable times during the Beta testing. First of all GTEs at Nurburging is several years old to my knowledge, but maybe I am wrong, plus let's remember that almost all of the series have variable BOP per track and that is currently not available.
    I also agree that I feel like GTs get to very high speeds relatively easily. Don't want to say it is the problem but was having this feeling too. It may be down to BOP too depending on which track is being used.
    On the other side I feel like the driveline doesn't have much of a grunt when exiting from slow corners unless you are right in the best range of torque. They feel a bit less responsive out of that range to me, maybe a bit too much and IMHO that is what gives the feeling of too much grip when flooring it.
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  14. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    mate they're all p!ssing in the wind at this point.

    Wait for the next patch. The only guy(s) who can fix this is having a well earned rest probably. And I bet you they know what needs to be done. Its all time/effort, not enough hours in the day kind of thing.

    If you don't think they have diagnostic tools that can keep it on track - then you're not a bright spark at all, but code does not program itself.

    If they only work on that - you lot tell them they're not bringing out enough connnnteennnnt!>>>when they don't do THAT, you say "ohhh the physics are broken"

    yuh. whatever. Then some guy shows up wondering why 50 bucks in his local currency is too much. Spare me, princess. For you, thats probably minimum wage 5 hours work.

    For a lot of people its .5. or 1 or 1.5 or 2 even, its not a lot of money. All and sundry who know about the game will probably be buying usa pack part 2 (I bought the whole pack), so whaddaknow...does acceleration really matter as an imperative?
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  15. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    that says the right one:rolleyes:
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  16. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    Plus , if you by Rf2 now , your are buying nothing. A skeleton. All the Premium content is $$.
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  17. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    That was the first Sim wich got my interest when they started 8 years(?) ago.I bought extra a PC wich could handle it.I was so proud - racing the AI with high GFX settings and no stutters! Look,what happened ...the king lost his crown constantly.....:(
    Reiza did more progress in one year!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  18. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I believe AMS2 will start picking up more active players the day the MP experience gets the needed attention.

    Again, I've been saying this quite often and many people on this forum haste into telling me they are offline users, they rather race vs the AI than online, etc. I understand the offline player base is not negligible and is, in fact, very relevant, but I strongly believe that the MP experience is what brings people in, the handling and physics is what keeps people on. The later is on par (if not superior) to the competitors, the former is lagging strongly behind.
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  19. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Im an offline type of guy but the business sense of having a strong online presence is obvious. Its not an Either/Or situation. If both are strong then the marketability/exposure of the product increases in a fairly obvious way.

    Nobody but an Olympic canoeist paddling up de Nile could fault the excellent way Reiza interact with the community, listen to feedback and then crucially act on it. Ive seen first hand how I mentioned a tiny tiny issue, raindrops on the F3 wind deflector not looking great, expecting nothing to happen. Next update.. fixed. If thats not listening to feedback, Im not sure what is.

    People have their views, thats cool. Backing up their views with examples that are contextual, better. Getting personal? That sucks, because it means that the conversation is no longer about what is right, but who is right. At that point its a shouting match (or forum equivalent).

    So lets keep it positive. Its a good/great sim thats getting better, with a great team working on it who have a proven track record of success. I personally have little time for hand wringing and drama on here (thats not to say theres not always a place for humorous opinions.)

    Anyway, Im working through a Formula Trainer custom championship and I reckon Im not too shabby, so with that new found confidence I may even host a few races of my own that are a bit less standard (Formula Trainer, F3, stock car etc etc). Who knows, that may lead to a new road more travelled..
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  20. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Lol but seriously it's me saying don't lose sight or go round in circles. It'll all get sorted out. Development just picks up pace.


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