Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Try FX 65 and FEI 100
  2. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Hey Stakanov, are you using Karstens FFB or something else? Im a G920 user also looking for that magical G920 custom file..
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  3. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Mate the community now only cares about itself.

    It is, use the settings found in my post prior to this one as a baseline and later tweak from there.

    The result of that file would have caused ecstacy months ago, now they're all bitter and washed up. The game is only beginning though. 600 concurrent users is only the start. Essentially what happened to a lot of them was all the criticism. I basically proved it on here too. They couldn't take it.

    They're at a loss. They're not usually like that.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  4. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes last Karsten FFB … at this moment I'm finishing tuning the file for Logitech ... if today I go home by tonight I'll post it ... otherwise tomorrow ... in the meantime you can easily use standard Karsten's using the settings I indicated above (100-80-60-60) ;)
    Then, as soon as the others publish your file, it you will have a wide choice because not only me, but also Kuku, Peter and others, will publish his for Lowend with different shades according to your tastes ... so you will be spoiled for choice :)
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  5. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Sweet. Thanks dude :)
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  6. inthebagbud

    inthebagbud Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    @Karsten Hvidberg - this is my take on the rFuktor 4.5 - exp2 - Momentum Rack 6.1 for a DD2 with a higher scrub scale, change to over/understeer and tyre flex setting. There is a change to the accel/brake feel but not sure if that registers with DD2

    in game - will be car dependant - currently used with lower spec cars

    Gain - 30
    LFB - 20
    FX - 25
    Damping - 10


    FF - 80
    LIN - Off
    NDP - 40
    NFR - 20
    NIN - 6
    INT - 3
    FEI - 100
    Rest - 100

    I have added settings to file as well for reference

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  7. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hey people,

    reasonings for changes and why a hq belt person can probably rely on not just the values maybe but their scaling derived from the process here, in line with prior instructions on the values.

    - the reasoning here is sound but the updated file is the one to get. If you learn or value a before/after kind of thing to better understand a future endeavor with your file changes this is probably at least worth a skim or more.

    - basically curbs at Spa were not really impactful anymore or at all by comparison, so now when you knock against them, spa 93 curbs will give the car a good old kick. Run over a curb somewhere at a track and it will unseat the steering and the driving in some way to some degree of intensity. This lead me to changing file values - but having followed the file I already knew I didn't need to change much at all. Or coming out of the hairpin onto the straight, now it has a guttural gnashing and thrashing of the tires as they spring into action and power forward, its really satisfying.

    - hopefully your oscillation is more in line with a car jittering its rack and collumn about or whatever, if its too much, somehow, don't worry, you can correct it. Hopefully the forces are not so prominent as to seem out of place, at 180-250km's, that it feels like a fast paced roadway to you.

    - apologies that flat spots are not turned on if you want them, its 0.07 being barely a problem but known to 1.0, but just for gameplay I would keep it on the lower side as the consequences still exist and would need to be dealt with.

    - lets not forget a lot of people were driving round in cars without high downforce setups, they just tried to negate things - with this custom file (and in general with custom, now default more) the game makes it so you can use the f1 reiza at imola and feel the lift off when you drop the DRS system.

    As dev changes and paradigms shift glad the file is robust enough to endure. These settings do not 'replace default' so much as these settings help you better (as per the files and helpers instructions on the matter) make your wheel, a HQuality belt drive, more like a 'limp direct drive' with the pace of an attacking bass rift rather than an overly-limber and stretchy former gymnast.

    Guys, TX wheel and similar HQ belt drive wheels? Default needs to exist and gets iterative improvements. With this custom file you can scale and tweak higher 'customisation' of your specific wheel. I will show the values that should work since latest small patch. Default is now excellent and needs in built clipping for a variety of reasons, but customization because it can be specific, probably though its probably not exact same file, can be even better, as one may guess. And not as much clipping. Its not apples to apples, but I will show the settings to make a high quality belt drive blow you away - its a few extra settings DDrive development should not bog itself down with. In a comparative advantage kind of fashion. The tighter wheel will feel more real, the driving more aggressive, more AC-like but better, probably less clipping with higher forces as you only have to account for your specific wheel and yada yada lets get into it. But note its not miles beyond default as of last small update. Its preferential now rather than anything

    First off, default at 80 gain or 100 gain even for porsche gte does MOST if not all of this. Second, at 100 gain for f1 reiza for example the default file will do most of this (with clipping on gte at least), but not all in terms of that extra tightness but its so close (and its got to kinda feel like my steering wheel, which custom so did before minor patch update/after big patch update; tightness is paramount to the intrinsic driving feedback we do and on a direct drive one can get that better than on a belt like this high end belt TX base I will be going over) and to drive round Laguna on the custom then (like it is now) was hypnotic almost, and with gte/gt3 you could and still can on default (now since changes) and then on custom tackle the track with such aggression and verve, in the way you wanted to drive, like the Merc GT1 at Spa, really hammer the road like a panther or something it would surge and pounce, so cool, so I am currently using default to see and its very close, but latest updates make too many bumps. The custom is a lot smoother even though it also got more bumpy I think the default is more pointed, which is that aggressive attacking style of driving many want to do in a game, and the custom can be too but how its arranged here is more smooth/bendy rather than overly pointed.

    The whole process is iteration, and over time things become incorporated. Thus the quality of the custom and lately the default has always been/become apparent.

    My suggestion - use the default first and custom second - we don't get to see the contents of that default file, but with the above settings the default for porsche for example is superior/tighter more in line with AC, which is what most people drive anyway. The custom, virtually the same with my settings, is tighter in the center (or in different places on turns etc) but its exaggerated force where the real 'cream' of the change is (not that default is not fine), and reduction in LFB was needed to school-out the bumps in later iterations of the game.

    Then once you use the default, use a custom file like this. And decide which you like. This for me can be smoother, but its not exactly the same as default. I like it though, and it works for high downforce and low downforce.

    Overall result is very close but default is probably that little better and with what I was trying to go for - more attacking - which is much different to how it was last year where I had to drive defensively almost.

    * *** So kudos to all that! *** *

    On default AND CUSTOM you would leave gain at 100 perhaps and dampener at 100 and turn other things down to taste, to 50 and 50 I think is ideal. For f1 cars/high downforce its quite good. On GTE for example it is good. We will get at things with a scale.

    But I never tinkered with these custom files on purpose, until the latest game updates it did not need tightening in the center very much at all, and my suggestion would be to make it or default slightly "harder/crisper" for the belts in terms of downforce maybe. But default works for so many people now, across a wide preference, and in many intangible ways - that kind of turning softness/hardness is definitely better.

    IF you want to fiddle with the file, do it on musclefaktor updated. This has been the case since the .05 update to the 1.2 main update.

    Thus the settings in game for both custom and default and switching between them, are 100, 50, 50 100.....but if you are just using the custom file I have below, you can do
    > 95, 80 lfb, 65 fx, 80 dampener

    Too many bumps slaughter the belts, it does not have the fidelity, so better is the movement to aim for

    Default will do much the same as custom, but custom has a tighter center. Most notable on the high downforce cars.

    "Heads up for all tx -grade wheels (pssst... before we buy dd wheels in future... shhh)

    This is all settings to add for lower files, its chunky and rubbery, it grabs, it lets go, it bounces back always strong, its better than having it like a loose wheel. Its dynamic. Its a good file. Its probably closer to default than one thinks, but its ability is to customize that center combined with the other goodies in the custom file. Further explanation below.

    (limit_high_df 0.7) #Limits how stiff the steering becomes in high df cars. Range: 0.0-1.0. 0.0=most extreme high df possible, 1.0=limit high df as much as possible.

    If I was going to exaggerate the front end feel on high down force cars it would be minimal probably. And that value worked out to be 0.09.

    This works great actually now with all the changes. And default came a long way too. The fan car is going to join the rotation.

    But ultimately its not my thing to change files, its my thing to play the game. I am not needing to change any files or anything (just bring it in line).

    this comment is by no means me saying any change is necessary beyond of course that which we know will be changed like bugs


    Other tx grade wheel settings. (this is csl elite etc, anything with a quality belt; adjust for taste but settings are for consistency, none of that 'where's my bumps' nonsense - they're there, gain 90-100 [I use 100 with clipping as per below], lfb 80, fx 65, dampen 80)

    search a term in ffb_custom

    rack tighten 0.1 to 1.0 (tx wheel seems 1.0) // <- tighter wheels are better to experience the rubber, the center being firm is one of the major benefits of altering the file
    tighten falloff 0.3-0.9 (tx wheel, using 0.5 but note the tightness you want, latest version of game updates faster it seems the center values, higher fidelity, but this all no longer does as it did several days ago; the default file seems to govern this really good now) Will alleviate any funny business with above, the difference gives a nice little progressive feel but be sure you like the gap you make. .9 seems no troubles and how it was largely pre 0.05 game update [1.2 was fine]
    exaggerate front load feel 0.64 // <- Could be the most impactful change you make
    exaggerate front load feel DF 0.09 // <- You could always not use this
    flat spots 0.07 // <- this is very cool to have back and make use of the extra smooth turns now
    (limit_high_df 0.7) There is room in the turning to have this on again. 1.0 is the default, .7 is an increase. And it is worth it on a tx wheel at least. It really does stiffen up that steering and makes it pin point-accuracy for you
    (Center_relax 0.3) # this was actually 0.1 or something, and your wheel may vary, but if things get too jittery this setting could provide relief. The tightness of the center as to the control of steering, being what was lacking but would have been set up in default from reiza should be the highest priority. Use this to help out in small increments. Prior to .05 patch, extra sensitivity added maybe, this was not used
    (Center full 0.1) this is for old 4.5 files but on new musclefaktor you do not need to change this setting usually for a belt. was 0.2 but this will reduce knocks seemingly.

    The game file after the update is unfortunately too jittery for minute bumps, but the above should do enough

    On low down force, like gte, the steering functions really well, owing to the front wheel exageration of 0.44 and you may wish to increase or decrease that. As the game goes on, we don't know, it may become not as warranted to use as things adjust in the model.

    - Now, importantly - IF you think gees man why would you do that (high DF load) as in you think the downforce is enough resistance like I have done then take limit_high_down force up to 1.0 to return it to how it was. I can in fact drive with 32 or 40 DF, so its not a big deal. If you want more, remember 0.3 is a good level and closer to 0 means higher [its a limiter/less limiting]

    The latest patch means you must close down the game now to change values it would seem.

    - Just on that - restart session and have a go. Realize as you turn and back off your turn and speed you can feel the change in resistance as in less air pushing.

    Maybe the default does a lot like this, but I assume this above makes it outside the range a little with things like ARB feel etc, a 14 becomes 15 for example, or some such. The game would soon lose its reference point with daily changes and I do not change these files much myself. No need. But these little extra's make a lot of difference. It gives a TX wheel base that little nudge if other forces are overwhelming this prior - then all these things are emphasized a little bit more on-demand. Its good. Still smooth, still consistent.

    camera>configuration ---- > on, 35-60 (I use 35 and above for more bumps and risk/reward), yes, 40, yes, no, 20, 75, 75 (75's you can change them if you like) If you induce you know - vomiting or something or you use VR, then don't use them. Some of you like lap times more (so many bumps I suck), and I can respect that.

    If I am not mistaken then applying the rack settings in the original Musclefaktor file and not the update will give a smoother drivein terms of bumps you may or may not feel your wheel is good at with detail, etc. Its up to you. To save simply editing and turning them down. Its a good baseline the former file.

    In any event you will want your steering deadzone at 0, your throttle sensitivity probably 30, brake 35 or something similar.

    - So what cars highlight this file best?

    All of them. But in particular. F1 reiza at laguna seca (drop 3 ARB from front and one more than that for imola (4) it seems, smooth and sweeping, hypnotizing, rugged and rough. Porsche at Nords 24 hour. Hoooowwwlly cra8p. Anything at Londrina and Brands Hatch, and Corvette with fitting/flighty and squatting setup at Virginia. Notably as well, the Merc GT1 at Spa. Get ready to tear that thing up, such aggression. (Just think guys, 6 Nm is about 44% as per the line, of a semi decent d-drive) I did nt pull these number out my...

    No clipping unless extreme circumstance such as a crash and spin, lots of feel. Great work remember to take breaks early - and often.

    - failing all that, you should rename or remove the file, have the game regenerate its own custom file the next time you load it and try that, it is very much similar. And you may find it preferable if you appreciate movement/speed weighted turning when things are slow. The custom file here is very good, but it may or may not be 'cheating'.

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    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  8. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    For the belts. This is an updated file, it could well provide with the latest minor patch, less notching in the center because it is my assumption the game has updated the way it does things for more fidelity round there. You will note this is tighter than what we had prior to 1.2, but you will also note that it is similar to the games own custom file which is generated in leiu of this file being present at all (and any custom file, you would delete so the game's one is regenerated).

    The main change is the center feel, yes but also some added downforce for high DF cars, but with a sedan, it has exageration so as to feel the front just a little bit better.

    I did turn on tyre flat spotting, so be aware its very minor (and you can easily edit the file to turn it off)

    I felt it encouraged that 'smooth' lapping and pushed me to race lines even better. You can be very attacking with this file, its perhaps too good I do not know the exact difference with default-custom by the game, that file probably works better with the game's more detailed movements.

    The other main reason I like Karstens + people who added to it is the smoothness in the track and turning - it keeps things more linear but there's still bumps. And you still get a big wollop at a curb.

    If I was using a DD, I would probably not be altering so much.

    I quite like this smootheness and 'push through', both files are very interesting. But these changes while not necessary to any one, you may find them preferencial if you have a belt and do not have a tight center currently that allows this kind of smoothness in turning.

    It may be cheating and I do not believe it recreates every single force or the scale of force the base game does (its a different rack afterall), but it is also very satisfying

    I am using 95-100, 80 lfb, 65 fx, 80 dampener, or somewhere in between. As per Stakanov highlighting this previous to the patch.

    So a lot of those forces etc as we see over time are able to be dialed down and other 'forces' or sensations I guess grow up around the existing. I thinkn now when I was using 100, 80, 65, 80, this is what I mean, use the bolded ones perhaps to start and maybe tinker; but the reason I mention is that I don't noticed any kind of loss of detail that actually helps me make driving decisions if that makes sense. Its always nice with even more bumps, but too much can unsettle the driving imo. Such is why the file is like this, oh there's still bumps. After the minor patch maybe less higher speed shake/off-kilter movement so its different, but shines in the turning.

    Its like it is to be progressive for turning and I find it is very accurate. Which is why I say almost cheating because not a lot unseats this haha. See the difference between sedans and f1's high df, but do not forget this is a belt driven wheel, its only going to be doing so much - but these days yeah if you let this 'tighter' swing of the wheel hit your finger it will hurt it a little. So things have come a ways. Yeah if you're pushing in a race situation thats where this file is so juicy. Its not exactly a competitive advantage.

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    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  9. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    this file on my t500rs feels very good tbh thanks
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  10. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    that is so awesome. I am glad it can transfer.

    just remember you can adjust the center, you may like .7 for top (1.0) and then .6 for fall off

    The nord/s 24 hour track with the porsche or even a gt3, you can really pin-point and hit it. This was impossible prior to you are overtaking or fast-twitch turning the car down the s-bend at the bottom of the hill... and you want to go pass another car - you can jam it to go straight on the inside and beat him... I was wondering prior to this how to make it drive aggressively. And it turns out for my belt drive that this file was the answer.
  11. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    thanks for your last 2 posts, I was feeling a bit too light FFB after the recent update on my TSPC racer wheel so I went back to focusing on Gain.
    I had been running 70 for a while (100 in TM CP) and 50/50/0 but increasing Gain to 85 and bringing back Damping to 50 made it up for the Default Reiza FFB for me

    I like your Custom file though but here as well I had to focus on Gain to get fully comfortable and that means running it quite high (90) but all that without clipping at all

    What makes the difference for me is that the Custom FFB file is more engaging, I had reached the point in my testing today that Reiza default for the GTE class I was driving was too much on the safe side so thanks again for sharing

    One last thing though, talking about Flat spot, can you confirm how teh scale works because I am a bit confused you have set it at Zero but same time said in your post you had Turned it ON

    thanks so much

    (flatspots_scale 0.00) #how much you feel the flat spotting. At default 1.0 flatspots are nicely felt in a formula V10.
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  12. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    hey no worries, I figured maybe it lined up with the other HQ belts out there. I am betting a t300 also is a goer with this kind of thing.

    ok maybe I turned it off/ and if you turn it on, usually for the tx 0.07 felt pretty good without being too forgiving or too much a nuisance. The file says 1.0 and that is great too but 0.07 was the least without being a free pass while trying to be as fast/learn the new file settings.

    I will be turning it back on myself, not sure if others wanted it. I like the idea of having to go into the pits, swap drivers, change tyres and have it as a type of pressure to brake well. And the dynamics of it, soft tyres being worse off etc, the risk/reward of that aspect of it is very good.

    For cars I do not actually change too much these days. Merc gt1 for example at spa, front 180 rear 80 or 70 to give you that little bit of turn/rotation.

    Reiza f1 just down 3 clicks for front arb usually at laguna seca. gte don't really change.

    i used to run 90 as well and higher values, and might go back even for the gain only, I guess its flexible there but last minor patch allowed that to be lower.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  13. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Thanks. you mean Reiza v1.205 is bringing some more FFB tweak and don't need too that high in Gain? It hasn't reached me in Japan yet or Steam is messing around so I can not tell (was late to get v1.20 too.....)

    appreciate the clarification about Flat spot as well
  14. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hey not sure about that. During all I was doing I had turned it down to 85 just in case and the difference until final settings was that the center felt more notchy (for a belt right) than prior the patch, but the truth is you can set it to 90 or so, maybe even 100 as here it is basically no longer an issue, and then my former settings (and now probably existing) 80 lfb, 65 fx, 80 dampener. These are the same ones Stakanov set for a g29 or some such, and they work well on this type of wheel too.

    The tires feel better as they come to a stop or over a curb, there's a bit more power in the wheel, and the road feedback is better. Its how one might like the feedback through a pedal but through the wheel. So those were my original settings I had turned down. But they still work and is actually what I prefer.

    Most settings are separated from lfb/dampener or gain but not fully, so it was a precaution.
  15. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    So after a busy weekend with little opportunity until last night to explore muscle fuktor and the patched update, I found it tricky to get smooth but full centre and avoid oscillations . I was able to alter the smoothing a little to help , but was still getting unwanted vibes from somewhere.

    In the end i kept going back to the tried and true rFuktor 4.4 tune for my baseline and took one or two aspects from newer files and was quickly able to get back into the happy zone.
    I think the patch helped bring back what went missing after initial update.
    So for me , I think its just best to stick with what I have been running for a while now pre update. I also find it more responsive to tiny changes.

    So here is my rFuktor 4.4 for mid level belt wheels. The set up instructions are in the file as are suggested settings, it will always be in my signature
    I dont expect to change it unless there's another significant physics update. Its free to try and is only presented as an option , just like always.
    Users a welcome to private message me about it, if they feel intimated by the local town drunk.

    Your behavior has been utterly abysmal , You have been slagging me off with almost every post, making false claims and wildly inaccurate speculation about who I am and what I do and what ive done.
    So just so you know , Kuku ( pronounced Ku-ku ,not cook-coo ) comes from the name of my town , its not a reference to my state of mind , and my dog is a bit mad ..

    I work full time and spend 40hrs a week at least with a real car wheel in my hand , my basis of ffb has always been based on getting as close as i can to matching what i actually feel on a daily basis, with no pre conception of what ffb should be based off other sims.
    I have aslo driven thousands of cars and including countless high performance and luxury sports cars ranging from classic Porsche race cars to million dollar Bentleys and everything in between just about.

    I dont actully get much more than a couple or so hours each day to run sims, unless its terrible weather on a weekend as theres always a hundred things to do for the family and house.

    Tweaking these files has been a welcome hobby and distraction from the hard and stressful grind.
    Its been really interesting, and an engaging mental exersise .
    It started long before you come along with half arse understanding and I have only ever wanted to learn and help Karsten though being readily available to test his latest piece of hyper complex code, that nobody else can come up with, and pass on my findings.
    Thats all we have ever done.

    Though that experience of many conversations with karsten and other great enthusiastic users that have come and gone. It does enable me to answer basic questions from new users in a timely manner if its posted in my timezone while others a probably asleep, and people generally like to have a response while the are in the use of file.
    Also it serves me well as I get to find the best ffb I can possibly muster out of my budget minded gear.
    Which I Wont be upgrading anytime soon, as there isn't anything available in my neck of the woods that isnt expensive . anybody in my situation would want to get a CSL DD , but its not going to happen unless there's a big change in policy from fanatec, you totally missed that sarcasm .

    You also keep making reference to me wanting to feel more bumps etc, over and over again.. but if you actually understood the files and my consistent reference to reducing bump vibration out of my ffb you would know that the opposite is true.

    and lastly . how much of a hypocrite can you be ?, spending all weekend tuning and posting thoughts on the files.
    Seems like your a Class A fuktor hypocrite

    The most important thing to get your bully boy head around is that everyone is different and has different gear and tastes, there is NO right or wrong way ..

    You carry on like a Monkey at a zoo sucking his own willy, Nobody wanted to see it the first time, but its happening every bloody time we go to the Zoo..

    So maybe I might decide to stop going to the its gone downhill and feels a bit like race department ..But at least they have moderators... seems Reiza dont .

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  16. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Thanks for the work since the most ffb files going on either DD or g29/920 wheels.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi toMythto, its no problem glad to help out. You can also try the final version as it does a little bit extra - have never attacked the 24 hour Nords like I have with this file in the Porsche, its so on-point.

    Here is the final settings for a solid belt drive file, following on from my previous posts. Enjoy guys. Solid, and smooth - don't worry there's bumps just not the endless reams of bumps like people who think these cars drive on gravel or something. No oscillation, its not a concern of this file.

    Kuku, then spell it coo coo. No one with a name of craziness + mad dog (double crazy, which lets face it I also understand not everyone comes up with a great name i.e look at mine raceracerace) yeah... but no one as such brow beats me ok. You could have done this literally weeks ago. I am not sure you even drive a car. Funny how you suddenly turn up with a file and a town name after I put a little bit of pressure on you.

    Oh well, pressure>> diamonds or coal?

    Chill out, don't have an identity crisis - mate, you care too much so something is really off - look, no one on here can impact your life at all or the way you feel about yourself. Sheesh.

    Mate I didn't read any of that ok - you took a lot of pressure to get off your backside and make a proper file.

    Look - march into the place of work you think you work at and tell them in no uncertain terms something along the lines of you sticking up for yourself or something. You can't make amends with your father, or relatives or anything with me, sort them out.

    And please inform people that the reiza default-custom, which is regenerated when you delete the added custom file, is nearly as, if not a solid alternative, to these different custom files here. Its just different. I personally love the attacking and solid/firm feel of this file, its absolutely great.

    - and kuku... pal, you think I am a grade A f-wit... I'm actually a grade A people-pleaser. IF I thought you needed me to kiss ur butt I would have done it. I am offering this pretty amazing file, because the creator(s) of the file wanted people to do such things, not umm and ahh and too-and thro, self indulge and whatnot. Its debatable if you're even truly hurt, sounds like emotional blackmail actually. When it comes to files and output the GDP of custom files just doubled.

    You also like ultimatums. Just do it. You only get one believable bluff. I think you're an ok guy though just get really easily riled up online. They're a horrible negotiating tactic anyway. You always reacted badly mate. Umm self reflection?

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    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
  18. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Hi Raceracerace,

    after looking in you latest file i discovered you dont use the latest musclefactor anymore as an base? Is that correct?
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  19. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi yeah man that's correct. I don't mind the kiwi bird he just reacts badly back in the day. I'm using 4.5 experimental, him 4.4 so as we developed it in isolation I find it interesting we both arrived at the same conclusion but different ends. I like full driving pleasure and attacking the road it's already got enough bumps.

    So I had to revert it as I believe the older file, while not a whole lot different is somehow the better file after the minor update. I used both in testing this but the fact is the older file offers far less high speed bounce of the rack with how I'm altering it.

    I'm not trying to mix and match because I don't want to desync the scaling of the files, as it's already developed one standard deviation from reizas intention.

    I want it to be elegant. If it took too many options changed I would know it was wrong. The base is solid.

    You can rest assured that the changes in musclef.. for our purposes are minimal at best. When we get DD wheels it will probably be better, for example it is slightly more busy and expectant of detail belt wheels can be overwhelmed with, and for us, a worse center.

    An example is back straight at nords 24 hour. The old way the rack bouncing at 250kms is far more pliable to a grown man holding the wheel like in an onboard for example. The liveliness actually syncs in well with the tight center. And it's enough to not be too compliant.

    In considering that the new minor patch seems to poll faster. What this means is great news really as we can get more out of the old file than before. I'm not sure why reiza did it, except to know they use a different system, and elsewhere there's been talk of madness engine control methods from myself and others. Don't know enough about it, but if there was some limit they may have changed it.

    Prior to minor update and until this final file, I thought pre minor update was a better drive. I'm actually glad, even though deprecated as it is, the real progress in future, just saying, may be equipment upgrade. Already clued the kiwi bird into that fact. Hehe. But now I'm happy in the interim because this file pegs so much of the drivability and aggressive attacking driving style back. If reiza did their custom somehow with a firm center, we could use that. The two are very close. Their default just now is too bumpy for my tastes, hence the focus of smooth turns and strong center.

    The physics make up for so much now, we don't have to lean so heavy on the wonderful files. Plus like Kar.. says, they're solid underpinnings.

    Even though myself and the kiwi bird drew the same conclusions he believes the custom files are some complex puzzle box, and that if he just tries he can get this wonderful amount of detail out of it I wouldn't use his file. You of course can, but he believes cars should function as if they're driving over gravel. The 4.5 exp file does not need superseding as he also found out when it comes to belts. A distinction to make is that ddrives are the direction the file can grow a little more with... 5.0 is essentially a rework and even a condensing...

    Reiza will also by 6 month's or so be ahead of even my file for our wheels I believe.

    For now this is the most engaging i can make the driving without it being out of kilter and it's heaps of fun. When the ai race you hard it gets super enthralling. Reiza have done a heap of good work and this rack is actually very robust. 4.5 can do it. It's more fun than ACC but it drives like an improved AC. I'd like to think this is the Ams2 signature drive because it follows their way in these things
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  20. Cangrejo

    Cangrejo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Another user with t500rs happy with your setup. Could you tell me which parameter I should touch to notice more the loss of traction in acceleration in the ffb ?. I can't feel the traction losses on acceleration well on the AMS2 ffb
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