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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Just posted an updated file in post #2:

    Here too.
    Really appreciate your post for me @Peter Stefani, based on the first muscleFaktor.
    I hope to create a full muscleFaktor.zip file with that as well as other versions, potentially, @Stakanov @Kuku Maddog ?

    Attached Files:

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  2. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    You will man don't worry.

    Kuku tomorrow do yourself a favour. Drive a car for once.
  3. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Just tried this file and it feels great on my CSL Elite. I only tried the Porsche RSR, so it's far from an exhaustive test. The flexing sidewall type feeling when the car is under large lateral load is really nice (this is a new effect for me). Great work and thanks again. :)
  4. inthebagbud

    inthebagbud Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    what setting would affect this "flexing sidewall type feeling when the car is under large lateral load" as its the one thing i feel is missing on the DD2

  5. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Now at home ... i go to test ... ;)
  6. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    It would be "front_tyre_stretch_feel" and the same for rear.
    I hope it helps!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Guys, you are truly magical, because you have managed to consolidate something that had become a bit vague after the update 1.2 and that instead has now regained vigor, consistency and detail.
    With my cheap Logitech G920, i got off to an aggressive start with a gain of 100 (without clipping!!! :cool:).
    I put the DP (Power steering) at 90, but i just noticed that the steering were still a little too vague and light, so I went down first to 80 and then to 70 and BOOM :eek:.... the file has regained weight, detail, sense of rubber and also the sensitivity of the angle ... everything is in order, arranged without defects, without flickering. In short, it seems to me that everything is perfect. :)
    I only have to do the usual tweaks and the usual alignments to my taste ... it takes a little time to drive more cars, but I can only do the really compliments.
    Well done, well done, well done!!! ;)

    @Karsten Hvidberg & Co, i'm happy :)

    PS: Now after many test i use 100-80-65-55 … it’s wonderfull :)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
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  8. Dan Elyard

    Dan Elyard New Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Hi would you mind sharing your settings in game and on wheel, I’m on the CSW 2.5 after a lot of changes I could do with some good base settings
  9. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Is TS-PC Racer in the “very high end belt driven wheel” category?
  10. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    It's in the high end, so it could potentially work just fine. It would be interedting to hear the in-game settings you arrive at, you might be able to keep gain lower than 75%, which will give an ok non-compressed dynamic range, I think. Lfb you will have to feel your way, same for power-steering(by the damping slider).

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  11. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    In game:

    65/35/40/45 (occasionally I change these per car, but mostly just damping (power steering effect))

    On wheel:

    FEI 80
    Dri -2
    Sen Aut

    Everything else on wheel is default.
  12. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    @Dan Elyard,
    On a Csw you might need to go lower on the Lfb, possibly down to the 5-25 range.
  13. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi Drongo's. haha. Hi Karsten.

    - lets not forget a lot of people were driving round in cars without high downforce setups, they just tried to negate things - with this custom file (and in general with custom, now default more) the game makes it so you can use the f1 reiza at imola and feel the lift off when you drop the DRS system.

    As dev changes and paradigms shift glad the file is robust enough to endure. These settings do not 'replace default' so much as these settings help you better (as per the files and helpers instructions on the matter) make your wheel, a HQuality belt drive, more like a 'limp direct drive' with the pace of an attacking bass rift rather than an overly-limber and stretchy former gymnast.

    Guys, TX wheel and similar HQ belt drive wheels? Default needs to exist and gets iterative improvements. With this custom file you can scale and tweak higher 'customisation' of your specific wheel. I will show the values that should work since latest small patch. Default is now excellent and needs in built clipping for a variety of reasons, but customization because it can be specific, probably though its probably not exact same file, can be even better, as one may guess. And not as much clipping. Its not apples to apples, but I will show the settings to make a high quality belt drive blow you away - its a few extra settings DDrive development should not bog itself down with. In a comparative advantage kind of fashion. The tighter wheel will feel more real, the driving more aggressive, more AC-like but better, probably less clipping with higher forces as you only have to account for your specific wheel and yada yada lets get into it. But note its not miles beyond default as of last small update. Its preferential now rather than anything

    First off, default at 80 gain or 100 gain even for porsche gte does MOST if not all of this. Second, at 100 gain for f1 reiza for example the default file will do most of this (with clipping on gte at least), but not all in terms of that extra tightness but its so close (and its got to kinda feel like my steering wheel, which custom so did before minor patch update/after big patch update; tightness is paramount to the intrinsic driving feedback we do and on a direct drive one can get that better than on a belt like this high end belt TX base I will be going over) and to drive round Laguna on the custom then (like it is now) was hypnotic almost, and with gte/gt3 you could and still can on default (now since changes) and then on custom tackle the track with such aggression and verve, in the way you wanted to drive, like the Merc GT1 at Spa, really hammer the road like a panther or something it would surge and pounce, so cool, so I am currently using default to see and its very close, but latest updates make too many bumps. The custom is a lot smoother even though it also got more bumpy I think the default is more pointed, which is that aggressive attacking style of driving many want to do in a game, and the custom can be too but how its arranged here is more smooth/bendy rather than overly pointed.

    The whole process is iteration, and over time things become incorporated. Thus the quality of the custom and lately the default has always been/become apparent.

    My suggestion - use the default first and custom second - we don't get to see the contents of that default file, but with the above settings the default for porsche for example is superior/tighter more in line with AC, which is what most people drive anyway. The custom, virtually the same with my settings, is tighter in the center (or in different places on turns etc) but its exaggerated force where the real 'cream' of the change is (not that default is not fine), and reduction in LFB was needed to school-out the bumps in later iterations of the game.

    Then once you use the default, use a custom file like this. And decide which you like. This for me can be smoother, but its not exactly the same as default. I like it though, and it works for high downforce and low downforce.

    Overall result is very close but default is probably that little better and with what I was trying to go for - more attacking - which is much different to how it was last year where I had to drive defensively almost.

    * *** So kudos to all that! *** *

    On default AND CUSTOM you would leave gain at 100 perhaps and dampener at 100 and turn other things down to taste, to 50 and 50 I think is ideal. For f1 cars/high downforce its quite good. On GTE for example it is good. We will get at things with a scale.

    But I never tinkered with these custom files on purpose, until the latest game updates it did not need tightening in the center very much at all, and my suggestion would be to make it or default slightly "harder/crisper" for the belts in terms of downforce maybe. But default works for so many people now, across a wide preference, and in many intangible ways - that kind of turning softness/hardness is definitely better.

    IF you want to fiddle with the file, do it on musclefaktor updated. This has been the case since the .05 update to the 1.2 main update.

    Thus the settings in game for both custom and default and switching between them, are 100, 50, 50 100

    Too many bumps slaughter the belts, it does not have the fidelity, so better is the movement to aim for

    Default will do much the same as custom, but custom has a tighter center. Most notable on the high downforce cars.

    "Heads up for all tx -grade wheels (pssst... before we buy dd wheels in future... shhh)

    This is all settings to add for lower files, its chunky and rubbery, it grabs, it lets go, it bounces back always strong, its better than having it like a loose wheel. Its dynamic. Its a good file. Its probably closer to default than one thinks, but its ability is to customize that center combined with the other goodies in the custom file. Further explanation below.

    (limit_high_df 0.7) #Limits how stiff the steering becomes in high df cars. Range: 0.0-1.0. 0.0=most extreme high df possible, 1.0=limit high df as much as possible.

    If I was going to exaggerate the front end feel on high down force cars it would be minimal probably. And that value worked out to be 0.09.

    This works great actually now with all the changes. And default came a long way too. The fan car is going to join the rotation.

    But ultimately its not my thing to change files, its my thing to play the game. I am not needing to change any files or anything (just bring it in line).

    this comment is by no means me saying any change is necessary beyond of course that which we know will be changed like bugs


    Other tx grade wheel settings. (this is csl elite etc, anything with a quality belt; adjust for taste but settings are for consistency, none of that 'where's my bumps' nonsense - they're there, gain 90-100 [I use 100 with clipping as per below], lfb 80, fx 65, dampen 80)

    search a term in ffb_custom

    rack tighten 0.1 to 1.0 (tx wheel seems 1.0) // <- tighter wheels are better to experience the rubber, the center being firm is one of the major benefits of altering the file
    tighten falloff 0.3-0.9 (tx wheel, using 0.5 but note the tightness you want, latest version of game updates faster it seems the center values, higher fidelity, but this all no longer does as it did several days ago; the default file seems to govern this really good now) Will alleviate any funny business with above, the difference gives a nice little progressive feel but be sure you like the gap you make. .9 seems no troubles and how it was largely pre 0.05 game update [1.2 was fine]
    exaggerate front load feel 0.64 // <- Could be the most impactful change you make
    exaggerate front load feel DF 0.09 // <- You could always not use this
    flat spots 0.07 // <- this is very cool to have back and make use of the extra smooth turns now
    (limit_high_df 0.7) There is room in the turning to have this on again. 1.0 is the default, .7 is an increase. And it is worth it on a tx wheel at least. It really does stiffen up that steering and makes it pin point-accuracy for you
    (Center_relax 0.3) # this was actually 0.1 or something, and your wheel may vary, but if things get too jittery this setting could provide relief. The tightness of the center as to the control of steering, being what was lacking but would have been set up in default from reiza should be the highest priority. Use this to help out in small increments. Prior to .05 patch, extra sensitivity added maybe, this was not used
    (Center full 0.1) this is for old 4.5 files but on new musclefaktor you do not need to change this setting usually for a belt. was 0.2 but this will reduce knocks seemingly.

    The game file after the update is unfortunately too jittery for minute bumps, but the above should do enough

    On low down force, like gte, the steering functions really well, owing to the front wheel exageration of 0.44 and you may wish to increase or decrease that. As the game goes on, we don't know, it may become not as warranted to use as things adjust in the model.

    - Now, importantly - IF you think gees man why would you do that (high DF load) as in you think the downforce is enough resistance like I have done then take limit_high_down force up to 1.0 to return it to how it was. I can in fact drive with 32 or 40 DF, so its not a big deal. If you want more, remember 0.3 is a good level and closer to 0 means higher [its a limiter/less limiting]

    The latest patch means you must close down the game now to change values it would seem.

    - Just on that - restart session and have a go. Realize as you turn and back off your turn and speed you can feel the change in resistance as in less air pushing.

    Maybe the default does a lot like this, but I assume this above makes it outside the range a little with things like ARB feel etc, a 14 becomes 15 for example, or some such. The game would soon lose its reference point with daily changes and I do not change these files much myself. No need. But these little extra's make a lot of difference. It gives a TX wheel base that little nudge if other forces are overwhelming this prior - then all these things are emphasized a little bit more on-demand. Its good. Still smooth, still consistent.

    camera>configuration ---- > on, 35-60 (I use 35 and above for more bumps and risk/reward), yes, 40, yes, no, 20, 75, 75 (75's you can change them if you like) If you induce you know - vomiting or something or you use VR, then don't use them. Some of you like lap times more (so many bumps I suck), and I can respect that.

    If I am not mistaken then applying the rack settings in the original Musclefaktor file and not the update will give a smoother drivein terms of bumps you may or may not feel your wheel is good at with detail, etc. Its up to you. To save simply editing and turning them down. Its a good baseline the former file.

    In any event you will want your steering deadzone at 0, your throttle sensitivity probably 30, brake 35 or something similar.

    - So what cars highlight this file best?

    All of them. But in particular. F1 reiza at laguna seca, smooth and sweeping, hypnotizing, rugged and rough. Porsche at Nords 24 hour. Hoooowwwlly cra8p. Anything at Londrina and Brands Hatch, and Corvette with fitting/flighty and squatting setup at Virginia. Notably as well, the Merc GT1 at Spa. Get ready to tear that thing up, such aggression. (Just think guys, 6 Nm is about 44% as per the line, of a semi decent d-drive) I did nt pull these number out my...

    No clipping unless extreme circumstance such as a crash and spin, lots of feel. Great work remember to take breaks early - and often.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
  14. Dan Elyard

    Dan Elyard New Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Great thanks when you say everything else on the wheel is default are you still running full spring and damper? Or are they both off?
  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Guys I continue to have excellent sensations in the use of this last file … when it is final I will publish currently settings … I am undecided only on which to value but surely this will be the range for my G920 or Logitech base:
    GAIN 90-100
    LFB 70-80
    FX 65-55
    DP 65-55
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  16. Dan Elyard

    Dan Elyard New Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Hi I am so very confused, all the fx people are talking about like tyre flex scrubbing I just don’t feel at all. I have tried all the recommended settings, I have lowered lfb down to 5 and then increased by 2 each time till I hit 30 and it just feels worse. I have also tried increasing FX in the file for example “scrub_scale” I put this up to 2.0 and with huge slides still feels smooth as glass. Same thing with flat spots they don’t come through at all even if increased.

    At the moment I’m using muscleFuktor updated with no edits

    On wheel
    Ffb 100
    Dri -2
    Fei 80
    For 100
    Spr off
    Dpr off
  17. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    That sounds really weird.
    Maybe somehow the file is not copied correctly or custom is not selected?
  18. Dan Elyard

    Dan Elyard New Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I’ve had this with all the 4. files I think. The only success I’ve had is with 3.1
  19. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    this'll be good
  20. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I’d suggest deleting / renaming the ams2 folder in documents. It’s a bit of a pain, but it’s worked for me a few times. You can keep the graphicsconfig and custom ffb file (& triple screen if you have it).

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