Automobilista 2 V1.2.3.0 RELEASED - Now updated to V1.2.3.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I think he is bowing out of telling us that cars that we enjoy driving look floaty and understeery.:)
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  2. Billy Blaze

    Billy Blaze Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    And the better overall/more consistent quality of tracks.
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  3. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    For me personally, no. I almost never race online, last time was when I still had an iRacing sub, probably 2018 :) Time trials and AI races is where it is for me.
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  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I agree. I think Reiza will eventually get there.

    Besides, I sincerely believe AMS2 will become much more popular once the MPRS/scheduled races feature is implemented. I see no other sim with such a huge potential, I can't stress enough how great the dynamic weather and live track features are! We only need to add the competition to it now.

    iRacing is promising rain weather in the future. I can already see people going crazy over it, tons of streams on Twitch with rainy weather as if that feature was a true novelty, when in fact we already have top notch rain with AMS2. We are just lacking the competition.
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  5. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    You sure this isn't intentional? It only slips when changing aggressively fast, this old girl didn't have the greatest technology for its time. If you slow it down just a bit on the clutch release it doesn't slip at all.
    I don't know, just something I've experienced irl in many cars....although as I said in the beta early after release of these cars, the cars I had that did this type of thing didn't have that clutch for long after I slipped it, it would become a very common thing once the clutch plate got glossy.

    If it is an intentional feature added I hope Reiza don't "fix" it because a few don't like it or won't change their driving style for certain cars.
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  6. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    All you need to do to resolve this issue is go drive some utterly trash car like the Ferrari
    488 Challenge in PC2 and come to the conclusion that no car in the history of AMS2 has driven so badly and unrealistically.
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  7. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    If you can't get your profile deleted you can always just not come back ;) that isn't a hard thing to do and I'm sure your ignored posts will be missed :p

    Edit: It appears i have the wrong person here and my comment is misplaced! I apologize to @Sunscreen as i have made an error. Your name triggered a memory of a forum member who was rather toxic and negative to AMS2 and Reiza (i don't know who it was now, but your name has something that reminded me of that person)
    Saying this, i still don't see the need to delete ones account simply because you don't like the game ATM, just have a break and come back from time to time to see how things have progressed, but if you want your account deleted i'm sure that could happen also.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
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  8. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Nah we are either to dumb or blinded by pure devotion to Reiza or maybe we do point all the same problems as you do but Reiza either don't see our posts or just haven't been able to address them.
    Every update its the same thing from people on this forum, do you really thing backers don't see or report issues just like you do?
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  9. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    True.. And yet that will happen in 2022 some 14 years after iracing initial release on a platform that racks up millions every month... Just saying...
  10. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Weather in MP is and will always be something special. 98% of the people will quit when it starts to pour because they can't keep the car on track. It might be in leagues people have a different mindset because there's a reward or so. For SP is hella fun.

    By the way I still believe Reiza is one of the topnotch and honest companies. I can feel the passion. It's similar during the Paul Coleman-era with Dirt Rally. It's soo good. Everything you can think will eventually be in the sim. There's cohesion, there's passion. Ofcourse things need to be fixed, finetuned and all that, but in 2025 will look back at AMS 2 and be like: 'Phew, what a ride'
    • Agree Agree x 5
  11. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I personally have no interest in multiplayer.
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  12. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Extremely important to me, I am only playing multiplayer and time trial.
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  13. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    It was a direct Question ref the update notes +somebody mentioned diff clutches instead of transmission.
    Intentional? unknown. only car effected ?probably. Certainly so far this end so probably not intentional.
    . ESp as with yourself today lol at 2am ish I had auto clutch on apart from on grid, where to get the car going a lot of slip is req manually. Yes can be fine with a little delay. On auto clutch 3rd and 4th most of the way down Imola straight?? I think a valid question, and valid report of such by others that drove it sat/sun.
    Edit @SoliderScissors Multiplayer only this end apart from testing so 90-95 %mlty
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
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  14. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Haven't tried multiplayer yet, actually.
    Mostly I play and enjoy Time Trials to get to know the various cars and tracks. Occasionally I do a race with the AI.
    I see this game very much as a work in progress, and as I'm getting on age-wise, I'm probably a bit more patient than many, so I'll happily play TT for another year or so before I reckon the game is mature enough to start exploring multiplayer :)
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  15. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I hope it isnt. Ive driven lots of these and lots of old cars. None of them slip the clutch when driving them hard. If they drove like that irl the clutch wouldnt last a week.
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  16. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    To me, MP is very important. Other than testing, the occasional time trial, and just goofing off, 90% of my time in AMS2 is multiplayer. Racing actual people gives you more experience in racecraft and what situations to take advantage of or avoid. AI is fairly predictable and too easy (in my experience) to overtake.

    As for the multiplayer rating system, I'm not really sure on how I feel yet. I raced a good bit in iRacing and Pcars2 and it got really frustrating having 2-4 good races ruined by a salty backmarker who doesn't care anymore. A safety rating system might sift out the rammers, but the numbers are low enough that it could hurt player count. What I would love to see if we get a competitive rating system, is daily/hourly official races.

    Also, I know this probably isn't a thing yet because of spammers or malicious links, but link/discord sharing needs to be a thing. It would help with building communities and scheduled races.

    For the C3R, I believe it's on a harder tyre compound than the Porsche. I'm guessing this was to balance them out, though the Corvette is a few seconds slower on most tracks in my testing. Also, it is nearly an extra 50% heavier than the RSR with a much higher center of gravity. It definitely is lacking front-end grip, but some of the setup choices are probably to compensate with how much power it has on exit. I found I could get away with moving the brake bias pretty far rearward, but it's definitely not as nimble as the RSR (which it shouldn't be).

    The street C3 is a thing of beauty. It still has similar characteristics to the C3R, but it's much more manageable. It requires a very different driving style, but it feels fairly neutral in regard to understeer/oversteer. If anything, you can get away with massive slides in lower speed corners and it still is fairly fast.

    With that said, it completely broke the 60's touring class. The Mini and the poor Lotus 23 (which already struggled in single-lap pace) are left behind. Hopefully, we see more cars in this class. I'm really holding out for a 60's Porsche 912, Camaro, or even more optimistic, an Alfa Giulia. I've been a huge fan of the TCL mods for Assetto Corsa, but nobody ever races online. Pcars2's Vintage touring classes were some of my favorites with the Escort 1600, Camaro, Jag, etc.

    I don't use auto-clutch, but the clutch slippage issue only seems to be a problem with the C3R. Not sure if it's a bug or a result of the type of clutch it had. It's fairly easy to drive around anyway and the clutch seems to respond better on downshifts. The normal "street" C3 doesn't seem to have that problem.

    On the topic of auto clutch bugs, there are a few cars that are mislabeled as sequential or H-pattern in the menu. I know one of the Caterham's is mislabeled for sure and a few of the Formula Classics are as well. I know a few cars that are sequential also require manual throttle blips, and it would be nice to know in the car selection menu.

    100% agreed! I was there for the early DiRT Rally 1 days and AMS2 feels very similar. Honestly, I feel like Reiza has listened more than even Codies did during DR1's development. AMS2 is way better now than it was back when it launched, and we still have a long way to go before they're finished with it.
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  17. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I can also not see how a rating system could make MP any better. IN fact I was very happy that AMS2 did not have such a chore. That's also why I still prefer AC over all the other Sims.

    What is the main problem.... you have to play in MP to get a rating, but, to have at last 10 random players you will need to turn the minimum rating down, But... in turn 3 your rating will also go down, because you have made fender to fender contact with 5 out of that 10.

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  18. Split Second

    Split Second Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I don't know if it is a genuine question but here goes.
    Automobilista 2 has always interested me. But the things that I mentioned were a sticking point for me (along with the other things I have said throughout the time).
    Now Renato has said some time ago that things are more settled on the physics side and that those that don't like it, that it never will be a sim for them.
    Now that time goes on there are still many things that changed. That's why I asked if people are happy with the physics and asked if they had the same perception like me.
    I got an answer that for him the physics are fine, and assume for most of them.
    So that means that I am in the minority of the people who see it that way. Maybe I am sensitive to that.
    So I then don't expect too many drastic changes in the physics. At least not for the things I am sensitive about. And that is fine if you guys are satisfied.
    So with bowing out I mean that I will not post here anymore because the sim will not evolve into something I would buy. And I don't want to bother you all anymore if I am one of the few that see it that way.
    But I certainly wish them all the luck in their progress and I wish you and all the players great experiences. I hope I am clear now.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I did say that :whistle:
    I've not owned a newer car of this age, all mine were old and had many years use.
    I guess you are right seeing as this would be a representation of a new car and not a worn tired one like I would have driven.
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  20. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Was that 2am for you? :eek: I didn't even think of that as it was mid morning for me :p
    I don't get any slip once it is engaged, are you getting slip driving down the straights while in gear?
    I've not tried auto clutch but with manual clutch it only slips for me if I dump the clutch in all gears but if I treat it with a little respect it is fine.
    Probably wrong for what would be a new car though so will I'm sure be fixed.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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