Automobilista 2 V1.3.3.0 RELEASED - Now updated to V1.3.3.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Super Nova

    Super Nova Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Of all the sims I know I have never seen a quality AI. It's development heavy whereas good multiplayer is more appreciated
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  2. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Appreciated by you maybe, so its an interesting opinion which I happen to disagree with. I like the ai in some other sims and I actually appreciate that the ai in AMS2 is highly functional to a large degree. For me personally (and I would never speak for anyone else but myself) its really that final few percent that makes or breaks greatness (as in so many things).
    AMS2 is fortunate in that so many other areas of the sim are standout superior to other sims. Its good out of the box, VR is excellent, the tracks etc are good, ffb good etc etc. It has the potential to be the standout sim for cost applied in my opinion, and so one tries to nudge it along.
    I also wouldnt want to dismiss the single player offline user base with such a broad brush (partly because Im one of those people but also because its all revenue). The end goal of a class beating ai is within reach I think, despite the design philosophy of player versus ai physics (which is always going to be a thing for the average user with the average pc to be factored in to the sim design process). A pure offline racing sim must exist surely, if there is a market for it. Even iracing has gone down the route of developing an offline single player capability.. food for thought perhaps?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
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  3. Super Nova

    Super Nova Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I'm not speaking for others it's just the reality unless you live in the 2000s. iracing has the most players for multiplayer not AI. Most youtubers stream multiplayer this is the most interesting. But I'm like you I would like a quality AI but it's not the case. The biggest defect of the AI is the variation of rhythm in the turns, either surrealist, or too slow. Then they never defend an attack. And rarely make mistakes and use the same line all the time.
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  4. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Yeah, I agree, I race almost only online, but that's because I haven't found any AI in any racing game so far being even remotely close to be believable as another human racing. And I am not saying that developers are not trying enough, it's just that it's (still) extremely difficult to do a realistic AI with today's user machines. But if someone manages to do it well enough, I will certainly do a lot more offline racing than I'm doing now.

    Edit: Among all sims, at least the last time I tried them all, a couple years ago, AMS1 was the only one that was coming a bit close. But still, even in AMS1 the AI has too much variation in speed from corner to corner. And I get it that real drivers have corners when they are better or worse than others, but in sims it's that all their AIs are slower/faster in the same corners...
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
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  5. Super Nova

    Super Nova Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    AI is the most interesting thing for the future in all areas but it has been completely forgotten in video games for 15 years with the advent of multiplayer. I still play Race07 and find the AI to be similar to or even better than recent games. Same for FPS since the game Fear where the AI could bypass you I only see stupid HP bags. Gran turismo takes a turn with a more developed AI I hope the Sim will follow
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  6. Carlosfr

    Carlosfr New Member

    Mar 21, 2021
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    hello, I prefer that a greater effort be made to improve the AI, but without neglecting the multiplayer mode, I say this because most of the time when I play multiplayer in the first corner they kick you out, if I want to finish the race I have to qualify poorly or not to qualify to get out of the last, the AI depends on Reiza but a good experience in multiplayer mode depends more on us, the runners.
    Greetings and sorry for the English (google translator ).
  7. Super Nova

    Super Nova Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I think the mistake most Sims make is having an AI setting. Having an AI with a single setting on 3/4 difficulties would be easier for the developer to set up each track and would be easier for the player too. Easy Normal Hard and Senna. Specially for career mode with championships predefined by the developer which could implement scenarios for more immersion. These are ideas that I think require less development on the AI while being more realistic for the player
    • Disagree Disagree x 7
  8. Super Nova

    Super Nova Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Most players waste time setting an AI to their levels. It's up to the player to adapt to the difficulty of a game. I'm comfortable in Normal, I'm trying to improve myself to pass the difficulty above. Again this would be particularly interesting for championships or careers because the developer could well configure the AI for each tracks and cars
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
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  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im following this AI discussion with some divided interrest.
    Divided because I cant really take todays scripted or rule based Artificial (un)Intelligent AIs serious.
    Im not patronizing those who proudly talks about how hard a "race" they recently had against some of these scripted bots - but until there does evolve some really intelligent bots I solely use AMS2 to drive against the human ghosts on the TT LBs.

    And I dont use time on the MP in AMS2 because
    1. its non existent in the high powered modern formula cars I prefer
    2. and the few MP races I have sticked my foot in have been occupied by wreckers and people behavoring like they are 5 years old. No skills and driving with spoiled boys aggression.:rolleyes:

    ByTheWay: Something I maybe could be found of conserning this AI thing is if the neural network based intelligence could evolve to something that felt like proper creative human drivers.
    Just like at least the hype about the AI in MotoGPs ANNA promised.;)
    Because the hype talked about how the neural network in the learning process sometimes invented solutions fully according/following what is allowed on a track - which human drivers never (or seldom) would figure out themselves.;)
  10. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Public lobbies are (most of the time) as frustrating as any AI racing.

    The real greatness of sim racing is achieved through leagues mainly or some sort of official races like iRacing does. AI development to the general sim racing public is still years behind what it can really do.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    With the start of the 2022 season of StockCar, will the next update come with the new liveries?

    Attached Files:

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  12. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Over the last few days I got frustrated enough to go back and give rf2 a go, thinking to give AMS2 a rest for a few months, and although rf2 has good ai and a nice tactile ffb, the graphics are looking so dated now in VR that it was just a depressing experience, and lets not mention loading times etc. AMS2 just pulls me back again and again with its easy to use functionality, great visuals and so on. So as the ai was the only thing really providing dissatisfaction I thought I'd try the ai customisation opportunities which up till now seemed a bit complicated to me. Well Im glad I persevered because its quite a powerful tool that we've been given as Im sure those already far ahead of the game here will attest. I only tried adjusting the ai for the stockcarV8 2021 and aside from having driver names match liveries (which of course is nice), Im now seeing the characteristics Im trying to adjust and bring out appearing on track. I exaggerated the differences between drivers to see what happens and its really impressive. Its given me the confidence to really drill in and see what kind of racing I can create, hopefully create the kind of races Im after, and can already really appreciate the huge potential based on car class.
    If you haven't already I recommend giving it a go. @Tarmac Terrorist this might be a good topic for a video.
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  13. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Congrats... now they are as good as Lousano Paulista... still behind Portuguesa, Ponte Preta and Nacional-SP huehuehueporkuporku!
  14. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I have a 3d world ping and Mp is not an option. Also i have a complicated life and i can't stand Mp obligations an drama:
    - Oh my goood you have push me on that corner, i'm ruining you Ams 2 life, where is youtubeeee, i have all on Replaaay..
    - i have shiity ping, sorry.
    - noo, you are a wrekleer, you nasty soul crusher mastermind..

    Only TT and IA for me.
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  15. Xela1


    Jul 2, 2020
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    Don t know why you (all) dissatisfied with the AMS2-AI. Am I out of time? AC and ACC AI is boring like F1. Also in AC+CSP+SOL you can t adjust the AI with all the good and bad mods. Racing with the (mod) GT3 field is impossible and frustrating. THIS is the main reason a swapped to AMS2
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  16. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    And to add to this... the MPRS has made it even harder to find a suitable lobby in my limited time window between Job, kids and household. Some Jokers recently began to host A rated lobbies.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
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  17. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Because AI is very dependant on how well it is calibrated for track, class and car in AMS2, which gives a highly varying experience.
    I mainly bought AMS2 for the GT1 class and it's AI is terrible to be honest. They can't overtake, the performance differences between AI are gigantic and highly track dependant. I tried balancing it with the custom AI files where the fastest Mercs are at 0.75, the fastest McLaren at 0.91 and the fastest Porsches are at 1.00 and there are some tracks where I get a niced mixed field and on others the fastest Porsche is on P8 or P10. And it is not a car problem but an AI problem, as in multiplayer races the Porsche is generally the fastest, the Merc a close 2nd and the McLaren is far slower.

    Meanwhile in ACC and F1 you generally get a consistent experience with some outliners here and there. You can start a race on your standard difficulty and expect to have a somewhat close race.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
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  18. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I too have experienced some weird AI performance in the past. Havent tried it now, but I battled Formula Retro Gen1 cars at Intelagos historic. I would go almost toe to toe with them in the twisty bits and then blow past 5 cars in the straight with the default setup. It was a bit unsatisfying.
  19. Xela1


    Jul 2, 2020
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    @br1x92 „E92“ GT2 would be a better avatar. <- side note
    So coming back to AI stuff: I can not replicate you re AI madness, maybe I m more tolerant to this. ACC is strange in many ways - -> with a 5k € rig I guess I would have fun in ACC
  20. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Just do an AI race with 21 GT1 cars at 95 strength on Kansai. If you do qualifying, the fastest Porsche will be 6th or lower, most of the Porsches will be in the last third while at least 3 of the first 6 will be Mercedes. Then do the same on Spa, Hockenheim, Jerez, Nürburgring, some will have even bigger differences, some will have a bit lower differences. If you don't do qualifying, quit out of the race immediatly and watch, there will be groups of cars cluttering up everywhere as even though the Mercs are so much faster than the Porsches, they will very rarely be able to overtake as they will just weave around and lose the overshoot from slipstream until they can't overtake anymore. Only on very rare occasions they will make a pass by somehow still squeezing through with a lot of contact or when a 3rd car gets involved.

    Weird sidenote: Most AI cars qualifying time will also have the same last digit for some reason, like at least 8 or 9 out 21 every single time. No idea what that is about.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
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