
Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Race4Fun, May 23, 2022.

  1. Race4Fun

    Race4Fun New Member

    May 23, 2022
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    I would like to know how the team works and how they prioritize in this issues.
    There are more than 38 pages of AI reports and i havent seen a single "is fixed" from Reiza.
    Can someone from the team explain how they are working on this aspect? Many people post bugs and i hope im wrong but i dont see much movement from the devs. Those 38 pages at some point were visited by the team? Can at least open a topic to know which of them were fixed?
    Not only on AI topic. Example: Car/camera shaking standing in pits, this has been happening for as long as i can remember...I have to report something so obvious? Is it already reported? I have to read 38 pages to know if already posted? They plan to fix it? When?
    Sorry but too much bugs is killing the experience.
  2. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Maybe you should read the changelogs of every update too. Then you would see, that some bugs have been fixed... :D
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. stlutz

    stlutz Active Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    The bug/AI threads are simply a convenient way for Reiza and us to record things in a common place. Obviously the forum is not their actual bug tracking system, so to the extent that an issue can be replicated by their testers, then they would create a bug in their actual bug-tracking system.

    I figure the forum is sometimes a way for them to learn about issues they might not know about but also what is actually giving people the most grief day to day. I do a lot of single player racing so I'm generally not too shy about reporting AI issues even though I think they are likely aware of the issues I report and despite that fact that I quite like the AMS2 AI overall.

    At the end of the day this is a not-very-expensive computer game--one should have reasonable expectation on whether a developer would "report back" to a specific user that his issue has been addressed.

    AMS2 is the only sim racing game with regular monthly updates. It's simply not the case that there is "not any movement". If they announce that April was the last update for the rest of the year, well then I'll get more concerned. :)
  4. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    ...that doesn't sound in the least bit arrogant or nosey.

    Read the developer release posts.
    Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements
  5. Race4Fun

    Race4Fun New Member

    May 23, 2022
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    I follow the project from the shadows since it was born. Im just saying that there are many fundamental errors that have been around since day 1 (2 years ago and more than 5 years if you count bugs present in project cars 2) and more and more are being added. My question is what is the plan. It is not enough to update every 1 month. This needs a massive bug fix update, at least weekly. It is useless to add content when the core of the game has so many errors. But its just my point of view. No hater here, just dissatisfied customer.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I guess i lucked out, I was warned that this game is basically Brazilian pcars 2 before I bought it so i went into it expecting bugs and bad decisions. The game can be dumb and annoying on occasion but I've been pleasantly surprised at the progress personally. I can see where you're coming from though. The vast majority of bug posts get ignored by administration but they will reply to a lot of asinine posts. It can feel unfair when the admins will argue with people that say nonsense but ignore people genuinely reporting problems or asking for help. Probably a lack of a response doesn't mean they don't read it though. I would suggest if the game is unplayable for you, find a new title. A lot of people spent many years hoping pcars 2 would be improved but they just cashed out on the dlc and abandoned it to make a sequel. This is how games are these days. It's a business after all. It's not worth the stress to want it to be something it's not my friend. Find a new game and check back in a while to see whats changed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    AMS2 is still in development. In the older days I'd call it early access even now and if you treat it as such it's all of a sudden a very promising title.

    I get that it takes a lot of investment to complete the game, hence they are nearly always released way before they are completed or taken out of early access too early so the company behind doesn't go bust. That's sadly the reality, especially for smaller studios.

    So treating it as early access just helps managing my own expectations :)
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  8. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    This is so true of gaming and, more specifically, game development nowadays. For those of us old enough to remember gaming in the 80s and 90s when a game had to be fully developed when they were released and we got demos on cassettes and cd-roms attached to our gaming magazines it can all seem a bit of a swizz.

    However, a positive way to look at it is that, with the right developer, you actually have an opportunity to be involved in change. From the lower end such as providing the communities voice on what needs attention soonest to (and I’m looking at @steelreserv and his friends particularly here) actually helping to develop the game in a really meaningful way (although it should be said for this to happen you need to show on a regular and consistent basis that you have something worthwhile to offer.)

    Despite my age and my ever increasing resistance to change :)D) I think the fact we can update games with simple downloads, that a game now doesn’t ever actually have to be “finished” is an amazing opportunity for continued improvement and additional features. A CD-Rom with a ‘this is what you get’ product seems so antiquated and stifling now.

    I’m delighted with the updates we get and look forward to the incremental improvements even though occasionally there may seem to be a backward step.
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  9. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Lol no. PC games of the 90s could be buggy as hell, you had to dial into a BBS to download patches to make games playable. Grand Prix Legends 1.0 was totally undriveable because the default setups kept bottoming out. In some cases you had to buy a full-price expansion just to get a full working game. At least Steam has made bugfixes mostly painless.
  10. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Ha - you obviously had an internet connection long before I did:)

    I wasn't saying they were perfect on release, just that what you got was 'all you got'....at least before the internet came along (or maybe I just missed out on updates via more cassettes and roms?!

    "At least Steam has made bugfixes mostly painless" - that is pretty much what I was trying to say, maybe I waffle too much:)
  11. Race4Fun

    Race4Fun New Member

    May 23, 2022
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    I agree with all you say guys, its a small team. I know that.
    But lets be realistic. The bugs report has 188 pages (20 bugs per page +/-) lets suppose that 2 pages are solved per month (40 bugs). We are talking about solving these errors would take about 10 years or so if they were to be solved. What about implementing new features? 2 more years? Plus the new bugs that are generated, plus the AI bugs, new content... ok guys, see you in 2028-2030 season. Unreal engine 8 will be around the corner and technology will defy reality.
    New people will never join and will never be taken seriously. Thats sad.
    I wish all the best to the project and i hope one day they achieve all their goals.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    As a gamer in the 80s and 90s myself, I agree with you.

    What I think would be good to implement by game devs in this age of continually evolving titles is a way to let users know the current state of the bugs and problems reported. A sort of a general bugtracking list so any user can review to see if a particular bug he's experiencing was aknlowdedged by the dev team, and its current state in the solving process (if it's a feature instead of a bug, if solved, which patch, an estimated build or date to be solved, etc.)

    MSFS 2020 devs has something like that posted on their forums, so the community can track reported problems the title has, and know if the team is working (or not) on a particular bug.

    I understand I can't compare Asobo and MS almost infinite resources with a small team as Reiza in this case, but anyway, in my opinion, a bug track list as described needs to be almost mandatory in any project which is actively developed "on the fly" and trying to get feedback from its user base.

    Just my 2 cents on the matter.


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