Automobilista 2 V1.3.8.1 Oficially Released - Now Updated to V1.3.8.3

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Thank the internal team :p
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  2. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    beta and main
    Tried it here online with another and 10 ai 100/100 car feels fine and not like a hoverslidy craft / default but abs/tc off. for a gt4 felt good with wizardry oiff
    Bathurst and Brasilia (also adjusted fov from 3 levels car feels the same to me.
    and I mean feeling what its doing grip wise. literally.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  3. Rocco Thamm

    Rocco Thamm Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Unfortunately user Andy did not put his hardware/gear specs in the signature, as it is recommended in the guidelines. This makes it hard to give any pinpointed advice, as the individual experience is highly depending upon used equipment and (custom) ffb settings.
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  4. Andy Sperber

    Andy Sperber Member

    Nov 14, 2020
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    Feedback after doing the following: (gear Thrusmaster T300RS GT & Fanatec CLS DD wheelbase with different wheels)
    - Clean reinstall of AMS2
    - Reconfigure the Sim again ;)
    - Test Drive Nürburgring GP with GT4 Porsche
    - reset car setup to default
    - practice around 2 hrs and setting the car up to my needs

    I must say reinstalling and turning the tire way scrub-noise down (one thing that leads me to the "sliding" thing, too) solves nearl everything for me.
    I had a perfect, joyfull experience and the car is under perfect control with some reiza extra flavours which are -my thoughts now- fantastic. The car is very lively in a good way if you want to and drives like a scalpel otherwise when it needs to. I have no RL comparision but i think that is how a car/sim should feel. I compared some YT content of that Porsche GT4 to the Sim onboard footage postet here today and it´s sooooo close to reality. wow. Finally i can enjoy the Sim again. And yes turning down the tire noise sometimes is half the business and then a fresh install and the magic happens. I must leave the forum now i got some cars to race at Nürburgring to fall in love again even harder. See you the next days (if i ever give the wheel out of my hand). :hurrayreiza:

    PS wanna test some movement things now onboard (head etc. )
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  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    The message I was replying to had nothing to do with any particular update. This is a general finding that changes to FOV could affect perception of yaw in the car (the physics do not change when we adjust FOV, just our perceptions).
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  6. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Sorry, replied to the wrong post.

    In the update? Didn't test it in that build but also didn't expect anything to be changed in that regard as it is not mentioned in the update notes. Will give it a try for sure.
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  7. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yeah, it should be in already with, indeed the patch notes are missing it.
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  8. Spie

    Spie Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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    I've found deleting the custom ffb text file to help if FFB is feeling off. I had an issue where beta and normal felt different ffb in a like for like test. Deleting the cusom ffb text file fixed it. Its like even though i had it on default it was reading the custom file.

    FYI if this doesnt make sense it may be due to the painkillers im on :confused:
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  9. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I have to say AI has improved massively. Multi class using the P1 through to P3 cars around Daytona, the P1 cars are getting a lot lot better at passing P3 cars now. They do still have that annoying pack and cluster racing thing happening and each race there will be a lead group of two to four cars but you can see it’s improved.
    They still don’t defend at either of the big horseshoe’s and leave the door wide open for me each lap, which is the common theme with this AI, they are very predictable.
    But I do love how now if you over take them, they don’t get depressed anymore and not fight back, they will attack you back especially at the bus stop chicane and T1, which is awesome, because it adds tension knowing they will attack you.
    The P cars are my favourite in this sim P1 through P4 all variants, I absolutely love them!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  10. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Its a shame but true still. Probably still many that are not happy or stopped playing,& bad reviews. believing the sim is poor because their end things are not quite right, explains sometimes opposite impressions.(and some discussion disagreements in threads) The Install/setup/steam files/windows updates/hardware updates, etc all sorts of background 'pc' stuff can effect 'impressions and opinion'
    Did all your stats and ratings return to default?

    I never tried the car until reading your post then testing yesterday. (car was fine imo)
    Very glad to hear its good for you again and you did not give up, your feedback and posts will help others to give it/sim a retry and dig deeper to find the route to dissatisfied impressions.
    Have fun.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  11. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    This is something that Reiza really should resolve. If a car has new physics and requires a setup update, then reset the setup to default and delete all deprecated setups as part of the updating process.
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  12. WarmRed

    WarmRed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    yes exactly, why they do not deposit this automatically in the update is also a mystery to me
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  13. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Agree here.
    + I do not trust pc's in general, windows does wierd sh-t in the backround almost every update I also dont 100%trust steam. Every update here as a matter of course/procedure, I then close steam restart pc, when it (pc) then reinitialize the system/scripts. Prior to this starting ams2 after update and just pressing play (without restart of steam and pc) my settings were oddly and sometimes stuffed (like auto clutch changing from session to session and other game settings.

    (This has all been discussed many times over 2 years but auto reset would be 1st place to start! especially for non forum readers and non readers of steam Reiza updates)
    'plug n play' users of which there are many.
    Its a 'Plug n Play' world these days.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  14. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Nothing specific to this version of the game, I was just wondering if there are plans for more than 2 minutes worth of replay in test day mode? I don't need the whole session, but in slower cars, 2 minutes sometimes doesn't even cover a sinlge whole lap to look at, and it would be nice for lap analysis. 10-15 minutes would be enough I think.
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  15. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I also had some brake locking issues, changing the default 90% (lots of cars seem to have this as default now) to 95% seems to solve it, I have the idea it gives me more control and it results in less brake locking, for me.
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  16. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Imo if people constantly need to delete files and reset things for the game to work properly obviously something is not right and needs improvement. I have many games and only very few of them require me to constantly reset things and delete files, AMS2 is one of them, and that's the reason I gave up on creating new setups for the cars. Deleting all my custom setups and resetting setup to default every single time I start a session made things better. However my time is limited and imo at the moment there's no reason to spend my limited time creating a nice custom setup if there's a risk that the next update will change everything and I'll have to delete my setups, reset everything and start from scratch all over again.
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  17. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Limited time yes! same here and others

    I may be miles off!:rolleyes:, my feeling is that Reiza has addressed the issue to some degree and now we see "patching" (not seen in earlier times) occuring when updating. (im no software fellow, but makes some sense to me if this is the case.
    There are thankfully less problems now than ever before, yet for some users they still exist.
    I think when we fire up steam it loads ams2 and other scripts for our library contents, therefore if we do not close steam after an update and just press play, it will load game with scripts for the preupdate version.and update my not implement fully correct. restarting pc will (proven this end) benefit just like windows update will auto restart.
    ( I dont see it as !00% Reiza fault).
    Maybe Ams2 could just be set to Auto restart!! pc. eliminate the possibility.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  18. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    It is a tough decision: if Reiza autodelete setups, people will get mad for losing them. If Reiza keeps it as is, people will complain like it is happening just now.

    But you know...

    It may take 5 years, but at least we know Reiza can actually deliver eventually :D

    The only issue I'm quite a bit concerned is MP. I guess it is not just a matter of Reiza adjusting parameters and finetuning things, like it happens with the other many shortcomings, but something much much deeper.
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  19. Koen_Sch

    Koen_Sch Active Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Maybe save the old setups to an "old setups" folder, where it saves the setups made in the previous version?

    This way you don't completely lose your old setups and the new setups are already installed.

    Still, a bit of a hassle to get them back, but not gone forever. Also, it helps the players who don't follow this forum religiously.
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  20. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    @sgsfabiano Oh yeah. MP need a bit of love, but it's in the pipeline. I had a lobby. 30 minutes or so.

    1. I am doing P. Host leaves, it went to me, I get the auto-drive bug. I had to terminate
    2. Then I joined again. We went to Q. Halfway the Q host left, it went to me. Guess what? Terminate
    3. I join the lobby for the third time. Everything went fine. Then the transition to R starts. Host AFK or so. Guess what.. Host went again to me. Continue button didn't work. Sacrificed myself for 20+ people.
    4. 30 minutes lost of my life, lol.
    While this was once a blue moon-case for me. This was extremely annoying. Perhaps the lobby was already doomed right from the start and had some 'wrong code' or so.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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