Automobilista 2 V1.4.1.0 Released - Now Updated to V1.4.1.3

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    If you are on default setup then I completely agree with you that this car is not fun to drive. I’ve spent this evening setting up the Chevy 2022 and in the suspension settings alone I’ve gained a ton of time from getting more stability in the car with a touch of controllable exit slip and being able to get on the gas a lot earlier and harder. I also brought the brake bias back a smidge and made minor changes in LSD. All of these changes allowed me to drop ride height and aero too. I’m now driving a far more stable / planted and fun car and knocked a ton of time off the default settings and I’ve not even touched the tyres yet. I can’t speak for the AI’s because I’m still in setup and hot lap phase, but I can tell you the default settings especially in suspension settings, make the car very unpleasant to drive. Now I’ve tuned it to how I like it, I’m absolutely loving it!
    For this car I use kyalami modern as it’s testing track.

    EDIT - I did a 8 lap race with AI 100%, max aggression, manual rolling start, 32 cars and I started in 16th and I didn’t use push to pass and going into The Crocodiles corner on lap two, I out braked the leader and took the lead and maintained it going into the final corner.
    In those two laps that I raced, the AI are braking, turning and accelerating at the correct times, I’m able to slipstream and over take them, I can also out brake them and stay bumper to bumper coming out of slow corners and no way are they on a different physics engine or in a different category.
    If you are on default set up, I 100% can relate to what you are saying, but tune it correctly and you will have the same experience I just had. Honestly speaking, the Chevy 2022 I can see being one of my favourites in the whole sim, it’s a total blast to drive once you tune the suspension and clutches.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
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  2. Demeisen

    Demeisen Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    So, the update and AMS2 has received near universal praise. It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for but…what now? I’ve felt starved of content in the categories I really enjoy, and other that haven’t made to the sim yet. So, now that we have our benchmark, what exciting, exotic new DLC content can we expect between now and Christmas?
  3. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    But the gras is questionable anyhow.Velocity is not Monza and variation between dry moist wet rain would be more realistic.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Demichkd

    Demichkd Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Hi, you posted this response to a query in Nov ‘21. Is this still valid? Many of us are questioning the DPR setting on wheel base and in-game damper slider since v1.4.

    cut-paste of your reply: It doesn't matter for most modern racing games (except Codemasters games, for example), if you have SPR or DPR to 100 or 0, because the damper signals in AMS2 gets sent via main gain channel. For always getting the result, that is desired by the developer of a game, i highly recommend leaving SPR and DPR at 100, because it will make no difference after all for new games, but makes one for others and you're missing out effects. (This is for Fanatec wheels)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    I'm not sure, how it is with other manufacturers than Fanatec (i think, Thrustmaster actually puts static motor damper onto the wheel with active damping channel but i don't know for sure because i have no TM whee), but for Fanatec wheels just leave Spr and Dpr at 100 yeah, makes no difference. AMS2 is using the main FFB gain channel exclusively also for spring and damper effects.
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    Dec 19, 2021
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    ever seen AMS2 cars sliding 300 o 400m.. and could be more if no barriers??


    Dec 19, 2021
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    of course.. why do we assume that the grass is always wet??
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  8. Mauricio Vittorazzi

    Mauricio Vittorazzi New Member

    Aug 30, 2022
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    To be fair, unless we're talking about synthetic turf, about 80% of grass leaves are made of water. Imagine slick tires spinning on a water rug. I'd expect that to be more slippery than an eel. :D

    Match that with the first Newton's law of motion and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Hi . I've just tried this out of curiosity, did six laps on default setup . Now I'm no alien racer or anything ( far from it ) but I couldn't get through there in 6th gear flat without cutting the final inside kerb at 175 mph which did fling the front up in the air a couple of feet .
    When I lifted off slightly and lost 10 mph and kept it off the kerb the car stayed planted . Maybe it just isn't possible ?
  10. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I prefer driving on the track... :D
    And maybe i'm driving so slow that this isn't a problem for me :rolleyes:
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  11. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    ...not anymore!;) (Po.Toskana)
    Anyway,grass in Velocita is dryed,Kyalamie too.But i know what you mean.
  12. JayBee

    JayBee Active Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Any chance someone could try the Super V8's at Bathurst, A.i. on 100 (I only used 6 A.i.) and see if they can keep up over a few laps without spiralling into a wall? I'm trying to figure out if I'm just **** or the car needs tweaked.

    I know they are skittish high powered death machines but even being as gentle as possible on the throttle (within reason to keep up with the A.i.) it's constantly losing the rear (irrecoverably). Especially at "The Cutting", sharp slow left corner going uphill. I've learned the kerb on the right seems slippy as heck, but it's still often plowing into the left wall with a little thottle. Constantly losing it on the last left corner too (again, losing the rear into the left wall).

    I'm on x60 time, through the night (colder track) into the morning and day.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
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  13. Bizarre Formula

    Bizarre Formula Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    The question shouldn't really be 'does the grass handle well or not', it should be 'why are you on the grass'. :D
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  14. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Along the same lines, I highly recommend SuperV8 at Kyalami 1976.
    Being unauthentic, it's an easily overlooked combo, but oh-boy they go well together on 1.4.
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  15. PaulA

    PaulA Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2022
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    That corner often can benefit from a Short Shift, and a low throttle application as you go over the slight rise.
    Some setup tweaks including steering rotation can also help here.
    From memory, my steering rotation was set to 14. Which can help mitigate some of the snappiness
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I did that combo, but just in daytime a few days ago and thought it was probably the most controllable/predictable it has ever been. As per PaulA's comment, short shifting out of there can help, and depending on your pedals, you may want to play with throttle sensitivity. I've got HE Sprints, and use 30 in game throttle sensitivity with a slight S curve in the HE software. Also, maybe only go down to 2nd gear in the slow corners to begin with as you build up your confidence.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. munkyboo

    munkyboo Member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    This was a bit strange as me and a few others also noticed diff with DPR at 100 vs 0. So i tested again and compared 0 vs 120% DPR while AMS2 damper was still on. There is a small difference, but the wheels and steering definitely feel heavier and denser with higher DPR, meaning a different tire feel. And i did it several times to make sure it wasnt just placebo! I can see how in some cars, this could have more of a negative effect however.

    I looked at the Fanalab description again saying how DPR adjusts damper strength coming from game AND Fanalab. While FOR and SPR just mentioned effects coming from the game only.
    More importantly, it also mentions "this is not a constant damper" meaning it isnt NDP (the natural damper fanalab function). As NDP is a constant damper that is present even when the game isnt loaded (for instance u can try to adjust it while on your desktop and the wheel is switched on and it will be heavier.
    So i believe DPR does not actually influence Natural Damper in Fanalab.

    Hence there must be some degree of damper coming from Fanalab that gets outputted when the game outputs FFB or something along those lines. And since AMS2 doesnt output damper directly, increasing DPR doenst have a huge effect but it is certainly there.
    For now I will turn DPR to 0 so as not to affect the game FFB unncessarily and just readjust ingame Damper to what feels best

    While SPR says it controls forces coming from the game only. Sure enough i did not notice a difference between 0 and 120% SPR as AMS2 doesnt use spring channel.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Oubaas

    Oubaas Active Member

    Nov 7, 2016
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    With a Thrustmaster T300RS GT wheel and pedals, I turn off Damper in the Thrustmaster Control Panel and let AMS2 handle it.

    There is a definite loss of detail, heavier wheel, and general feeling of muddiness if I leave Damper at the default 100% in the Thrustmaster software. Things clear right up and feel good if I set to zero and let the game take over.

    That seems to match what @CrimsonEminence said about Thrustmaster wheels up above.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    Not sure when you last drove the Super V8s but they are so much easier to handle now than they were a few updates ago. I was actually a bit concerned that they are now too easy to control…

    But seriously please don’t touch them as they are so good!!!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I agreed with that grass must be polished in terms of grip. When I was driving on Kyalami, as soon as it started to rain, I knew I am done once I am on the grass....I could not get the car back on the track. I thought it is because I press the gas pedal too hard, but even if I slowly press the gas pedal, it wouldn't move but slide in different directions. Now, of course I had hard tires on at the start of the race but still I imagine in real life, I should still be able to move the car back onto the track no matter how soak and wet the grass is. I think this also happened in Imola oval. Car i used is Formula V10 Gen 2.

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