Automobilista 2 March 2023 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I've to disagree. AMS2 MP has a flawed foundation: P2P. This means either Reiza pushes all the efforts into improving it to the best they can, but inevitably the fundamental issues with this architecture will remain. Or they rebuild MP from the scratch using the server-client architecture.

    The second option is almost out of reach, 2 years wouldn't be enough to mature it.
    The first option means AMS2 will never be reliable enough to be used in leagues, unless some major workarounds are implemented, which I would guess it would take more than 2 years to get it working properly.

    Lastly, Rennsport seems overhyped to me... isn't it just a glorified ACC? Also, AC2 might not be an improved AC after all, sure enough we can look how AMS2 is incredibly problematic and feature deficient compared to AMS1.
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  2. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    As long as everyone is using proper ethernet connection i have not experienced any issues when it comes to racing online in AMS2.

    And yeah rennsport looks overhyped and forgettable already because they haven't show anything unique, just GT3 racing at Spa, wow what a unique selling point.
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  3. nito-ibz

    nito-ibz Active Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    It is true, the season pass covered 2020/2021, my fault, but RACING USA was a single dlc divided into three because they did not reach the dates. Later they decided to add some more content to the parts. I don't know if I express myself well in English But I hope it's understood that I'm not criticizing for criticizing, I love this sim. But seeing how long it's taking to get off the ground and the rivals that are coming, I'm afraid that by the time development ends, people will have abandoned ship. AC2 will be released on next year... we all know that reiza is a small studio, but that doesn't change reality or the situation it has in the market
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  4. nito-ibz

    nito-ibz Active Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    AMS2 is safe? as you can see,the numbers don't has the same player base than PC2,don't know in which world these are good news...
    AC2 will surely come out with bugs, but there is no doubt that it is a highly anticipated title for all sim racers and it will very surely sweep the entire market as assetto corsa currently does.
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  5. nito-ibz

    nito-ibz Active Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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  6. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    It was divided into 3 parts because it was greatly enlarged. Only Part 1 was 4 cars and 3 tracks. Typical DLC size for other sims is nowhere close to this.
    There is no doubt SP has experienced significant delays, but at least let's not exaggerate them more than they are for real.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  7. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    My bet is AC2 will not support mods, at least at the beginning and for some time. No insight, just gut feeling.
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  8. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    I wonder what makes people continuing playing PC2, must be the car list? I sometimes get back to it because os some of the cars just to get absolutely frustrated by how some of my favorites drive.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. Troodon

    Troodon Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Rallycross and cars/tracks that I don't have elsewhere have been my biggest reasons, not that I've played a lot of PC2 after I got AMS2. One of those reasons might get crossed out when the Adrenaline pack is released.

    Also, sometimes I just want to play something that feels slightly different to switch things up.
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  10. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    this numbers means nothing.
    Forget all games in your list compared to this :whistle:;)

    Screenshot 2023-04-06 150713.png

    have any compeditor died because of the F1 numbers? NO
    All games are there and have their fans and users.
    If you want more users, next DLC or another sale will not help.
    AMS2 has sold many copies in the last 3 years, so its mostly on the users to keep it running.
    Just drive instead of always waiting for the perfect update.
    I'm sure IRL many users don't have the perfect car for all day use :whistle: but they can live with it.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Lucifer_sam

    Lucifer_sam Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    You missed the point, AMS 2 has a core fanbase that isn't gonna be swayed away, AC2 isnt gonna sway people who play AMS 2 because I highly doubt it's gonna have the same type of more obscure and historic content.

    You are 100% wrong. There is a small handful of great mod developers (RSS, VRC, URD, just to name a few) but they are the exception. I have not seen a single quality track from the 90s and very few from the 80s. And it's not like the VRC Formula Lithium stopped people from using the RF2 Formula E car or the VRC MP4/4 stopping people from buying the Brazilian Racing Legends Pack, if people have the choice they will always choose official content as long as said content is well made. Speaking of the Mp4/4 it brings me to my biggest point, 9 times out of 10 it's the popular cars that get the polish. There isn't a BT52 in AC, if there is I garentee you it looks like plastic and drives like crap. 90% of the GT1/Group C cars I have on AC are worthless because their low quality breaks the immersion for me. If you are gonna tell me that those "full season" mods made by Simdream and others like them are as good or even close to AMS 2's content then you are lying. Every one I've seen doesn't hold a candle to AMS 2. And the ones that do have the same problems as AMS 2's except finding perioid correct skins and making a roster with proper raitings is incredibly time consuming.

    Not every mod is built to the same quality standard, some mods are just flat out broken with devs who cant fix them due to them having other priorities. If a Snetterton mod in AC suddenly has no asphalt textures (or for me, Fuji 68) and a mod author isn't actively updating it (which btw they have every right to do) then you're screwed. That track you really like, you can't use that anymore! The BeamNG Formula 2 car is a great example of a great mod not being accessible because the author moved on.

    Mods are great and every game should be modable to some extent. But they're not a substitution for well made official content. In AC no one drives the official content, infact it is often joked that the high quality mod content is better than what Kunos gave us in just about every aspect. And it took modders just to make the game easy to navigate. So long as AMS 2 keeps putting out unique high quality content that makes them standout amongst a sea of GT3's they will be fine. This AC2 stuff is fear mongering because if mods were really enough to hurt AMS 2 enough that there is a "ticking clock" then the plethora of mods in RF2 and AC would've already done that. There will be a dent because that's what happens when a new game comes out, that's expected. Yes it will take headlines, but so does Iracing and RF2 so it's not a new challenge.

    And this all ignoring the fact that AMS 2 is moddable, it's probably hard to make them but it's incredibly easy and simple to install. That aspect was greatly exaggerated for no good reason at all, just because it isn't drag and drop. And the amount of mods for AMS 2 will increase exponentially between now and 2025. Not to AC levels, but there will be a lot of them.
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  12. cuadolo

    cuadolo Active Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    from "Automobilista 2 december 2022 development update:
    "Modding Support - As has been stated from the beginning, AMS2 and the Madness engine were not designed as a modding platform but that does not mean modding isn´t welcome - we are aware how critical modding is for the longevity of any game, and we are pleased to see that some intrepid modders are already taking on the challenge, with some success cases beginning to pop up.

    Because the game was not designed as a modding platform, both creating and installing mods for AMS2 still is a somewhat cumbersome process, and while it´s unlikely it will ever be as smooth as other platforms designed for that purpose, we are looking into some achievable measures to try at least reduce some of those difficulties, and also plan on offering some resources / information for serious modding teams looking to bring their scratch-made content to the sim. We will also soon offer an AMS2 Modding subforum for users to share info and resources for modding in AMS2."

    When AMS2 opens up better, with a tool dedicated to modding, Reiza will be able to devote himself more calmly to DLCs and new features.
    Opening up to modding means involving many talented people in the growth of the fleet of cars and tracks.
    That's how Assetto Corsa started.
    And thanks to modding it's still standing without official support for changeable weather and day-to-night transition.
    The modders thought about it.
    Often people much more skilled than the sim holders.
    After all, Reiza also started with modding for various platforms.
    AMS2 already has everything you need basic.
    When an easy way to install mods comes along,
    It'll be a big leap forward.
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  13. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    For me mods in AMS2 are all about getting the content that Reiza is unable to deliver because licensing issues such Indycar and Ferrari. IMO ACC is popular not because it has amazing physics or FFB or runs well. AMS2 is on par or better than ACC in all those aspects IMO but ACC has all of the official licenses and content for GT3 and isn't missing any major manufacturers or tracks like AMS2 is. (of course they have LFM which is a different topic) After finding the "private" GT3 mods for AMS2 with all of the cars for modern GT3, I have not touched ACC.
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  14. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    The same type of obscure content will make it's way across, from the Sudschleife and cars that actually raced on it to the rallycross and the many tracks that is held on, it's all there in AC already and with the same engine the floodgates will open before the documentation is given...

    Obscure tracks from around the world can be found that aren't on any other sim... When a favourite series moves tracks AC is the go to in order to try out the options... Almost all of New Zealand's tracks are there and the current V8 Supercars are as well... And the V8 Supercars don't go to Pukekohe anymore so there's a need to try them out on all of the options that are over there...

    AMS2's modding scene will grow for sure, but it's going to be more like rF2 than AC... There is a steep learning curve for modders in the Madness engine that just will not exist no matter how advanced AC2 becomes, the engine remains the same and the way modders will work will be the same with some new files to tackle new things like a new tyre model... It will be interesting to see how they tackle the live road idea for AC2 and that could create a bottle neck for track mods...

    These next few years will be very interesting for us sim racers to see who works on what...

    The modding community are working on a better solution for AMS2...

    But the gates will open once there is documentation on how to so that the grey areas that exist are gone and the modders can make the most out of the platform... That is what really was the key for AC, once that happened it's popularity rose to the point that nearly all the major modding teams still release mods for it a decade later even though it's been unsupported by the developer for years... And it's pretty much the only place you can find every series you want without going back further to rFactor...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    what mods are you talking about?
  16. Lucifer_sam

    Lucifer_sam Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I love that mod, it's what got me to fall in love with the track. BUT judging from my previous posts (even from before it was announced) that hasn't stopped me for being incredibly excited.

    There will always be exceptions, RSS 1970, the 67 Nurbergring, the 1923 GP cars but let's not pretend all or even a fifth of the mods out there are that level of good. Especially dealing with obscure content. The prime example is Legions vintage Laguna Seca mod which is a bloody GPL conversion!!! Idk if they're the one who made the vintage Bathurst one but that's also a GPL conversion. A sim from 1998, with minimal changes. The 1988 track pack? Rfactor Conversion! Not knocking on the original developers because those mods are great in the sims they're actually made for. If it's under the same engine, the cars drive well, and there isn't a massive disparity between the car quality and the track quality then conversions are fine to me. But those two tracks and one track pack aren't those, just more garbage to sift through and genuine waste of hard drive space if you're using them in AC. I was genuinely crushed loading into that Languna Seca mod. Mods don't have quality control, official content does.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    Not allowed to share but you can do a YouTube search and you will likely find them
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    I will say that I have gone almost exclusively to paid mods from RSS, VRC and URD. I know that there are other quality mods out there but I don't have the time, patience or the knowledge to sift through all the mods for AC. When I stick with those 3 mod makers, I know I am getting quality even if I am missing out on some others. I will also downloads other if they have been recommended by say someone like GPLaps or Simracing 604.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  19. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Just search GT3 mod automobilista 2 on youtube and you'll find how to contact the modder.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    My understanding of their public announcement is that they are making a new engine not re-using AC's. So we really don't know anything about it yet, whether it's moddable or not and how easy. Heck they did not even say which kind of physical models will be used in the engine if any.
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