Automobilista 2 June 2023 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 19, 2023.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe if I was a modder I would probably be more focused on the restrictions of both adding tracks to AMS2 but also of the impossibility to "steal" (or lets call it rip :D) tracks from this sim.
    But because Im not then Im only biased of a focus on the quality of the available tracks.

    ByTheWay: The only thing in the vicinity of modding that I miss is the much more easy way of painting my own car as I can remember from iRacing. Because here you just copied your fantastic paint creation into a certain folder in the simple .tga format. No syntax editing of fancy text files with paths and what-have-we.:confused:
    The iRacing sim did automagically find the paint itself. And could even show it online via TradingPaints.
    One of my fantastic creations :p:p

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  2. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    indeed the iRacing system for custom liveries as well as allowing other players to see it is fantastic

    woulda been a nice addition Tom AMS 2 if possible to implement on the madness engine
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  3. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    It already happened before though, i think reiza’s oulton park from ams1 is a mod available for rF2
  4. Jodurson

    Jodurson Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    A litte bit of IMHO.

    Over the years of tinkering with modding (not just for sims - many games), I came to the conclusion that, again - for me personally, - it eats up a huge amount of time for picking, tweaking, sorting and other actions than I would spend ittime for driving.
    As someone noted in the comments on the RD to the new article from Renato: "less is more." And I agree.

    Note: there is again fun in the comments on RD, but it could not be otherwise. :)

    I personally got tired of picking up mods for the AC, it eats up a lot of time. The mods there are different in quality, someone makes them according to the pipeline from Kunos and Ilya (I mean his work on CSP), someone hammers a bolt on it all and releases such terrible cars/tracks/mods that it becomes sad. And in general, I have already expressed indignation at the current state of modding for AC in the main thread on the GTP forum - this is a complex "problem", even for the banal monetization through Patreon of any minor modification. Some kind of cancer.

    In this regard, the same ACC is more pleasant for me: I have a set of cars of certain classes and this allows me not to be sprayed on picking in mods that simply don’t exist for the ACC. Isn't it a great thing?

    Raceroom also falls under this all. Sat down and went where it is necessary and on what it is necessary.

    Yes, of course, you always want to see more in the game - maybe the same part of the tracks from the same PC2 that "float" in the form of mods. And a bunch of other tracks. And I’m generally silent about cars - how much more can be officially added. :)

    But we have what we have. Mods for cars - almost work, it remains to wait for the possibility of setting up custom sound. But with the tracks - there is the problem, but Renato has already explained it all above.

    And because all of that - I like the current direction of Reiza development to cover (if possible) a huge historical period of racing around the world - it's really something that has been "missing" for a long time.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
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  5. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    There are some really bad and broken mods out there for assetto corsa, but there are other brilliant modders out there doing stunning work. The easiest option would be to hire more of the good modders. :D
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  6. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    I also loved how simply trading paints was to use, but ams2 is a different sim to iracing and people here want to skin the entire grid, not just their own car
  7. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    If I could paint my car like in iRacing, so everyone could see it.. I would use vantablack. :rolleyes:
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  8. mmertens

    mmertens Old school racer

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Well, unfortunately I’m so bad ad this that I cannot even create my own custom helmet! The dream would be to have some customization as per the excellent GT Sport/ GT7 edit tools, but I know it’s up to me to learn the ropes as all modders do, and that theres no easy way. My free time is so limited that I chose to spend it driving AMS2 instead. I guess one can’t have it all right?
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    YOUNG IL YOON crossfieldz_ROK AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    IMO one of best mod in AC is rain effects. if feels like driver club.
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  10. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    This! Let's see what ac2 brings to the table but will it have more features than Ams2 can already offer? As things stand and based on the work Reiza has been doing, Ams2 can continue developing for years to come.
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  11. Brainbug

    Brainbug Inside Virtual Reality AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    mainly you complain here about a general fact: that not everything in life is perfect, there is always “the good” and “the bad”.


    if you complain as a user wasting you time with mods, well, allow me to say, this is sort of disrespectful to the modders in general, and also to the quality mods.
    Do you have an idea how much time quality modders spend time on bringing the mods to you? Research, decisions, creating and painting? Often in painting a straight line is even on a car not a straight line. You have to tweak like hell to make it look straight. Now apply that to logos. Same goes for colors and reflect of special materials. Reeeealy lots of time goes into it.

    and much mod stuff is for free (still you can by the modders “a beer” of corse ;) ).
    So I think it’s not that “fair” to complain about wasting time with mods. If you do not like mods, simply do not use them, simple solution.

    but I am sure that even Reiza staff is enjoying them. Modders do support the whole product so much with the quality mods. They often provide stuff that the devs would maybe love to, but can not of different reasons.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
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  12. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Haven't touched AC in ages... Do you still have to pay Ilja's rent to be able to use that "feature"?
  13. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Hmm, with the RD interview I lose a little hope of seeing the Aston Martin Group C and the Panoz GT1 but opens some interesting speculation windows.

    Looking at manufacturers currently in the game, "early 70s" is really only Porsche 917s and 908s. The others active at the time were Alfa Romeo, Matra and Ferrari.

    "Late 70s" you've got Porsches (935 and 936) but again no obvious Renault-Alpine or Group 5 rival, maybe the BMW 320 might appear but not sure it was very prominent at Le Mans.

    I'd be more than happy to see some generic Group 6 prototypes, based on Lolas and Chevrons, to fill in gaps in the above grids, but I can't see how they make a field from that era at the moment. Unless we have some interesting new manufacturers (Lola?) or they're focusing mainly on GTs, which I'd be more than happy with!

    Mid 2000s even more curious, seeing as those were fairly barren years for manufacturer prototypes (Audi and Bentley). Plenty of GT cars then though (Aston DBR9 v Corvette C6R anyone?) or prime era for generic prototypes representing Courage, Lola, Zytek etc.

    Either way, a long time until we find out!
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  14. CatAstrophe05

    CatAstrophe05 The Andrea De Cesaris of simracing

    Jan 20, 2020
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    To be fair, Lola is definetely a possibility as the license is already there thanks to the F-USA cars, and a T70 Mk3B would definetely be a worthy competitor to the 917
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  15. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Just DL'ing and managing mods can be its own hobby, I get that it's hugely enjoyable for some. Of course, we have the choice to use them or not. But having consistency in quality content can also be very rewarding.

    I respect Reiza's position on track mods and also that of the modding community & users. Differing perspectives shouldn't be viewed as a right or wrong position, simply different choices that can contribute to a better experience for more people.
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  16. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Yes, you still have to pay the unbelievable sum of 1€ for that, which is probably even more than his rent, I am sure he buys groceries from it as well!

    God forbid someone actually wants money for the work they do, jesus :rolleyes:
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  17. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    On the topic of track mods, I do hope that there would be possibility for something like hiring modders / subcontractors to do development and quality control/gate and track licencing (maybe getting/providing scans too) would be left for Reiza, then releasing those tracks as DLC to cover the costs. Of course it would be great of different sim developers could join forces and licence/release dlc of tracks other sims too (as with Reiza for rF2), but I can imagine that the track licencing in such case could get tricky (I wish rFactor2 devs could return favor and release a pack of tracks for AMS2 that would include Bahrain, Sebring and some other great official tracks from their sim..)

    AMS2 has very nice collection of tracks and having those great lesser known tracks from Brazil especially is great, but every time I would like to create a series/championships of some specific series, it feels way too many tracks of the official calendar would be missing. Good example is F1, where it would be great to have at least 3/4 of official calendar in the game, but now it's maybe half if even that. Game that has a lot of modded tracks usually don't have such problem.
  18. Jodurson

    Jodurson Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    Probably, you didn’t quite understand me regarding on the mods for the AC, so I’ll supplement my speech. :)

    I really respect original and author's content regardless of the game, I can even invest in "early access" if it's really worth it.

    I do not belittle the merits of modders who are classified as "titled". These are RSS, VRS, URD, TMM, Pessio and others that have passed the test of time and quality. It is never a pity to pay for their work, because.they always provide varied, high-quality and interesting content and try to always update and keep it up to date.

    I oppose those modders who use car models, tracks, etc. pulled from other games, just do conversions with a slight touch of edits for AC and hide it behind Patreon. I consider this the "cancer" of modding, because this direction is degrading. The quality drops from time to time and lowers the overall level for everyone, including the "expectations" from the community.

    Vivid examples: Sim Dream until 2021 (then they seemed to start making "their" content, but there are still a lot of suspicions about this), FSR (stealing models from rF2 and iR) - these are all crooked content envelopes in a state of eternal imperfections. And besides them, there are also enough "modders" with a similar approach.

    It would be possible to release 1-2-3 releases for free, "fill" your hand - and only then start asking for a fee. For example, this is what Pessio did in his time - and what came of it? Yes, nothing bad, everyone understood and accepted this approach normally, since there is a deposit for a credit of trust and he has not missed a single time with this. All of his releases are great.

    Again, this is my opinion, I do not urge you to agree with it - I just supplemented my thought. :)
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  19. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Gotta get one of these soon
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  20. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I think you would be surprised of yourself.
    If you tried making it so simple as using MSPaint :D and then just save the creation in a certain car folder as a standard .tga file.
    Thats it - in the other sim I mean.
    The reason I mentioned it in this other sim is because I miss the simplicity.
    And I dont want to start and install something much more complicated up when I know how simple it could be.
    But that probably just me - and maybe you :D

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