Cockpit graphics and time inaccuracies

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by leegestuhl, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Hello everyone

    I'm new to the forum and have been playing all kind of racing games in the last 20 years.
    I have been part of the crowdfunding community for Project Cars 1 and 2 and was given the opportunity to give feedback and be part of the development, which was really interesting. Even some of my race event posters made it into the game :)

    As Automobilista 2 is based on the Madness Engine, I really needed to try it a few years ago. Liked it, but the physics were always something I struggled with, just didn't feel like other Sim's. The newest 1.5 update changed this completely, I really love the handling now. Very well done team Reiza :D

    I would love to see Automobilista 2 getting even better, so there are two things which are bugging me. These are things which were already present in Project Cars 2 and I kind of remember mentioning these during development, but after release there weren't many ressources or responses to this kind of stuff sadly... The two things are:

    Curbs colors are visible in cockpit
    When you are in cockpit view and you are running over the red and white striped curbs, you can clearly see these colors lighting up different things inside the car. This is a bug, which is also present in Project Cars 2 to this day and in my eyes kind of kills the immersion. It seems like in cockpit view the car doesn't have any bottom and the curbs therefore just "shine" through the whole car. Many cars are effected, I could only found some who don't have this issue.

    You can clearly see it in this video on Youtube:

    Time inaccuracies
    This is also something which was present in Project Cars 2 but the devs never gave a response to it...
    All the lap or sector times quite often end in a "0". Or also quite often "9" or "1". This also happens in Automobilista 2, just take a look at the Time Trials or any other Session in game. I attached a screenshot from a recent 1.5 online session I did and marked the really obvious times. This can't be any random thing and would be quite a coincidence happening so often.

    Sorry for this long post, I just really want the best for Automobilista 2. Maybe the Devs already know of these two issues and are working on it. Would also love to hear everyones opinion on this matter.

    Thanks everyone, now I'm going back to play this wonderful Sim :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
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  2. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Thank god finally someone else notices this :D

    I've mentioned this months ago and again recently and I'm sure it's on the devs radar now. Would definetely be nice to it sorted before the leaderboards are reset to not have them flooded with 40-50% of the times ending on 0 or 9, but we will see how easy/quick it is to get to the root of this and solve it.
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  3. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Would be great, if they can sort this out. Especially a racing sim where times are one of the most crucial parts should have a time system which is exact :) I think also the number 5 is quite often at the end of lap and sector times... So ranked from often to less often:
    9 / 1
    The rest seems quite random to me.

    Did you by chance also experience the curb colors in cockpit view? Or is it something which doesn't bother you?
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    The timing numbers ending on 0 began after an update about a year or so ago, before it was more "normal" I don't really mind it, but it's a little weird yes.
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  5. Kurupt CDN

    Kurupt CDN Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    A couple of inaccurate numbers in the hud as well.
    Ex. Tire temp colours between huds and if you make changes to your ffb settings in the menu....when you cycle through to your ffb graph the numbers will often be off by 1 or 2
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  6. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Thanks for mentioning this, never noticed it :)

    No one mentioned the "curbs colors" in the cockpit so far... Is this maybe just a bug with some graphics cards or even settings? Can you guys please test if you also see these effects when driving over curbs with almost any car?
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  7. Brazencore

    Brazencore New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 29, 2023
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    This is definitely something I experience with some very lite annoyance, but quickly just ignore. Very used to it now.

    When I have simhub running the timings that are being exported onto my screen seem much more stable? Maybe it only seems that way?
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  8. lawgicau

    lawgicau Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 24, 2020
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    I've never noticed this one, thanks for posting it. I had an old thread on other problems with the timing in AMS2: Discrepancies in lap/race/relative timing and positions
    I got no traction but all of this adds up to suggest there is something seriously off with the timing systems in AMS2.
    In addition to what I previously posted, there are issues with how the gaps between cars are recorded as they cross the finish line.
    Let's say car 1 is winning but has a 10 second time penalty. When they then cross the line they are 11 seconds in front of P2.
    If they keep driving fast (even though the race is over), the 11 second gap is maintained and they will win.
    If they stop just after the line, the gap between P1 and P2 will come down and p2 will win, even if they cross the line more than 10 seconds after P1.
    It's like the relative timing is applied to the race finish instead of the race time. It has caused issues in my league a few times.
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  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    My completely unqualified guess is that this unprecise laptiming is related to the similiar unprecise saving of TT ghosts laptimes.
    Because about 75% of the times where you have set a PB laptime ending on as example 1:11.025 then next time you start a TT session up on the same track/car then PB laptime has been changed to 1:11.024.
    Not even an arcade game would accept this:rolleyes:

    ByTheWay: I guess I know what a Verstappen would say if his engineer said sorry Max we cannot save your exact laptime. The timing system are not able to.:whistle:
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  10. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    This is interesting. So if some other app or software takes the times directly from Automobilista the times are different and also more accurate? Can you maybe test this? Or maybe let me know, which app I could use to test this myself :)

    Very good information, thanks! I think this is all connected to the same timing problems. There should not be any difference in showing the timings when using delta times etc. Seems the game is interpreting all these times a bit different, leading to some strange behavior... Definitely a bug when you cross the finish line and the gap is still measured as if you would still be driving another lap.

    Good findings, didn't know that about the Time Trial ghost times. They should not change in any way, there must be something wrong... And I'm all with you, not even an arcade game should have this timing issues ;)
    I really like all the new content and updates, but the timing system should be working without any concerns.
    Maybe the times get rounded somewhere or stored/saved incorrectly?
  11. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I expect it is rounding differences. I've noticed in the setup screen and put strategy screen sometimes you can't set the same psi. One is probably rounding to different precision than the other.
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  12. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    I expect the same thing, must be kind of an odd rounding issue while storing / saving the time values.
    Just had a race against the AI and almost all gaps behind the winner had a zero at the end (16 out of 19).

  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I think I have figured out how to prove at least such pure tecnical explanation wrong.
    If it is just because of some calculation rounding off then about 50% of the time the rounding off would give a slightly higher value and the other 50% a lower value.
    Hehe or maybe 33.3% to lower, correct and higher numbers.
    But this "rounding off" does allways give lower numbers (= faster laptime) - never higher.:whistle:

    ByTheWay: To elaborate my suspicion above my guess about all these laptime inaccuracies is:
    Because all these different laptimes need to be saved in files with different names then the guys behind the Mad engine didnt care much about precision. They just decided to change the laptimes inside these files if two files included the exact same laptime.
    Because this was the easiest way of solving the problem :D
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  14. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I don't think it is just lap times that suffer from these rounding/precision problems. Sometimes you can't set a specific number of litres for fuel either. There will be an specific number you can't hit where it goes something like 77->78->80->81. I've also seen it with pressures.

    My guess (without obviously ever seeing the code) is that some numbers are stored as decimals and some as longs and depending when the value moves between these some precision gets lost.
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  15. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Not a bad guess.
    At least as good as mine:D
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  16. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Thanks @BrunoB and @Mhad, what you guys say does indeed make sense :)
    Hope the Devs see this.

    As far I remember, atleast PCars 2 always had these timing issues, before and after release.
    Someone mentioned in this thread, that it started just some updates ago in Automobilista 2.
    Can anyone confirm, that the times were correct before? Or has it always been like this?
  17. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    I first posted about this in September last year and the first answer to it was "it has been like this since the beginning". So there is that.
    Official Time Trial Report Topic
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  18. leegestuhl

    leegestuhl New Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Thanks, I had a look through that thread and loved the first answer you received: "That phenomenon is since the beginning." I would clearly say this is a bug not only a phenomenon :)

    So it seems all these timing issues are leftovers from PCars 2. I just hope that this will get some recognition by the developers. In my sim racing eyes, the timings should work as expected, as the times are probably the most important part of a racing game ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2

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