Automobilista 2 V1.5.3.2, F-HiTech & Historical Track Pack Pt2 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.5.3.5

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    One of the changes not that long ago was to adjust the aero for high downforce cars, it could be that some cars got side effects from that change that weren't noticed (or the default setup is less ideal now). I would still make sure your tires aren't overheating (or too cold) and try adding more rear wing to compensate.

    Can you tell which tracks/corners you run into this problem?
  2. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    The AMS2 dedicated server had a small update? anyone know what the update contained?
  3. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    From the changelog that comes with the update:


    - Added Vehicles 'McLaren MP4/7A', F-HiTech_Gen1 Model1, F-HiTech_Gen1 Model2, F-HiTech_Gen1 Model3, F-HiTech_Gen1 Model4 (F-Hitech_Gen1)
    'McLaren MP4/8', F-HiTech_Gen2 Model1, F-HiTech_Gen2 Model2, F-HiTech_Gen2 Model3 (F-Hitech_Gen2)
    - Added Classes F-Hitech_Gen1, F-Hitech_Gen2
    - Added Tracks Barcelon_1991, Circuit_de_Catalunya_NATL_NC, Interlagos_1991, Interlagos_1993, Montreal_Historic_1991
    - Increased grid size from 6 to 8 for RX tracks
    - Various vehicle/livery/track data updates and corrections
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    XMAS trees around all tracks? :D
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  5. Reeposter

    Reeposter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 7, 2021
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    I think they have mentioned that multiplayer sessions will have enabled logging, so it will help them troubleshooting session issues. I guess they added just that
  6. TheMagicJaaag

    TheMagicJaaag Member

    Oct 29, 2023
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    Really enjoying the latest release and updated physics and the wet weather driving is so much improved, previously struggled with it a lot in the past with the ai having gorilla glue tires whilst I struggled to keep it on the track, and gave wet weather racing a miss. I tried to get wet weather working on Assetto Corsa, but no matter how correctly I tried to set up the CSP Preview that gives you rain, Sol and Pure (got to all be done in some order) I just ended up with black skies.

    But now with the improvements to AMS2's rain physics I finally managed to complete race in the rain for the very first time, surprisingly though I won by a country mile (I just softened the front and rear suspension, lowered the tyre pressures and turned the power-on differential up to about 80%, I was racing at Catalunya 1991 with the FW13B).
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  7. Bizarre Formula

    Bizarre Formula Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    Sure. I do realise that so many things can change from day to day and that even my inputs will vary, that's why I have a few cars I always test first on Silverstone. I also always test defaults because that is what people get when they jump in the car, tweaking comes for tt, later.

    The two places it felt particularly unusual for the f-ult g1 were Brooklands and Stowe, but I also had it let go in a strange way through Copse a couple of times.

    Brooklands and Stowe are notorious for punishing too much ambition so I say this aware of that, it just felt like the back grip dropped from being 100% stable to 5%. Copse was really odd, it just let go, post turn in, post apex, not running wide.

    I know exactly what I'd think reading this: 'Yeah, you pushed throttle too hard/soon' or 'You turned your wheel too sharply'. I love F1 because of the pedal work and smoothness, I understand that sloppy inputs can cause the above, all I can say is that it felt sudden, like it the rear grip switched off.

    I still put a lap in and got round the track but only a 1:28.06, now granted that is in default, but even with minor tweaks we were down below the 1:25s if I remember correctly. It just doesn't feel trustworthy to me.

    The real lap record is a 1:24.303 from 2020 but it isn't about pace for me, just that the way the grip comes and goes feels consistent; that wonderful, smooth buildup/dropoff is not there anymore for me.

    Sorry for the rambley posts, hard to describe stuff like this.

    Oh, edit, there were no tyre overheating problems either, if anything the tyres felt far more resillient than before, front left slightly warmer than the rest because Silverstone.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
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  8. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Totally agree!
    Great display of how much fun you can have as single player!
    Thanks to him for this superb video and Reiza for this masterpiece!
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  9. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Agreed. I got divorced years ago :D
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  10. TinPeach

    TinPeach New Member

    Nov 5, 2022
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    Very impressed with how the FFB has evolved. Using my little R16 there is a marked improvement in smoothness of detail being conveyed which, as it always has been, is so informative anyhow.

    What a wonderful time for sim racers leading in to the holiday period. Firstly, the massively improved online system for RF2, then this superb update for AMS2, and we still have what sounds like a super little update for RaceRoom coming.

    Anyhow, I’m back off to enjoy the masterful offline racing experience this update has really delivered on.
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  11. omni

    omni New Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    They are slower in the back of the grid but when I start from 5th place top4 ai seems faster than before.
  12. omni

    omni New Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    Great update, awesome job Reiza. I think it was very wise desigion to make club membership. You earned some money and get so many beta testers and huge amount of work was done.
    I have logitech wheel and have so more ffb infomation in AMS2 than in over sim titles. Maybe on DD wheels it's not so important difference to prefer one sim to another, but on low end wheels it's gamechanger.

    I just revisited Rfactor2 after they did AI improvments and they did good job. AI there now became faster in majority of corners even on old mod tracks. So looks like they did'nt edited AI lines on each track, but made some AI code general changes. So it's possible to not fix every track for every car, but somehow fix AI cornering in general.
    Speaking about AI AMS2, i like new improvments but i think AI is to gentle to avoid crushes, i think it shouldn't be so at high or atleast max agression. Now you can dive and they just let you pass and it feels like cheating. It was even mentioned in version changelog, that AI more carefull in vs Human situations.
    Yea, sometimes RF2 AI annoying but they more harder to pass and more dangereous, like real ppl are. I would like have such behaveor as an option.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. mmertens

    mmertens Old school racer

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Exactly, it’s really cool to see the quick evolution on these f1 cars from mid eighties to end of nineties. This reminds me a quote from Senna when asked about how hard was to achieve the epic win in Donington 93; he said that that victory , driving a car with traction control, active suspension and all electronic aids was a piece of cake compared to Estoril 85 with the H pattern turbo lotus, he said that one was terrifying and much harder. With AMS2 this is so clear now, i can jump from one car to another, and what a difference! The McLaren MP4/8 is so easy to drive! Maybe the easiest of F1 cars (haven’t drive yet the Williams). And when I try the Lotus, wow much more raw, needs really fine throttle inputs with the turbo lag, h shifter with manual clutch, it’s easy to see how a difference a driver could have back then. I’m glad there’s Reiza team to provide us with these different period for F1! One can dream about the F1 from 50s and early sixties. I can only imagine what Reiza would be able to pull off.
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  14. Andy Reader

    Andy Reader Member

    Oct 31, 2023
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    Was up ‘till 5am, the best thing I noticed was the feeling of weight transfer. Something that ac was always best at. Not anymore. Every car I drove was my new favourite car. I hope Reiza make lots and lots of money and go on a lovely big holiday and drink lots of party juice. Great work team reiza. And great job paddock club.
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  15. iggymax

    iggymax Britney is in the wall BANNED

    Oct 11, 2023
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    In respect to all before and after him, Senna's 93' season is a special one, he proved there that he can be the fastest in any era.
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  16. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    even on my low end g29 i noticed the weigh transfer better

    AMS 2 already is my main sim, if keep improving at this rate it may end becoming my only sim lol
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  17. Gabriel "Pai" Legnini

    Gabriel "Pai" Legnini Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2020
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    This update came out unexpectedly for me, and in the middle of busy days, so it will take me a while to hop in and drive, dammit! :)

    Very happy, I think members outside Paddock Club were long overdue for an update, and this is great for them to have the latest developments the simulation had. More to come!
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  18. GreatAsaf

    GreatAsaf New Member

    Jan 2, 2023
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    Didn´t have so much fun with AI-based simracing in a very long time...fighting with the 1991 F1 cars in Barcelona 91, made me go back in time to the long hours spent in Grand Prix 1 and Grand Prix 2, when I was a little kid.

    Thanks to Reiza for such labour of love, already bought the two new DLCs, along with the Season Pass which I already had!
    • Like Like x 2
  19. MarcG

    MarcG Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Thank You Team Reiza, looking forward to trying this update out.

    Certainly is a doddle from the comfort of your own home without fear of death ;) Always easier for us than it was for them :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. mrjiffy6

    mrjiffy6 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I hope that by "next month" he meant for main release, so it will be christmas earlier for some of us :whistle:
    • Agree Agree x 3

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