Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. ricxx

    ricxx Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 30, 2022
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    I'm not entirely sure what Kuku meant by that. Let's not forget that for non native English speakers lots of nuance of language gets lost. I don't want to know how many times people talk past each other because of that.

    As you say, all these files that get uploaded, the feedback and the exchange of ideas is what moves everything forward.

    If we keep collecting files and keep them in one place, nothing is lost in this thread. People can just click a link and also read the context around the file that was posted. I personally have a favourite file I keep going back to, but I enjoy giving all these files a go and try to understand the 'language', because that's what FFB is.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
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  2. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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    Tested Karsten latest file (rFuktor variant exp) and it works very well on my T818 except one thing. When car is parked it's hard to turn the wheel and I've got massive oscillations when I take my hands off. What parameter/value i can change to reduce turning force/friction when car is stationary?
  3. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Nice work on this file @Karsten Hvidberg

    I like the stationary resistance at standstill. Once again, your scrub and Tear details are superbly tuned (FX at 30%). I do like the overall feel a lot, too. The SAT response is very balanced and smooth, almost seems to make car handling easier than ever. :D

    The only drawbacks I see so far, is the strong resistance on grass and not feeling much (if any) reduction in resistance on wet tracks. Haven't tested ffb on Dirt tracks (as motion in AMS2 is currently borked on dirt surfaces). At some point I can make a few tweaks down the line but, this version should work as an excellent starting point.

    Once again, Thank you so much for sharing your work!:)

    Attached Files:

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  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    It seems that nobody is interested in listening to advice from experienced tuners.
    I’ve been involved with this project since just about the beginning, some 350 odd pages ago , I’ve seen a lot of people come and go. I’ve seen the development of karstens work and tested and given feedback on most of the versions, I’ve uploaded many many files , especially in the peak development phase, and would have been one to post multiple edits in one day . But things have matured for he original rFuktor , so there’s no need for constant changes thankfully, I think I’ve maybe only publicly released about 4 files in the last year .

    what experience tells me is , there’s a lot of people that get overwhelmed by this mammoth thread , that has lots of different approaches to ffb , and they may have come to it based of a comment or suggestion in another social platform , then just assume that all custom files are the same, and grab the last one the see posted and
    Try it out , often without the correct settings, as they may read the setting’s philosophy of someone else’s file as it’s hard to know as a newbie who’s talking to who about what. ( mud )
    So they might have a terrible experience, and then just shake their heads and say custom files suck they aren’t for me, then go off and tell whoever wants to listen on whatever social network they might be on.

    so there is a responsibility of modders to try and make sure that what they are uploading to be well tested in my opinion .. based of experience.
    But it seems like experience isn’t greatly respected here in recent times , and is meet with passive aggressive behaviour.
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  5. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    I think this is more of an issue of forum formatting for uploading files to reference to, than anything else. I update the files I use all the time, I know people that haven’t updated in over a year. Lots of people are helpful if you need something and can’t find it. This is all extra anyways, I think most people that go into looking for custom FFB are decently well settled into AMS2 already. Just my .02.
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  6. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    I agree with you but the last segment.
    As a 54yo person, I take experience seriously (no wonder...:cool:), I cannot compete with 20yo people doing 80% of the tasks :cool:, but I can use my experience for the 20% left.
    But experience is not a status, it must be proven over and over again (I mean, in laboral and life context, not here).

    I think I prefer to post my progress and get feedback to move forward, but I understand your concerns about immature files all over the place. I post all files in a single post to avoid that noise, but still...

    I've used your files in the past and I appreciated using them. Thanks for that.
    But as a newby in these matters, I feel some strange resistance, as I don't belong. Maybe is just a communication problem, maybe is because I'm (too much) straight forward (criticizing AMS2) and create many antibodies, maybe is just me in bad mood.:confused:
  7. EcoBrum

    EcoBrum Member

    May 4, 2022
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    @Karsten Hvidberg, welcome back, we missed you :), without risking your marriage ;), please don't abandon us, there was too much confusion and there is a need for technical moderation and clarity opinion.

    Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that in the new file Exp the two variables suspension and suspension 2 are poorly coordinated with the code, furthermore it would seem that only the item suspension flows into the output (no suspensio2)

    (suspension_scale 0.0) #how much the suspension is felt.
    (suspension2_scale 0.0)

    In the dynamic only the first is ok....
    (suspension_scale (* suspension_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (suspension_scale2 (* suspension_scale2 bump_weight_scale))

    Then in the suspension code is ok ....
    (left (- (smooth FL_load 0.02) (smooth FL_load 0.1)))
    (right (- (smooth FR_load 0.02) (smooth FR_load 0.1)))
    (suspension (+ (* left mom_FL2) (* right mom_FR2 )))
    (suspension (spring suspension 2500 1.0))
    (suspension (* suspension 0.002 suspension_scale))
    (as (blend (min 1 (* (abs steering_angle_rack) 10)) 1 0))
    (as (power as 0.7))
    (as (smooth as 0.1))
    (suspension (* suspension as))

    (left (- (smooth FL_load 0.1) (smooth FL_load 0.5)))
    (right (- (smooth FR_load 0.1) (smooth FR_load 0.5)))
    (suspension2 (+ (* left mom_FL2) (* right mom_FR2 )))
    (suspension2 (spring suspension2 2500 1.0))
    (suspension2 (* suspension2 0.002 suspension2_scale))
    (as (blend (min 1 (* (abs steering_angle_rack) 10)) 1 0))
    (as (power as 0.7))
    (as (smooth as 0.1))
    (suspension2 (* suspension2 as))

    But in the road_features (and then in the outpout) is present only the suspension and not the suspension2 ....

    (road_features (+ slope_large suspension rear road_bumps road_details (* texture texture_scale 0.5)))

    The fix is simple ... but regardless can I ask you why the second suspension... and why both suspension and suspension2 scale set to zero??


    Another doubt but this is irrelevant, in the following code it seems there was a typo I'm referring to this 0.1 in bold... maybe it's an old remnant of a tested function (smooth or power)...

    (acc (/ kmh (max 1 (smooth kmh 0.005))))
    (acc2_vel (- acc (smooth acc 0.1)))
    (acc2 (+ 1 (* accel_feel 0.3 600 (max 0 acc2_vel))))
    (acc2 (max 0.66 (min acc2 1.5)) 0.1)

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    • Informative Informative x 2
  8. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I admire what you are trying to do , it’s the first custom file in along time that is actually starting from a fresh with totally different format and language.
    My comments are not directed specifically at anyone. just in general in reply to a general comment.

    I think you have been treated badly by some , and unfortunately it’s also the reason i don’t especially feel welcome, there’s a false narrative and lots of misinformation based of certain beliefs that aren’t the be all and end all facts
    . so i now only look to give technical help to those people that specifically ask when it’s relevant to the file base i know well.
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  9. dryheat94

    dryheat94 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    I'm going to take a break from the forums for awhile, but before I go I wanted to thank all of the modders who have built these customs. I've tried so many and finally found the one that suits me. Each one is different and if/when you find the one that suits you, you'll be amazed how much it can change the sim. My hats off to all of the creators!

    Happy holidays to everyone and I'll catch up next year.
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  10. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Yes, that's how I feel too, no more rabbit hole for me. I just enjoy the simulation and if there are any changes (maybe yes, maybe no) I will let you know:)
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  11. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey EcoBrum,

    Thank you for looking it through!
    I had actually noticed the 0.1 a while back, but forgot all about it, so will remove it. It likely does nothing, but didn't actually check since I couldn't back then:)

    Reg. the suspension stuff, suspension2 was an attempt on an added suspension sensation, but I decided against suspension sensation like those at all and just removed some of the lines & set the scales to 0, so there's no issue, just that I didn't clean it out completely.

    Again, thanks for checking!
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  12. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    rFuktor variant experimental file 2:

    * Less grip feel on kerbs.
    * Even less grip feel off track.
    * More scrub on rear wheels.
    * Removed redundant suspension2.
    * Adjusted slightly according to other comments posted.

    Attached Files:

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  13. Rocket455Man [FIN]

    Rocket455Man [FIN] New Member

    Dec 9, 2023
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    What causes my rim vibrating in straights (T300RS)?

    It was good in 1.5.2. and 1.5.3 it started.

    Earlier Daniel's v400 was good but now both v400 and v500 vibrating.

    Default+ is good.

    Or is my base breaking?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    It's really hard to say.
    Different bases, their strength and the rims weight play roles. Also the drivers from different hardware solutions have different timings.

    When latencies and hardware reactions drop over hardware generations and strwngth/control grows it should become more similar.
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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    There should be no oscillations in V400 or V500. Of course, I also differentiate between vibrations on the wheel (a good thing for me, I don't want a dead wheel) and pendulum movements on the wheel (a bad thing for me). Then the choice of wheel is also important, as Karsten already noted. And finally your selection of the file and your in-game and wheel settings. But if you're happy with standard then stick with it:)
  16. Rocket455Man [FIN]

    Rocket455Man [FIN] New Member

    Dec 9, 2023
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    My ffb is good in turns and a bit turned.

    ffb in starights vibrates hardly not small vibrating.

    And I use recommended in-game settings from file.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  17. Rocket455Man [FIN]

    Rocket455Man [FIN] New Member

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Kuku's last ffb from racedepartment not vibrating but it is too smooth for me.

    And I meaned "good" with default+ that isn't vibrating. :)
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
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  18. RobertoP

    RobertoP New Member

    Sep 19, 2023
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    This V7 is the best FFB for T300 after the last update!!! It is game-changing, I can feel weight transfer, road, curbs, slides, loss of grip, it feels so natural! You are my hero!!! Thank you!!! Christmas has come early this year!!!

    Thank you and greetings from Croatia!!!
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  19. mac2

    mac2 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    just setting up my fanatec CSL DD and everything seems to be ok - but is it necessary to make changes to the settings page which includes things like deadzones ect..... or can everything be kept default?
  20. lianjieyiqie

    lianjieyiqie Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I have tried several files, and most of them have a common situation, which is that the greater the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, the greater the resistance. Is this a special feature?
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