VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. RaptorNL

    RaptorNL New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    I did not have the spray clipping befor but I have it since the last update. Also some of the smoke from campfires and some of the smoke from cars but not all. is clipping through the map, cars and helmet. There was already a lot clipping through the helmet like frontscreen of almost every F1 car and with the F1 Reiza you see all the buttons of your wheel through the helmet. But the new spray and smoke has priority since it is unplayable in the rain now and I realy like to do it.
  2. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Just wanted to share a recent technical experience, regarding vr.
    I have a g2 and a 4070ti and was exclusively using openxr with some additional tuning such as reduced vertical FoV, 3000pixel resolution, FSR, foveated rendering with a single 55% ring, 1/16 outside - targeting the 90+ hz + some headroom.
    The result was that I got a very pleasing performance and (by no other sim matched) visuals with AMS2 during my daylight races - and unmatched to any other setup I tried, also the one I will describe below.
    Ams2 internal graphics setup was only moderate, e.g. no shadows, no grass, particles low etc., but, MSAA 2x, because I'm personally sensitive to staircasing in the distance.
    All good so far, however, doing a Fiat Uno 24h Norschleife in 30min emulated time accel., the fps dropped immediatly as the dark was close (headlights from behind, as mentioned very often as a performance impact in this very forum). The fps impact is leading to stuttering and makes it to me undriveable (note, also very personal as all the stuff in vr), so giving up on the night races ...., or endurance in vr.
    Having bad experience with reprojection in my first vr-days (1.5 years ago), for unknown reason, I switched to steamvr + reprojection today (really activated only in the thirdparty/wmr??64.exe as "motion vector" or "auto"). Suddenly I could stutterlyfree drive my test case, the night in the Nordschleife with 10+ cars behind. I notice a bit less clarity as in openxr, and minor artefacts (can really live with them) at very certain times at very certain edges - but it was smooth, … in the night, … all the headlights pointing at me :)
    To conclude: it cannot match my openxr setup during the day (also during the day it's slower and not that high fidelity clearness), but this simple steamvr setup almost doesn't distinguish between day and night (I had even the feeling that during the day the motion reprojection was triggered). At the end, it was my first vr 24h race and it was great.
    Maybe give it a try with your hardware.
    Off-topic: I like really the new patches, a few more AI fine-tuning, and it's my dream of a racing experience (note, I recognize the effort in the implementation of a perfect AI race grid even more than a stable multiplayer code, which - of course - also not easy, but it was done already :) ). Appreciating myself the multiplayer experience, just wanted to praise the AI devs a bit :)

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  3. mildew

    mildew New Member

    Nov 28, 2023
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  4. Exorbit

    Exorbit New Member

    Oct 20, 2023
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    still on 22h2
  5. mac2

    mac2 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    just gave AMS2 a try with my pimax crystal in VR - (using steam vr) and my settings are mostly high (running a 7950x3d and 4090) - however I seem to be getting around 80-90fps depending on the situation and it does not really feel smooth with a bit of stutters - is anyone able to suggest some settings to tweak in order to hit 90fps and also to improve smoothness? (in 2d AMS2 feels amazingly smooth and fps is around 180)
  6. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    SteamVR resolution scale to 100% (4300x5120)
    game settings:
    MSAA to low.
    Car detail to high, track detail to medium
    everything else set to low or medium.
    If you have the sharpening enabled in the text file then turn it back to 0
    I ran it fine 90fps.
    If you get dips then gradually lower the SteamVR resolution.

    I ran with different settings on this video. Lower SteamVR resolution but enabled the sharpening. As you can see, stable 90fps.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
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  7. mac2

    mac2 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    thanks for the reply couple of questions:
    1)can see your suggesting starting with a res of 4300x but in the video you seem to be using x3820 is this where you ended up with the resolution in order to get 90 fps?
    2)did you try with the new 72hz setting yet? (not updated my crystal yet but will try when I update it - seems it might be a solution to reduce the stuttering as I always get 80fps +)
    3)note you refer to a text file - have not touched this and was unaware it was an option - can you explain more about where this file and where its located and how it can be tweaked?
    4)what car are you using in the video?
  8. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    1, I did the video with those 3820x settings then the following day managed to get it stable running at 100% steamVR resolution of 4300x5120. I think I may have used OpenXR too. Had FFR set to 85%.
    2. I tried it , it was ok. A little more juddery as you turn the corners but other than that it's not noticeable. I could get used to it I guess if I was forced to.
    3. The text file is in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Automobilista 2
    It's called graphicsconfigopenvrdx11. You need to change a line near the bottom.
    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.000000" />

    Change the value of 0.000 to whatever. I set it to 0.5 when I use it. The video above it was set to 1.5, which is why it looks over sharp,

    4. The car was a Mercedes CLK-LM GT1 car.

    I don't have the Crystal any more. I couldn't get it to a place where I was 100% happy with it. It caused a lot of eye strain, audio was messed up, eye tracking stopped working, lens focus felt like was like I was wearing incorrect prescription glasses etc . I returned it and went with a Varjo Aero.

    One last thing. Go in your NVidia control panel and the in "manage 3D settings" go to your AMS2 profile.
    Change it to this, it blurs out the slightly jagged aliasing on distant objects. You can increase the blur with the Aliasing amount.

    Get a program called fpsVR and have it running showing the little graphic monitor on the headset. for 90fps you need to have a frame time under 11ms, preferably around 9ms just to be safe. fpsVR will show you how close you are to meeting the 11ms target and you can make better tweaks with settings if you're just slightly over.
    I found all the sun rays, MSAA and reflections all use a fair chunk of FPS if you need to trim a little.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  9. mac2

    mac2 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    thanks for the update:
    1)will try some of the tweaks - in terms of the file will try adding the sharpening and see if it helps - any other file lines I should look to change? - note if you were using openXR I believe there is a sharpening option included (but I rarely use as it impacts fps.....)
    2)interested that U used the openXR - note I have this installed already (with the quad view FFR) for use with MSFS and DCS with amazing results - but thought you had to use steam VR with AMS2 - how do you get it working with AMS2 - do u simply not start steamVR and have openXR running when you enter AMS2 in VR mode or do I need to tweak something else? (note I read something about open composite being required to use open XR - is this another app to get openXR running with AMS2 as I dont need it for openXR in DCS and MSFS)?
    3)open XR seems to have a lock 1/2 frame rate (45) which I use with DCS and MSFS assume this should work with AAMS2?
    4) in the nvidia settings which ones are you actually tweaking from default?(could not see from the screen)
    5)sorry to hear you gave up on the crystal I almost got the aero but went for the crystal and for MSFS and DCS using openXR its amazing (but it had to be tweaked) and needs the hardware (running a 7950x3d and 4090) - have to say with AMS2 been disappointed so far but mainly because I can't get it to run smooth and hit the 90fps will try some of the tweaks....
  10. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    1. That's what I'm saying. Sharpening took away a fair chunk of FPS. When I removed it I hit 90fps stable.
    2. I don't play flight sims. Never used Quad view etc.
    3. Never tried. If you use OpenXR toolkit and OpenComposite and access the GUI you can do most things.
    4. It's a thumbnail. you need to click it to enlarge it. The altered lines are in bold
    5.I gave it a good go, twice. It's not for me. I prefer the Aero.
  11. mac2

    mac2 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    thanks will give it a try.......
    out of interest what's the benefit if using openxr/composite over steam VR?(rather not move across if there is no clear advantage)
  12. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    I recently changed my G2 to a quest pro and have honestly been blown away by the quality using link. Not as sharp but the edge to edge clarity is superb. It's even better now after the v60 update.
    I'm using the same openxr toolkit dll in the x64 folder so steamvr doesn't open but can't get the toolkit menu to show so I guess it doesn't work on quest.
    I'm amazed.. 72 fps in any conditions with better visuals.
  13. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    I literally bought a 2nd hand QPRO last night in addition to the Q2 I have owned for a year to use for PCVR

    Especially sims like AMS2 and your post makes me confident further it is a good decision
    I am testing Pico headsets in parallel but they have flaws so hopefully the QPRO will deliver as per the expectation

    Regarding ANS2 you can’t run openxr using conventional opencomposite way

    but I found out recently that you can get all the advantages of openxr by using VIRTUAL DESKTOP and it’s VDXR runtime add on so I will certainly do that after receiving the QPRO
    stay tuned
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  14. Snowy

    Snowy New Member

    Dec 28, 2022
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    Just want to say thank you for a great VR experience, straight out of the box with no endless tweeking required. Automobilista 2 in my Varjo Aero is probably the best VR experience I have had to date. Thank you Reiza!
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  15. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Well, this is weird. I just bought a Quest 3. Previously had (still have) a Vive Pro. I had setup AMS2 to use OpenComposite/OpenXR toolkit with my Vive pro using Game specific dll. I had various FFR settings in OXRTK etc as well as the FPS display.

    I now installed the Quest 3, set Oculus to be default OpenXR software when asked.

    I then ran AMS2 (select Oculus VR option - not SteamVR) via Oculus Link (I have full 2.5gbs tested throughput via USB 3.2 cable, set 940mbs rate via Debug tool) expecting the OXRTK to not be available but I could see the FPS OXRTK display. So, hit Ctl-F2 and this opened the menu and everything seems to work. The FPS is being reported by OXRTK etc. I didn't do anything special at all but it all seems to work as expected (I say expected, but I thought OXRTK/OpenComposite wasn't supposed to work with Meta headsets but its working with my new Quest 3).

    Anyway, just reporting as I didn't do anything special so no point asking what I did to get it to work as I didn't do anything. It just works :)
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  16. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Hello, running Quest 3, link cable, 3060Ti , Ryzen 7 3800x and 64gb Ram.
    Previously i used an Oculus Rift S and was able to have graphics at Medium, Anti-Alliassing to High and 1.4 pixel density.

    Now with the Quest 3 i seem to struggle at 72hz mode, at the base 1.0 Quest 3 resolution, low graphics, 350 bitrate ... am i doing something wrong with the settings that can be causing this low performance ? Or anyone got any tips what they are using on the same / similar setup as mine ?

    Thank you for any help.
  17. Bernd18995

    Bernd18995 Active Member

    Feb 15, 2023
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    The Rift S has much lower resolution compared to the quest 3.
    Total Pixel per eye of 1.843.200 compared to the 4.557.312 per eye of the quest 3.
    If you multiply quest 3 by two, you are rendering about a million more pixels with a 1.0 ratio than with a typical 4k display or tv. Performance Wise the 60 class of cards isn't really aimed at such high resolutions, the 80 or 90 series would be a better fit there.

    Not too much you can do there, besides decreasing resolution below native and upscale it by using f.e. the open xr toolkit or enabling asynchronous space warp or whatever its called. This basically inserts generated frames in between, which halves the real framerate - some persons are more sensitive to this kind of "fake frames" than others but might be worth a try.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2023
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  18. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I have recently been getting massive frame drops in AMS2 with a Quest 2 link cable.

    It used to be smooth as butter for the most part. Now at random points around the track my frame rate feels like it gets cut to a third of what it was and stays there for a couple seconds.

    It is not ASW kicking in because i usually leave that off for racing.

    Anyone else getting bad frame drops recently?
  19. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Just a follow up to my Quest 3 OpenXR Toolkit success I posted above. Today, it does not work. No sign of OXRTK despite every effort and yet yesterday it was working fine.

    Bloody computers!!

    Edit: As it turns out, don't need OXRTK anyway. Runs very well without any need for any FFR.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2023
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  20. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    If anyone is on the fence about getting a quest 3 or pro, just do it. I have the pro and It is without doubt the best headset I have owned.Previous one was g2 and seeing the edge to edge clarity, smooth frame rates and colours just floored me.

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