Latest update (1.5.3) introduces VR dropped frames & micro stutters

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by filmguy123, Dec 1, 2023.

  1. filmguy123

    filmguy123 New Member

    Dec 1, 2023
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    I play almost exclusively VR sim titles, including DCS World & MSFS. I have no issues elsewhere and am familiar with VR settings. I have changed nothing in terms of my VR or system settings and all else works as normal. The only change is the new update to AMS2.

    System specs: 5950x, 128gb RAM, Asus TUF OC RTX 4090, Reverb G2, no reprojection, SteamVR, 90fps locked

    The issue: The new update to introduce microstutters and dropped frames into VR. It's subtle enough that I had to turn on metrics (via FPSvr in SteamVR) to confirm it. My frame times for CPU are very low (4-5ms) and for GPU within range for 90fps locked (7-9ms, so a couple ms to spare for headroom). Nothing has changed with my good frame times, but what HAS changed is now the FPS counter constantly goes down to 89, 90, 89, 90 and sometimes down to 87/88 range. I get dropped frames that continue to add up over the course of a session.

    This is strange because at no point in the FPSVR graph do I appear to be getting spikes, and my frame times remain good with plenty of headroom. I tried on a variety of cars and tracks, and with and without AI. Even on a non demanding track with no AI, with tons of FPS headroom, the issue persists.

    As is, I can't play anymore. I am sensitive to motion sickness and really need the 90fps locked and the constant frame drops introduce little microstutters that make me feel "off" after a few laps.

    Until this is addressed I cannot play.

    Reiza, can you acknowledge?
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  2. Exorbit

    Exorbit New Member

    Oct 20, 2023
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    Hello, same symptoms here. I-13900k and 4090 on the Crystal. I run a fairly low res for the Crystal 3245xsomething and a low number of opponent car ( 13 ) and I observe the same as the OP.

    I use Open XR tool kit and PimaxXR
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  3. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Performance is one of the things that is looked into. (Not only VR but generally relevant)
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  4. Exorbit

    Exorbit New Member

    Oct 20, 2023
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    Thanks Crimson. Good to hear!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im not running VR.
    But it would be a pity if AMS2 suddenly get problems with VR.
    Because almost all youtube reviewers has until know agreed that at least VR is one of the strongpoints in the game.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. filmguy123

    filmguy123 New Member

    Dec 1, 2023
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    Thank you! I really hope you do take a serious look at specifically the VR side, since performance frame times are proper and it seems to inexplicably be dropping frames/micro stutters. Never an issue before the newer update.

    Because many of us are VR exclusive, I simply can't tolerate it which means I can't play until it is resolved. :/

    Good to hear you are investigating this. Hopeful for a hot patch soon.
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  7. thun0r

    thun0r New Member

    Jan 1, 2023
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    Having same issue, since last update, tried updating drivers, clearing NVIDIA cache, putting any OC's back to default settings and still getting dropped frames.

    Vive Pro (modded with pancake lenses and firmware changes)
    3080 FTW3
    64GB RAM (XMP enabled)

    Any car and track combo.

    I only play this game in VR so if this can't be resolved I've bought a DD wheel and rig that I now need to sell as it makes me actually feel sick now when trying to race.
  8. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    had the same issue, not only in AMS2 actually.

    it turned up that monitoring apps like Fancontrol in my case was creating the stutters. MSI AB was also triggering the frame drops.
    its worth looking at what you have running on your PC and get this off to see the impact
  9. FaanBE

    FaanBE Member

    Nov 30, 2023
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    Experiencing similar issues. First few races are fine but after 30min to 1h of driving, it becomes very noticeable.

    PC specs in signature.
    Only running Crewchief in the background, nothing else.
  10. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Sometimes you have somthing running in the background even without knowing, but influencing the performance of the system massively.
    Had this sometime ago with AMS1, stuttering like hell every few minutes. Finally i found the culprit by a crappy Autodesk tool firing once in awhile. By eliminating this tool, all stutters disappeared at once.
    Allready controlled your autostart and running services?
  11. FaanBE

    FaanBE Member

    Nov 30, 2023
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    Not very recently, but it's a dedicated gaming pc, so unless a windows update has reset stuff, nothing should be even installed that could be running without me knowing or wanting it :)
  12. thun0r

    thun0r New Member

    Jan 1, 2023
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    I use something called Process Laso to monitor background tasks and have now done a full sweep of wanted, unwanted and required tasks that run while in game. There is nothing that is taking more processing away from AMS2.exe than I had before the update. I use SteamVR with Vive Pro with pancake lenses and SteamVR has been updated to 2.0 in Nov I think. There was some sporadic complaints about dropped frames in random games but that has been fixed by subsequent updated by Valve, additionally 3 friends of mine (2 with Quest2 and 1 with Quest3) have noticed a similar issue with dropped frames, they are using OpenXR as their API instead of what SteamVR uses.

    So I can rule out my system and background tasks and I can rule out my headset and I can rule out the VR api. That leaves AMS2. Looking on reddit, some youtube comments and elsewhere on the forum it seems I am not the only one experiencing this now.

    Performance does seem to have taken a hit with the new updates.

  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Its more simple to use a simple batch file with the command NET STOP to stop some of Windows completely unnessesary background processes.
    Be aware when you restart Windows all the stopped processes back in business ;)

    Check my post out and batch example:
    Best performance graphic settings for all kind of races?
  14. stillyahoo

    stillyahoo New Member

    Feb 28, 2024
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    I havent jumped into AMS2 for a while but the last week have had time to hop in again so there was some game updating going on and I'm really struggling with these micro-stutters.

    Ive checked my AMS2 version and I am now on v1.5.5.6

    Those of you who originally posted who were on v1.5.3 has your stuttering resoved itself or is it still ongoing?

    Im running a Quest 3 on an RTX 4090/7800X3D -
    Airlink stable 2402mbps linkspeed - people have mentioned airlink at 160MHz has issues but I never experienced a problem. Testing bandwidth between PC and Headset I get full consistent 978mbps up and down (PC ethernet to router is a 1gbps wired connection so i woudlnt expect any higher than that)
    500mbps H264 bitrate set via oculusdebugtool.

    It easily holds 90fps or even 120fps but its the micro-stutters that get me. especailly noticeable when taking any corner how the background skips around.

    Whatever GPU overhead I have (60% down to 5%, as indicated by Oculus performance overlay) I still get the same micro-suttering. It is seriously off-putting
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
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