Update candy: no fix to insane bugs though.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Interceptor, Mar 31, 2024.

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  1. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    First of all: I do love this game, but there is a huge bug I just can't get over.

    Now, reading the text in the new update and the update to come: big work on tyres! Hysterics and stuff like that, calculating how deep the rubber goes in the tarmac for each compound and so on.

    That SEEMS actually very nice, but wouldn't it be a good idea to FIRST make the tyres ROUND?
    Like......in every other game?

    A while ago I made this topic: Bouncing and unround tyres (new) messes up FFB.
    Soon it went on about making the feel of it less, but fact remains: when you drive out of a pitbox, well, the game does that for you, the car goes HOPPING out of the box, more when it steers a bit.
    Now take the F-Ultima Gen 2 at Brasil for instance. Its not that bad, but when you get control, keep the car at around the same speed and take it into the rand-hand corner: what happens? That is NOT how a car is supposed to behave.

    So, sorry to say, but advertising you make a great game and spend lots of work, hours and research in tyres, their physics and behaviour, doesn't sit well with me when they are not even ROUND.........

    It probably brings in more money when you "add new features" instead of fixing a main bug, but fact is: a car has round wheel when they are new, and its a shame you are not willing(!!) to fix such a primary issue.
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  2. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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  3. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    So, disagree's and "whining".

    Forget the FFB and read what I wrote: before you have control(!!) the car is HOPPING out of it's pitbox. So there is an underlaying problem and the wheels are not round: a pretty essential thing for a car.

    Now you can say I'm whining and disagree with me, but: way to go to make a game better!
    Just telling the maker all is fine while it is not.

    Did you even try the car I said, or the one in the other topic?
    I can NOT believe you really think this is fine, this is how a car should behave.
    That is trying to be the kind guy to the dev's, becoming friends at the expense of a proper game.
    Try it, really, do it and tell me with dry eyes this is how a car behaves.
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  4. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    No one has any idea what your "hopping" refers to. Even in your previous thread, people had no idea what you were talking about. You haven't provided any concrete examples to help us figure out your problem - no videos, no photos, nothing. Just vague descriptions.

    I've driven AMS2 for hundreds of hours, I have no idea what your "hopping" issue is. The only thing I can think of even remotely close is that, while in the pits, the pit limiter sometimes causes the car to bounce when at the rev limit. Is that the issue?

    Right now all you're doing is complaining that "the wheels are not round" o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O. Instead of immediately jumping to your conclusions, maybe take the time to show us a video (or anything) so we can understand what your issue is.

    Help us, help you.
    • Agree Agree x 10
  5. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    Agreed, I'm not that good in video's and stuff, but I will try to make one.
    Don't get me wrong, but I just can not understand why no-one sees it, that's why I wrote what I did.
    Anyway, I will try and make the video tonight and we will see.
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  6. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    Well, that went smoother than I thought :)
    Remembered a program from 'the old days', Fraps.

    Okay, it is a bit hard to see, on the monitor it is way more clear and sure: after I got control, I hit the curb on the left-inside, so that doesn't count. But right after that, it IS good (best) to see what I mean.
    On the right turn, you can see it too, but then it is more the car bouncing whilst -when you drive it- you see the wheels moving more like that than the car.

    Anyway, take a look, I hope it works: Dropbox - AMS2AVX 2024-03-31 18-58-37-87.avi - Simplify your life
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  7. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    What do you mean by making tyres "round"? Are you talking about the modelling geometry needing more polygons?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
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  8. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    Not even that, read what I wrote, watch the video and then start "helling" around please?
  9. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Yep, it works. Thank you for the video and apologies if I was aggressive with my first message.

    I see what you mean. I haven't gotten to drive the new Formulas yet, so maybe someone else who did can chip in. But, my initial thought is that your camera settings (since it seems your camera is fully locked to horizon) contribute to making issue so obvious.

    The old FUlt's were also quite bouncy, but this isn't because of the tyres being square, it's because of their very stiff suspension. Combined with an irregular track surface, you get this bounciness.
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  10. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    No problem! I did the same, so sorry for that one too.
    The reason I write mainly about the things one can see and not feel, is that everyone tries to let you filter it out with files, dampers and so on.
    Thing is; there is an underlaying problem and a "filter" covering it, should- and can not be the answer.
    It stings a bit when there is a lot work on the tyres but this hasn't (and so it seems: will not be) addressed.

    I do have the horizon lock because of VR.

    However; you can see what is happening and also, the main problem; when you get control, you can FEEL the exact same thing.
    Before, with my older wheel, it didn't popup that much and now I invested in a better wheel, you can feel it way more.
    When driving, making corners, this what you see, is a HUGE part of what I feel in the wheel: that can not be right, right?

    But again; I can filter it out a bit, but this shouldn't be in the game, this shouldn't be an underlaying problem and I shouldn't have to make all settings so that it is way less.
    I mean; get a wheel without FFB is the actual solution when we 'solve' it like that ;)
    I never had this in any other game; should be doable for a maker of this kind of game that is otherwise near perfect.
  11. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Springende und hüpfende Autos sind bei Ams2 leider ein Problem. Darauf habe ich dir bereits letztes Mal geantwortet. Wenn Sie etwas Negatives über Ams2 sagen, werden die Leute leider sofort aggressiv und greifen Sie an. Meiner Meinung nach ist es ein physikalisches Problem in Kombination mit dem FFB, was es noch schlimmer macht. Leider ist dies bei den Standardeinstellungen sehr auffällig. Ich stimme voll und ganz zu, dass es keinen Sinn macht, alles mit Filtern zu verbergen. Vielleicht wird Reiza eines Tages etwas dagegen unternehmen – das können wir zumindest hoffen;)
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  12. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Also in VR and also use lock to horizon - hence why I know about the bounciness, it's also visible in VR. But I haven't noticed it in the wheel, most likely because I use a custom FFB.

    Are you using one of the default FFB profiles? I think the bounciness is a normal thing that happens with FUlts especially (I mean hell, even the real things were porpoising :whistle:), but it's the "FX" FFB setting that causes the weird feelings in your wheel. FX adds artificial FFB based on what the tyre/suspension is doing. This works great if the tyre is just going over a kerb, you get some cool vibrations. But if the tyres are bouncing because of the stiff suspension... well, that's most likely the issue.

    Basically, if you're using a default profile, FX might be main culprit. Aside from changing to an FFB that doesn't use FX (like the one I linked in my initial message), you could try turning down the FX when driving stiff cars.
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  13. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    That is also a big problem; people not wanting to see the problem. If the manufacturer is always told their work is perfect, the game won't get any better.
    Look at this topic alone: people disagreeing, hitting that button like a jumping stick, someone who obviously only read the first few lines and starting "hell" this and that.
    Horia goes in discussion; that's how it can be when you do not agree; that's how it should be.
    I have no clue why people should be such fanboys.
    But we'll wait and see if a solution comes up: I was hoping they would do it instead of a "big update on tyre physics" because that seems futile now.

    @Horia M
    I did try a few different files, downloaded some but the best I could find for this problem, is one that didn't gave much FFB altogether.
    So I do see it as a 'banded' but hey, it is what it is and I will try those files again, starting with yours!
    Will screw FX down, thanks for the tip!
  14. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Hopefully it's not a general FFB but an FX issue. Let me know how it goes, when I get home tomorrow I'll also check it out to see if you can feel the bounciness in the FFB itself.
  15. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Wich wheel do you have? What settings you use.It would be more helpful to post your system specs in your avatar,as many do,so we can see and help instead of guessing.And a little politeness coast you nothing.Happy Eastern;)
  16. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Interceptor: Have you tried the karts? Do you think it could be the same problem?
  17. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    @Horia M
    As it already occurs before you have control of the car......I would presume it is a physics issue.
    The physics come out in the FFB, so that's how you notice most, but it is already there.
    I tried some more files, tried FX off (it was already) and it is still there......

    Brings me back to my point: if only devs would work out this problem instead of 'polishing up a turd'......sorry, but that's the way I see it: they are doing a spray job on a rotten out car. The base is just not good.

    @Dady Cairo
    My wheel is a Fanatec Podium DD1.
    It really doesn't matter as I'm not looking for a setting that filters some effects out.
    As I wrote: the problem of the bouncing car is there, it is backed IN the game, the wheels are not round (hence: bouncing when you don't have control even yet) and so: the FFB is good. But it gives you the feel the car has due to bad physics.
    So, messing up my FFB to hide physics: no.

    A bit of a weird remark about politeness though: what did I do wrong?
    Where was I the one starting with the bad words?

    @Roar McRipHelmet
    I do not think that is the same problem mate.
  18. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    My question is, why is it a turd when AFAIK you’re the only one experiencing it? I mainly drive modern F1 cars in AMS2 and the car might bounce a bit in the pits, but I don’t feel anything when on the track. The tyres only feel weird when I get a flat spot
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  19. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    AFAIK I am not the only one experiencing it but I am the only one that doesn't wipe out 99% of his FFB, use third party files and basically make my wheel a center-spring just to not feel the physics of the car.
    I mean; did you see the video? Did you notice the physics of the car that you have to wipe out?
    The movement IS there, hard backed into the car and if your wheel is good, the FFB is there, you will feel it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Which custom FFB file do you use?
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