AMS 2 Indianapolis 500 experience

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by jedlin12, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. jedlin12

    jedlin12 Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Hi, have anytone tried doing a longer race in F-USA at Indianapolis after 1.4.8 update? I tried yesterday and honestly it was the most flawed race i had in F-USA so far. Didn't have so much trouble in Daytona, Long Beach, Rio and even Salvador

    Class: F-USA gen 3 and two F-USA gen 2 cars

    - AI seems to still use physics or model prior 1.4.8. They reach enormous speeds through turn 1, no matter how they approch the corner, while the player will struggle to get anything above 210 mph, unless he nails the corner line perfectly.

    - On the other hand they are quite slow through T3 and especially T4

    - Generally, dirty air affects AI drivers less than the player (at least it seems so). At 97-98 AI at default setup I barely keep the mid-fielders pace

    - Lola chassis is way faster than Reynards. Fastest lap of slowest Lola car was at least 0,5s faster than the fastest Reynard driver.

    - AI struggles to keep side-by side in the corners, even on low agression and often ram the player, which usually causes damage beyond repair.

    - AI is very fast from the go, while the player can have the same pace after caution period, due to colder tires

    - The positive note are ocassional AI unforced mistakes. They're giving immersion

    Eventually i gave up trying after i got crashed out at lap 40. I'll be grateful if you post your own experience. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, then I won't disdain advice
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  2. herakles

    herakles Member

    May 26, 2022
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    Hi Jedlin!

    I hope, this is not too much off topic, but I did a race with F-USA Gen 1 in Daytona Tri Oval. 200 laps. The more I emerged towards the end of the distance, the more AI cars aborted their race. In the end, there were two cars reaching finish line - me and one AI that was 4 laps behind me. So if that AI would have been in the same lap - who knows, if it had finished.

    Almost every AI driver stopped the brake due to engine failure, at least it seemed like that (cars were standing on the road smoking). The final 30 laps had maybe 4 laps without caution, the rest of the time only problems due to aborting cars.

    The race itself seemed okay regarding AI behaviour, although the AI was VERY slow - and yes, all of them. This was annoying and I had additional problems with AI on that track, which I posted here and in the following 4 posts:

    Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post).

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. jedlin12

    jedlin12 Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Hey, in my case mechanical DNFs weren't a case. From 32 starters, 25 finished the race, but i think all of them DNF'ed due to collisions. What was your random failures setting?
  4. Essemo

    Essemo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2023
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    I've run 3 full length Indy 500 races in the past week with the F-USA Gen 1 cars.

    My methodology was to do race only, no qualifying and start on pole. I played around with the AI settings to get it to a point where the fastest few AI lap times were equal or slightly better than mine.

    My observations about the AI are broadly similar to the OP. Seem a bit fast in T1 and T2 and a bit slow in T3 and T4. Did have some trouble with getting hit in the turns but didn't check replays to see how much was my fault and how much theirs. Also found that my tyres didn't last as long as AI but that could just be my driving style.

    Eventually I found that I could have an enjoyable race by setting the AI so that I was slightly faster than the fastest AI and starting on pole. This seemed to allow me to have good battles with the fastest AI without collisions and enabled me to pass slower AI without too much drama.

    In a full race I found the AI would usually pit 5 times while I would pit 6 times. This set up some interesting finishes. In one race I was able to drive with no mistakes and take the win. Another time, I scraped the wall on a turn and had a longer pitstop for repairs, resulting in a midfield finish. Another time, I got too aggressive on a restart when I was in 6th place with 20 laps to go and crashed out.

    In summary then, I'd say the experience has been pretty good. Once you tweak the AI to your ability and style, I think it works well. Throw in the additional random element of full course yellows that can wipe out a good lead and throw pitting strategies into disarray and you can have what I think is a pretty realistic experience. In my opinion, it's a better Indy 500 experience than I've ever managed to achieve with RF2 to this point.

    Although I've been mostly a road course sim racer over the years, I do really enjoy oval racing, so I'm glad that AMS2 has been able to give us the excellent indycars from the 1990s and these nice tracks to race them on. I'm sure we''ll see further improvements in the future but at this stage I'd say that it's already very enjoyable and I'd like to thank the team at Reiza for the efforts they've put into it.
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  5. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Did you guys got a very dirty line on corners 3-4? Did a short 15 lap race and it got quite tricky on those turns because of the dirt!
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  6. jedlin12

    jedlin12 Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Yes, i forgot to mention, that AI drivers really likes to catch the grass at turns 1 and 3 making doing them properly even harder
  7. Essemo

    Essemo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2023
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    I might just mention another thing about the AI and full course yellows.

    As someone who tends to prefer the "olden days" of racing, I usually shun full course yellows and safety cars. When I race the indycars on road circuits, I usually turn this option off. But my experience with the ovals is that you can't do this as it will cause too many AI crashes and retirements.

    I guess that's an obvious point when you think about it and probably no-one would actually race on the ovals in this way but, for the record, I did try one full Indy 500 race without full course yellows and I found that by the end of 200 laps there were only 5 AI cars still running. I think this is because whenever an incident happens with one or two cars, the others following behind don't adjust quickly enough and a bigger pile up results, leading to more retirements.
  8. jedlin12

    jedlin12 Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    I saw, that at Friday, a hotfix has been released, so I have to redo the race
  9. sEBq78

    sEBq78 New Member

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I have a question i love that era of Indycars but at indianapolis track F-USA Gen.1.2.3 is almost undrivable. Cars want to drift or go sideways even on very gently steering. Any suggestions what can help? Is that effect of AMS2 "slidy" physics or broken default setups?
  10. jota.191

    jota.191 (I'm Lando Garlando in AMS2 lobbies) AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Haven't tried them lately. They have had better and worse states depending on the patches.
    Yet even at the better states AMS2 haven't been the best place to run ovals, specially because AI. I hope they can improve ovals because they are y favourite, and the only reason I still launch iRacing sometimes.

    Anyway, I can tell you (without having the sim rig where I am to properly test) what I would do. First of all, cars in cold tires are slidy, take some laps gently, and do not use the throttle as a light switch. This is obvious if you have some experience but even in that case, perhaps it is worth mentioning, indycars at an oval are specially complicated (locked differential, very assymetrical setup, a lot of power, and a banked surface).
    Assuming that is not the issue, and nothing is fundamentally broken in physics at this patch, then you want to set up the car to be tighter. Put more the downforce balance at the back, like max wing in the rear, and perhaps put less wing in the front. Chassiswise, an important thing you must do is altering the crossweight. You want the weight in the RF and LR tires if you want the car to be tight, so put higher ride heights there (and lower LF, RR) and stiffer springs. Tuning it correctly is an art but just to test, just do it crudely, you should definitely get a tight car if everything is working well with the physics (and probably undriveable, but then you can start to properly tweak).
  11. jedlin12

    jedlin12 Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    1. Decrease steering lock, or whatever that setting is called to allow more precise wheel movement
    2. Increase downforce on rear, you can also put more weight on the rear
    3. Set weight jacker lower
    4. Remember to lift throttle a little. From my experience I couldn't do a proper turn at mid-corner speeds of more than 220 mph (354 km/h).

    Imho AI works alright on ovals other than Indianapolis. The only issue is that cars have too excessive tyre wear, so I'm not able to make full stint on 2x tire wear.

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