Automobilista 2 May 2024 Development Update - The Road to V1.6 Pt1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 31, 2024.

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  1. Alexandre Costa

    Alexandre Costa Active Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    I don't know how suddenly it changed from a hyped thread to a toxic one. I'm sorry, but the first guys criticizing the hyped people here are a bit off topic. Most of the time I see comments of people wondering when the update comes in a good and positive way.

    Edit: I agree that in this page some people started complaining about the delay. But I'm following this thread since day one and I don't remember seeing this until now.
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  2. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I dont buy that. Then people start blasting the forum that the game is abandoned and the devs dont care to even communicate about what and if smth is being worked on for months.

    Just look at ACC. Nobody knows what the future is for ACC and the excitement over the product dies down. Surely part of the job of the developers of the sim is to keep interest piqued.

    Ofcourse, the easiest route is to just go radio silent and suddenly release an update.
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  3. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Just be patient, v1.6 will be great. One day you will wake up and it will be there.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2024
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  4. Jinximuss

    Jinximuss New Member

    Sep 5, 2024
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    i know people are annoyed but why rush perfection
  5. Hamady91

    Hamady91 Active Member

    Aug 30, 2024
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    Maybe some words from the devs to know how things are going could be great
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  6. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    there is a big difference between being excited and being childish or infantile.o_O
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  7. Bleach_90

    Bleach_90 New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
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    I registered here to say that this game has become my favorite simulator and one of my favorite games ever. Even bad days get better when I know I can come home and drive old F1 cars. Thank you for this amazing game. In my opinion, it's already nearly perfect, and I can't wait to see what the new update will bring.

    My only wish would be to someday have the 2005 McLaren MP4-20 in the game!:D
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  8. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    This is honestly quite toxic, and I am very surprised people upvoted your comment. You might agree or disagree with somebody's opinion, but there is no point in ridiculing a well given criticism. I personally don't care at all about the "delay", but I understand people's disappointment when hinted deadlines are never met. 10 days ago it was indeed hinted that part2 might come out that same day, and here we are still without it. Obviously some people are not gonna like it, and they have the right to say it and engage in healthy discussions, and not be met by your or other's sarcastic mode.

    Just my two cents. Peace.
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  9. Majestic

    Majestic BANNED BANNED

    Aug 10, 2024
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    Thanks to those who correctly read and understood my post. People constantly dislike me for my personal opinion, I’m already used to it. This doesn't make the forum look good at all. We're in the same boat and we're all waiting for 1.6, so we have to treat each other with respect.
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  10. Hamady91

    Hamady91 Active Member

    Aug 30, 2024
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    Yeah i remember the 1st before the Lone star race when the dev said that the dev update might comme the same day.

    That is the kind of promises that create hype and After fustration

    I really want reiza to take their time to have a perfect product but we need more transparent communication about what to expect for the future
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  11. Michael Lewis

    Michael Lewis Member

    Sep 2, 2024
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    From what i understand it's not officially delayed (no inside knowledge) but summer isn't over yet although we are very close. Virtually no details about AC evo and Reiza the complete opposite and unfortunately this approach can come with a backlash. Also agree with the point about keeping the excitement alive with the sim is necessary.
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  12. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    The problem is that ever since you've joined the forum, all you've done is tried to create reasons why Reiza need to release the updates by a certain time, whether it's to "beat the hype" for AC Evo, or whatever. Your posts are childish and cringeworthy. I understand you're pumped about the game and that's ok, but you need to stop with the melodrama because it's not changing anything and it's not helping anyone.

    Genuine question: You do actually understand that game development takes time, right? There is no magic wand. The update will take as long as it takes, and honestly the fact that we've got dozens of pages of people still repeating themselves is actually quite sad. It'll be ready when it's ready!
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  13. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Mate, if the common denominator is you, is it really a clear answer that everyone else is solely to blame?
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  14. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Reiza overpromising is not directly correlated with underdelivering.
    Reiza overpromising is based on ambition not laziness.

    That's all I need to know to let them finish what they started or else the new thread will be all about new features that simple don't work as intended.
    Sticking to the schedule wouldn't be so important anymore, would it?
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  15. MJFox

    MJFox New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
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    this is exactly what I mean... most people don't mind to wait if the outcome is worth it (and I'm sure it is), but telling the people an update will come the same day or the day after and 10 days later there's still nothing is just lame and thus people (including me) are frustrated
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  16. banukcanuk

    banukcanuk New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
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    I have to agree with the minority, this forum is becoming increasingly toxic towards criticism. I got the game because the "summer update" looked cool and would fix the problems people had with the games physics. Summer is gone now and the update never came. We didn't even get the supposed development blog updates, even though one was promised a day before it was to be released and then just vanished.

    Reiza hype the update to sell copies, so it's really cringe to hear "they don't owe you anything". Over promising and under delivering is too common in games, and people have every right to voice their disappointment when a dev let's the community down. This isn't a one off, it's possibly the business model to keep sales coming in for an unfinished game.
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  17. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Unfortunately you can't do it right for everyone.
    No matter WHAT you do, some users will be pissed off ANYWAYS.
    We have to live with it as long as we're human beings.....
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  18. lunamoon

    lunamoon Active Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    In what page do we start talking about cheese again? Am I back too early?
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  19. Bađi

    Bađi Member

    Sep 2, 2024
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    Calling AMS2 unfinished is a bit extreme, don't you think? It's a pretty polished singleplayer racing experience that offers multiplayer as well. And while it might not be as populated as ACC or iRacing, it's still fun to compete with a few strangers on a random monday afternoon.
    It's getting updates because it's improving, not because it's unfinished. To use an analogy, F1 cars improve from race to race but when they are in Bahrain for the start of the season you don't call them "unfinished".
    But to a degree I can understand the frustration people have when the deadlines (however strict or loose) are not met. Not setting any public deadlines seems to be the smartest way moving forward.
    I just hope that I will have the chance to try the 1.6 before I go off to college at the end of the month. In the meantime all I can do is have fun with the content we already have
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  20. Majestic

    Majestic BANNED BANNED

    Aug 10, 2024
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    Why do you decide what I should do and what I shouldn’t? Why do you think I'm making things up? Maybe I'm expressing my opinion, have you thought about it? If you disagree with me, the best thing you can do is simply not answer. People who supported me received the same red crosses and thumbs down. This is not gentlemanly
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