Troubleshooting - Automobilista 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. HER0

    HER0 New Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    Hey all. Regarding the bug where the authentic assists setting sometimes does not work as intended in multiplayer lobbies, I think I may be using a workaround which is not widely known. Maybe this can result in a better experience for others, or even the workaround being automated officially in the game:

    If the bugged behavior is spotted, going into the settings and moving from the authentic assists, then back to it will return to using authentic assists. This works even if you have yet to see that you have the bug. Therefore, if you always toggle the setting before you start driving in every session (before leaving the pits or readying up), you will never see the bug.
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  2. tabs

    tabs New Member

    Jul 23, 2023
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    Not sure why but for a few weeks now my game is crashing to desktop when using the menus. It happens every time I try to enter the graphical performance menu, and once just now when I tried to get back to the game after adjusting some audio options.

    I've tried deleting the user files in Documents. I've tried verifying integrity of the game files in Steam. Not sure what else I can try at this point.

    I'm playing the game on a Quest 3 via Virtual Desktop but it's never been an issue before.

    The CTD has no error message.

    Anyone have experience with this? TIA
  3. CJ7777777

    CJ7777777 New Member

    Aug 19, 2023
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    Carbon livery issue:
    Hi, I'm noticing large FPS drops any time I'm in a car with a Carbon livery (like the black and yellow BMW GTP). Seems better when texture resolution is set to low, but really chews FPS (especially with a modded Formula U Gen 2 car). Just curious if another setting would help (or Steam launch option).
  4. Dominik Nugara

    Dominik Nugara New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Hi, I'm having issues regarding my shifters. I can't assign my BDH Shifter as an Input at all and my sequential shifter is regocnized as something else each time I try to configure it. In the game it just doestn't work, even when it is assigned. The problem is knew, as I was able to use everything beforehand. The devices work in all other sims and windows. I tried uninstalling the game, deleting the documents folder and having a custom wheel. Nothing works.
  5. RodentYell

    RodentYell New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Moza R16 and AMS2 only still has this centre oscillation when 1 hand or no hands on the wheel just can't tune it out any clues? maybe a Moza profile would sort it.
  6. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino New Member

    Apr 1, 2024
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    hello everyone,
    It's been a while since I've been online (since before the update) what's happening to me is that I have microlags when I didn't have them before and the game runs at around 100fps, any ideas? amd 6800 graphics.

  7. Angr4m

    Angr4m New Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    Hello, I am experiencing some very odd issues playing online. I enter the game and suddenly my camera changes and even my control assignments. What is happening? Is it some known bug?
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    WIPIEN Guest

    Turning off all assists in option menu leaves the authentic ones (or I don't understand the problem you described).

    WIPIEN Guest

    Yes, camera sometimes changes (I use helmet camera FYI). I'm not sure but this probably happens when someone in a lobby do not force cockpit/helmet camera. It happens from I remember. That is what I experienced (maybe you found it useful).
    I never noticed control assignments changes thou.
  10. WIPIEN

    WIPIEN Guest

    I have similar problem caused by one of the 'big' mod. After few tries I can't even run the game (it crashes at 'veryfing screen' and must install AMS2 again.
    - I don't use VR.
    - It happens for me only once.
    - I don't use Content Manager.
    - Integrity verification doen's show any errors.
    If you don't install any mods recently then maybe is some hardware issue. Not necessary a big one e.g. drivers etc. I just thinking.
  11. WIPIEN

    WIPIEN Guest

    What is your PC spec? Maybe textures eat too much vram? Can you paste a link to this livery?
  12. WIPIEN

    WIPIEN Guest

    If you don't update drivers try to turn off blur (if you use it) at first. I noticed weird behaviour with new nVidia drivers and this resolve the problem.
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  13. HER0

    HER0 New Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    In the options, there is an option besides on or off for the assists: authentic. The authentic setting means "use what the car should actually have." This has a well-known bug: in multiplayer, sometimes you get the opposite of what the car should actually have (no ABS when you should, TCS when you shouldn't, etc.).

    The new thing I am sharing is that toggling this setting from authentic and back before/during each session (practice/qualifying/race) will ensure that the authentic assists are using the correct settings instead of the bugged ones.

    Does that help you understand?
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  14. WIPIEN

    WIPIEN Guest

    Yes, thank you for explanation. Even if this is a well-known bug I must say I didn't noticed I missed something there. More often I have a problem when setting up gear ratios. At the end all have same value;) After return to pit box issue is fixed (click drive -> click return to pitbox -> advanced). Names could be slightly different ofc.
  15. Ronin

    Ronin New Member

    Aug 1, 2024
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    Guys, I know you all drive without a trajectory, but I constantly have a question why in AMS2 the red line of the trajectory is displayed incorrectly. As a beginner, it is not clear to me where to start braking, in other simulators the line turns red exactly
  16. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    What other simulators are you referring to?
    In F1 series there is only one car type, (two if include F2, and I dont know if there are different braking point indicators for both of them) and it is easier to make default braking points based on real life data.

    In AMS2 these braking points have to be more generic because of difference in top speed of cars, breaking power of cars and the grip of cars affecting the speed through corner so it seems to me there can't be optimal and dynamic breaking point. Just one generic.

    I would like that I could turn off this line coloring, it really annoys me if I just want to turn on ideal line for learning new tracks as a mediocre driver. IRC then AC had just plain white line.
  17. Ronin

    Ronin New Member

    Aug 1, 2024
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    In other simulators and arcade races assetto corsa competizione, rfactor 2, le mans ultimate, raceroom, forza motorsport 23, forza horizon 5, gran turismo 7, the red line is displayed correctly for any type of car and it seems that in AMS2 this function is broken, I hope the developers will fix this moment.
  18. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I hope they fix more important things first! :whistle:
  19. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    You call yourself beginner but it seems to me you're not based on the listed titles you run, so I can't understand why do you need a raceline to brake.
    @kivipallur1 gave you a good explanation!
  20. Gordon_Jacobson

    Gordon_Jacobson Member

    May 26, 2020
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    As of yesterday 6 October 2024 AMS2 won't run, gives a bugsplat screen right after the verifying screen at game start up. This after 300+ hours in this game. I have submitted a report.

    I have made no changes to the PC, very careful about this, all other games, AC\DCS run fine. Checked all peripherals and all are fine according to device manager.

    I have done all the recommended, fixes, reinstalled, verified files, deleted save game folder, removed all hardware except, KB\Mouse\Monitor all to no avail.

    I think my only hope is that the next update will fix my issues.

    If anyone has any-other recommendations I will be happy to try them. Sad day when you can't race...

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