Automobilista 2 V1.6 Development Update - The New Cars

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 11, 2024.

  1. Fiyah

    Fiyah Member

    Oct 22, 2021
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    Essentials :)

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  2. Commandant Lassard

    Commandant Lassard Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    Not to sound like a complete fan boy but most of what I have tried is distinctly better. Personal stand outs recently are gt1s and fwd cars.
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  3. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    A bit of a dangerous answer, since there are still some unique bugs with these cars that don't apply to any other car in AMS2, but the karts have significant (whether they are "game-changing" is up to the driver to decide) improvements to tires as well as a number of long-standing bugs have been fixed, as well as improved AI. But like I said, there are still some remaining hard-to-chase-down bugs to fix for the karts in the coming releases.

    Anyway, I would recommend that you try the following, both on v1.5 and on v1.6 when it releases:
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  4. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    I wonder if this will be the release of Lamborghini Dream Pack PT1, what cars could possibly be in a PT2 ?
  5. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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  6. sparco

    sparco Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    we wish Murcielago GT1 & Diablo GTR Trophy !!!
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  7. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    I couldn't agree more...
    Without driving it, from the videos I saw, I can tell some things stay in the same line as before, unfortunately.
    Locking brakes still don't produce the slide effect towards the car in front, an elongated breaking distance. I guess nowadays many people haven't driven a road car with bad brakes and no ABS so they haven't experience a real life terror of brakes locking up...
    Have people ever wonder why an experience driver always locks up when the crash in inevitable? Don't they know that's the least efficient way to stop/reduce speed of a car? Yet... the terror takes over!
    That's what I expect to experience in a sim.

    AMS2 should not became LMU or iRacing, just as close to real car as possible. If that's iRacing like or LMU like, let it be! They don't have contagious diseases.

    There are no conditions here that are mutually exclusive.
    AMS2 has steering, braking and TC aids (not cars related). Use it if you can't handle, or don't want, a real car behaviour! Enjoy it as a game, that's fine. But that's not what a sim should do.
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  8. BrockBuster29

    BrockBuster29 Member

    Nov 5, 2024
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    if you lock just the unloaded front tyre (usually the inside tyre) you wont get tram lining. if you lock both fronts then yes... no rotation = no turny.... :D
    I find as you described AMS2 does this already under default FFB... jump in the formula trainer or something and push the BB forward and slam the breaks. I think you'll find the wheel go's lighter and and the car tramlines. ***Thats been my experience in race cars anyway ***
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
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  9. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    I've created a thread here because I wanted to answer the question but think this thread is best served to celebrate the fifteen coming with 1.6

    Lamborghini Dream Pack Pt2 Wishlist/Speculation
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  10. Harmoniser

    Harmoniser Member

    Jun 30, 2024
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    Good morning,

    so I believe there won’t be player driver swaps for endurance races in this update. But will AI opposition swap seats. So will cars have multiple drivers allocated to them, rather than the same driver for the whole race?
  11. lion9zion

    lion9zion Active Member

    Nov 23, 2022
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    I agree with you as well. I’d just like to add to my previous post that I don’t want AMS2 to become a copy of iRacing or LMU, nor am I claiming that these games are more realistic. It’s simply my subjective impression as an amateur and what I personally expect from a simulator. Everyone can check out the part of Mabix’s video at 23:10. This is an example of why I feel that AMS2’s physics can be overly forgiving. I can’t imagine such a critical moment being saved so easily in real life. Sometimes, when I drive powerfull car in AMS2 with +500 HP, I don’t feel the sense of respect or fear that, in my opinion, I should experience, when mistake is punished by losing control and ending up off the track. That makes simulator both fun and realistic for me as a player. I’ve logged over 800 hours in AMS2, which shows how much I enjoy the game and how much I wish it continued success. I’d just love to see update 1.6 bring more moments where driving these powerfull cars feels more challenging and requires respect, skill, learning, and so on.
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  12. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    I'm not in the beta but I don't believe this has been mentioned anywhere so I doubt it.
  13. Djin

    Djin Active Member

    Jul 15, 2023
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    I always use authentic settings in AMS 2, and it works well for me. Do I find AMS 2 easier to drive compared to LMU and iRacing? Absolutely, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

    Do I think iRacing is more realistic than AMS 2? Honestly, I’m not sure, as I’ve never driven a race car on a track at its limits. Have you? All I can say is that I enjoy the handling of AMS 2, even with its imperfections. Realism isn’t measured by difficulty, in fact, it’s often the opposite. If a car behaves realistically, it will be easier to handle.

    From what I’ve seen, version 1.6 should fix many of the current issues.It won't be perfect, but I’m confident the team will keep improving it. They’ve already mentioned they’re looking into the traction control issue.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
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  14. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Yes, that's the experience I sometimes talk about - with +5% BB the breaking behaviour starts to look like I experience it IRL - careful braking must be applied, or else...
    Cool/wet track makes it much better in AMS2.
    AMS2 accepts lots of 100% braking force and rear biased breaking without going unstable.
    I hope (was hoping?) that the new tyre model could give us that emergent property.
    Let's see how it plays out.

    I have almost 1500h, 50% more than I ever had in rF2... (this is not about hating, is about moral honesty).
    And you put it well... I also miss that respect/fear about my car and other cars. AI bump avoidance behaviour on top of collisions often won't unsettle car's balance enough... but this could be a side effect of the 'old' tyre model.
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  15. WarmRed

    WarmRed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Many real racing drivers also say that if iRacing and the pointed tire behavior were realistic, many people would drop out of races or even die.
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  16. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Yes I have, and the physics are the same as any other road car I've drove, just with different limits, car balance, etc.
    And racing cars are hard to drive on the limit or else anyone would be an excellent driver, don't you think? ;)
    The idea racing cars are easy to drive because they are much more of a machine than a road car is wrong, because we don't drive them the same way.

    Edited: BTW, driving AMS2 at 95% of my capabilities is a joy, physics are perfect!
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  17. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    That's not really correct. If only one tyre locks up, you still get the brake force of the other three. How much you suffer really depends on how much load the tyre carries. At turns like 9/10 at Bahrain an inside tyre lockup barely matters for your ability to make the corner.

    Also, as far as I know, in sim racing usually brake torque is lowered because sim pedals work differently to real life ones: 100% brake pressure is not achievable in real life, but it is in sim racing. In real life, the limit for brake pressure is the brake breaking apart, in sim racing the 100% are far more clearly defined. If you pressed as much as feels "natural" you'd end up with too many lockups. Therefore, some real life lockups at high speeds are not achievable in sim racing. The only exception to this, as far as I'm aware, may be iRacing (but I've never tried it, so I don't know).

    That was not at all an easy save, that was the absolute limit of what's still saveable.

    Not all slides in AMS2 1.6 are scary. Especially on throttle you can play with the rear in most cars (at times it's a bit too easy there in my personal opinion, tho it is not faster than a proper corner exit, except in the rain). This only starts to get really hard in high power/high aero cars, or at higher speeds (Barcelona T4 for example is not a corner where you should try to achieve slide rotation).

    However, mid corner slides and especially rear sliding under braking are definitely code red moments now.
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  18. Mustafa Kemal

    Mustafa Kemal New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    will we get this beautiful car Lexus ?

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  19. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    I was not talking about the unloaded tyre.
    Not to be unfair, I'll just have to wait for v1.6 to provide real, honest, feedback on the new tye model.

    (on some sims, you cannot go to max braking power by default, that's why many people say is easier to lock brakes on those sims. On AMS2, I always choose 100%, from default 90%, because I can sustain 100% pressure for most of the breaking distance - on those sims, after you adjust max breaking force in car's settings, you can only brake 100% for 0.5s, or so, before the lower downforce forces you to modulate brakes - what scenario is the most real?)
  20. Inkta

    Inkta Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    The way braking works in sim vs real life is fundamentally different, so in reality comparing sims is a matter of preference instead of realism.
    Real life braking works by a meter of pressure, for example we could see that in the same class, one car requires around 120bars of pressure to activate ABS, vs another car only requiring 60 or 70 (There's a video by random callsign were he asks a bunch of GT3 driver's the braking differences between sim and real life, and one thing that stood out is that it seems like the mclaren has a very hard brake pedal vs the ferrari having it soft), in a sim however we can't have this, mainly because sims have to work with low end pedals and high end pedals alike, the amount of pressure is determined by the devs, lets say they consider that the "optimal" pressure is going to be achieved at 80% brake pedal (iracing is a clear example here, specially in the GT3s) vs other sims considering that 100% brake pedal is going to be the optimal (ACC for example?). So the braking experience in both is going to feel radically different, which is most realistic? if we could see braking pressure probably both are doing a fairly good job, the main difference is going to be how the tyre loses and regains grip
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