Automobilista 2 V1.6 Developent Update - Changelog & Release Notes

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    If you go around the corner easily then why not go faster? At some point it should stop being so easy. I mean crashing isn't difficult I suppose but I'm driving around the tracks in this game having to constantly catch the back end after I've stomped the gas and with the steering wheel being pulled left and right on the limit through the corner or losing control because I've overcooked the braking and locked a wheel.

    I can go a few mph slower and it just goes around the corner.

    The difficulty of a racing game is in going fast and getting lower lap times isn't it? That and, I guess, racing against other people. If the former was easy then there's no skill ceiling for the latter to exploit.

    So, yes, a game like tic tac toe is easy, but if someone says chess is too easy then we expect a high ELO rating not them saying that they can't beat people at chess because the conditions are the same but it's easy in the sense that the pieces can be moved around the board without difficulty.

    But if you're saying "This game is too easy because I can drive around the track without crashing" then I guess that's true. It is pretty easy to drive around the track.

    If there are infamous sims of the past like Grand Prix Legends where driving around the track took hours and hours of dedicated practise to master then I don't think that idea has really been a goal of sim racing developers for at least a decade now. And maybe even for 5 or 10 years before that - and even assists are a common feature on modern motorsport for cars like GT3 - but you can disable them in the games.

    If netkar pro's open wheeler was harder to drive than the lotus in Assetto corsa I think that's more likely a result of more available computing power and a better physics model rather than Stefano saying "I'm going to make this game easier"

    But, if you have a specific thing you think is wrong then a more detailed description of what behaviour you're experiencing when braking, accelerating, turning (or whatever) and what behaviour you expect would help. One thing to check is that there are 3 settings for assists, off, authentic and on, and in authentic many of the cars will have assists.
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  2. John Istead

    John Istead New Member

    Mar 20, 2024
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    Hi guys, love the update BUT: I have played the game several times but lost all the assignments for the basics, steering, gears, etc. & this evening when I try to assign the gears, nothing happens & I have to use the back button to get out of the assign mode, Do I need to uninstall the game & re-install or has anyone any other ideas? Like everybody else, I waited a long time for this update, but now I can’t even play it!
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  3. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    @John Istead Go to mydocuments. Backup your AMS2 folder. Delete the original. Boot up AMS2. Set it to custom wheel and separate (see picture), assign your wheel and stuff to the correct keybinds, etc, go ingame and have fun! :D

    Attached Files:

  4. BenC

    BenC New Member

    Sep 19, 2024
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    I want to take off my hat to te person(s) who has done the sound design in this sim.
    I don't know how you guys did what you did here, but it's freaking amazing!
    The Lambo's, the RSR... all of the best sounding cars ever are just something else in on replay and in-car audio!

    This is so far ahead of competition! Great job!
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  5. Balazs Magyar

    Balazs Magyar New Member

    Nov 27, 2024
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    Yes, probably there was some TC turned on in the cars I tried. I only miss oversteer to be able to turn the car with the throttle, because it fits my driving style better than having just understeer all the time. The McLaren F1 proved that there is a LOT of oversteer in the sim, if needed.
    I'm going to take the time to check these settings next time, before I make statements :)
    For the other topic: I do believe that devs sometimes consider playability over fidelity.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
  6. wegreenall

    wegreenall Active Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    Whilst i'm sure playability is a factor, Renato's posts over the last years have made clear that they have a strong and clear opinion about what fidelity is, and that it is their target. I don't believe they are making a sim that is in their eyes unrealistic. In fact he has shown examples of real driving, not emulatable in other sims but replicable in AMS2. It might be that the "devs" distorting reality to appease the playerbase aren't the ones here. A lot of people think difficult = real. As Renato has said, many other sims sit on the other side of the coin w.r.t slip curve shape, and this has made people have incorrect expectations.
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  7. Balazs Magyar

    Balazs Magyar New Member

    Nov 27, 2024
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    I'd be more than happy if it was a working business strategy. I've been trying to a find a good, long lasting and well developed sim for my simrig for years. AMS2 looks like the one atm.
    Overall I'm very pleased with content and quality of this sim.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
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  8. lion9zion

    lion9zion Active Member

    Nov 23, 2022
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    You can also tweak the car's setup to make its behavior more unforgiving, which can be thrilling if you enjoy feeling on the edge and having to focus intensely to avoid mistakes. Try reducing traction control, stiffening the suspension, increasing the stiffness of the rear anti-roll bar in RWD cars, and raising the number of clutches. These are just the basics, but there are plenty of other settings to explore. In AMS2, every adjustment you make to the setup is highly noticeable and has a significant impact on the car's behavior.
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  9. John Istead

    John Istead New Member

    Mar 20, 2024
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    Hi Marius, I am sorry but I’m not particularly good with computers. I have opened the AMS2 file in Documents but cannot see how to back it up, please can you be more specific. Either that or as I have not spent much time in 1.6, would it not be easier to delete AMS2 completely & re-install. If I do this will it also remove AMS2 CM & my DLC?
    If you suggest that I delete AMS2 & start again, what is the best way to delete it?

    Any more assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in anticipation.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
  10. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Yes, I believe it's the Wall-Reflection (Reverb too) effect at work in replays. I agree that it's outstanding although, I don't think it's currently applied to all cars yet. At any rate, well done to the developers. :)
  11. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    You copy and paste the folder somewhere where you think it's safe, then remove the original and boot up AMS2. Deleting AMS2 won't solve your wheelproblems.
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  12. wegreenall

    wegreenall Active Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    On the sound topic, I think the smile on my face was very wide when I heard the fact that now the tyre sounds are so varied - the sound of the tires skitting across the bumps at Long Beach is incredible immersive and so much more informative. I still haven't managed to finish a race on the new version but by golly am I enjoying it.
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  13. xNAPx

    xNAPx Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    The Physic of AMS2 is an interpretation of what happens in real life "if...". Same applies to other "sims", where "sim" means they try to replicate what happens in real life "if...". Each developer has their own vision of it, has every player has its vision. I gotta say that I drove in rel life a GT car and I found it relatively easy to drive per se and I was surprised how easy I pushed. What is difficult is diving a car to the limit and not driving a car per se. When I did my real life driving, I never locked up a single time under breaking, never. What makes a sim really truthful to real life is the telemetry data of the sim car and its real life counterpart. For example if we look at the formula ultimate gen 2 we know that Verstappen at Imola did his pole lap in 1.14.746, now if we apply the same conditions to AMS2 you can get very similar laptimes (within a few tenths margin), so I would say that the simulation of this type of car is pretty much truthful of the real life counterpart , considering that the AMS2 car is not a RB20 replica but a generic F1 2024 car. In Silverstone for example Russell with his pole lap has been quicker that the current WR set, and so on. Simulation is also not just about a driving behaviour of a car, but how many aspects affects this car behaviour. We know that in real life there are thousand of variables that can affect a car performance in a race weekend whereas even professional sims used to develop the cars have trouble correlating reality to the sims, so how we can even possibly think of having a home game even if it is a sim, correlating to real life? What we can say is that the philosophy of the developer and their goal is to take real life as metric, and this makes Automobilista 2 a sim. If someone feels it is Arcadey it is just about his personal preference
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  14. Pixel

    Pixel Active Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    I have to say, the new UI has already bitten me in the ass multiples times when using VR. First is the annoyances, sometimes moving the mouse will click outside of the window and I will lose focus and performance will be worse. However multiple times now I've finished qualifying, clicked around or pressed keyboard keys, and restarted the session, or outright quit it.
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  15. John Istead

    John Istead New Member

    Mar 20, 2024
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    Thanks again Marius. Please confirm how do I remove the original AMS2 without deleting it. Or are you meaning delete the original document file. If this is what you mean, I assume I can re-install AMS2 from the steam library. What do I then do with the copy of the original document file.
    By the way, I run Fanatec Clubsport DD Wheelbase with V3 pedals & V1.5 shifter.
    Please treat me like an idiot, the more basic you are, the more likely it is that I will understand.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
  16. Andrew Curtis

    Andrew Curtis Active Member

    May 29, 2023
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    I've also found it's now much harder to save a spin, much less forgiving - which is both frustrating and rewarding because it's more realistic.
    The way it just spits you nose-first into the wall.:mad::)
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  17. Andrew Curtis

    Andrew Curtis Active Member

    May 29, 2023
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    If you're finding it easy then go faster until it becomes a challenge. That's how racing drivers do it.
  18. I__Love__Lamp__x

    I__Love__Lamp__x Fanatec DD Pro|F1 Wheel|CSL Elite LC|Playseat F1 AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    I found an issue with the Formula HiTech Gen 1 and 2, V10, V11 and formula retro 1-3 cars. The issue is that even when set to manual transmission these cars auto shift. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
  19. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    If I am correct these cars have auto-shift as it was in real life. You can turn it off in the setup menu.
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  20. Jehuty

    Jehuty Active Member

    Dec 17, 2023
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    @CrimsonEminence Hello and forgive the "higlight".
    I wanted to ask you something a bit technical , but my english is still a work in progress so , sorry for the MANY typos in this text. Here the thing;

    With the ME2 we have a possibility to edit the onboard camera with the ctrl+k option , very nice feature for weirdos like me who likes to drive with the camera "behind" the driver. this option is still active but not the possibility to save the edit for each car , like in PC2 back then. The save feature must have been broken with the many modifications of the engine.

    So i was wondering : it's possible to repair this "feature" to save camera changes for each car , because a this moment the camera is back to default when you leave the race , and you must edit the camera each time.

    Again , sorry for my English. and by the way , when the 1.7 ? (joke aside)

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