Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Dusan Strineka

    Dusan Strineka New Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I am also on small Mige DD and using the simucube configuration tool. I dont have my wheel turned on at the moment but, static force reduction is definitely there as a setting. I'll upload the screenshot for you. (maybe it disappears when I plug in the wheel, I'll check)
    I still havent had the chance to play around with the FFB settings as I am just getting the new PC set up. I will post my findings then.

    I wish these programmers would just give us all the possible variables as sliders for easy real-time changing while driving. If we could only map the variables to like streamdeck buttons how easy and fast it would be to adjust.
    From the past I remember just how different FFB felt on formula 1 open wheel cars (which is what I drive 99%) compared to some other cars. There has to be a way to normalize all these forces and give us a dynamic range slider for the peaks and then compression type effect slider which bring them more towards the middle. There is so many settings from physics in game to FFB in game to FFB on Base to Effects and scales and endless combinations of them interacting with each other. By the time we get it set up, a new game comes out and we start again. hahaha

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  2. DaveS78

    DaveS78 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Yep, my mistake. I was thinking of another setting that we don't have. I may be wrong all around though since I'm not at my PC. Slew rate maybe?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  3. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    This is good news for older Simucubes :) I didn't know that either, thanks for this information
  4. Dud

    Dud Member

    Feb 1, 2022
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    Is there anyway to extract 1.6 default and default+ ffb into txt files?
  5. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Evning folks - back after a year off to give 1.6 a whirl, so where are all the latest and greatest files now located for ease?

    Here - Your Custom FFB File Collection ?
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  6. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Is there a guide that explains what all the settings in these custom files do?
  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I understand your needs perfectly, but I can't do more than aggregate the entries by type and insert the detailed explanation for each individual entry in the file. I myself, like everyone else, have learned with time and experience and it took me years to understand what to change to obtain the desired result that I have in my head. How could I summarize three years in a post or in an explanation?
    Remember that what for you is a garbage effect for others is the exact opposite and this applies to all files and all individual aspects. The only objective argument would be the mathematical correctness and coherence used in the coding of the LISP language in translating the physics model, but here another chapter would open.

    Having said that, among your needs, you have expressed that of reducing the lateral resistance when entering or a curve usually therefore during braking (which many others like instead) and in this I can certainly help you.

    In the file there is a part with specified MOVIMENT LAT, LONG with mainly the following entries:

    In ATMOS Old_D_raw change this

    (brake_feel 2.50) ----> change this lowering it to your liking even up to 0, find your taste
    (brake_feel_follow_weight 1.00) ----> the same here lowering it to your liking even up to 0, find your taste

    In ATMOS Immersive the same .....
    but the starting value is lower because there is another part not under your control because defined by Reiza, but you can always reduce the manual part up to 0

    (brake_feel 0.50) ----> change this lowering it
    (brake_feel_follow_weight 1.00) ----> change this lowering it

    If instead your problem is only in OverS or UnderS when entering oe exit a curve then the voices to play are different in both files and precisely...

    (over_steer_scale 1.325) 1.275 #Decrease this value for less resistance on over_steer.
    (under_steer_scale 1.300) 1.250 #Decrease this value for less resistance on under_steer.

    This applies to all rFuctor based files, hope it helps and good luck.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  8. Tomas nilsson

    Tomas nilsson New Member

    Apr 1, 2021
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    Many thanks Mr Stakanov for this I`ts perfect(for me)
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  9. Michael Muhr

    Michael Muhr New Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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  10. Michael Muhr

    Michael Muhr New Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    ich habe die immersive Datei für Fanatec csl dd mit 8Nm ausprobiert und bin begeistert.
    Fühlt sich an wie bei Race Room.
    Mir fehlt jetzt nur noch etwas Kraft in der Mitte, die immer anliegt und auch wenn ich aus der Kurve zurück auf die Gerade komme.

    Dies gilt für alle rFuctor-basierten Dateien, ich hoffe, es hilft und viel Glück. [/ZITAT]

    Ich habe die Datei von Stakanow immersive datei probiert und bin she
  11. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Ok the solution should be simple, find this object in the file.....

    (accel_feel 0.75)

    this variable lightens the steering wheel when you accelerate especially when exiting a curve but the effect continues even if in a lighter way as long as you keep the accelerator pressed, so you feel it a bit even on a straight line ... to reduce this just lower the value until you like the steering wheel, try 0.50 first and if that is not enough then go down to 0.25, as a last resort deactivate the effect by setting it to 0.00
    Thx for the feedback ;)


    Ok, die Lösung sollte einfach sein, suchen Sie dieses Objekt in der Datei...

    (accel_feel 0,75)

    Diese Variable macht das Lenkrad leichter, wenn Sie beschleunigen, insbesondere beim Verlassen einer Kurve, aber der Effekt bleibt bestehen, wenn auch in leichterer Form, solange Sie das Gaspedal gedrückt halten, sodass Sie es sogar auf gerader Strecke ein wenig spüren ... um dies zu reduzieren, senken Sie einfach den Wert, bis Ihnen das Lenkrad gefällt, versuchen Sie es zuerst mit 0,50 und wenn das nicht ausreicht, gehen Sie runter auf 0,25, als letzte Möglichkeit deaktivieren Sie den Effekt, indem Sie ihn auf 0,00 setzen
    Danke für das Feedback ;)
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  12. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    @Stakanov I just started using your files. Great stuff and thanks for your effort

    When changing settings in a custom file, will I need to restart the game? Or can I pause the game, makes changes to the file, save and go back to the game without restarting?
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  13. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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  14. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    @Stakanov after some hour testing, the wheel feels a bit light and jerky in the corners...which line in the .txt should i change for better grip feeling ?
    (Latest immersive file)

    Edit: found out :D ... I'm just increase the TYRE RESISTENCE Control

    (tyre_resistance0_lo_df 0.85)
    (tyre_resistance0_hi_df 0.65)
    (tyre_resistance1_timing 0.0001)
    (tyre_resistance1_lo_df 1.35)
    (tyre_resistance1_hi_df 1.35)
    (tyre_resistance2_timing 0.0002)
    (tyre_resistance2_lo_df 0.35)
    (tyre_resistance2_hi_df 0.35)
    (tyre_resistance3_timing 0.0003)
    (tyre_resistance3_lo_df 0.25)
    (tyre_resistance3_hi_df 0.25)
    (tyre_resistance4_timing 0.0005)
    (tyre_resistance4_lo_df 0.20)
    (tyre_resistance4_hi_df 0.20)
    (tyre_resistance5_timing 0.0010)
    (tyre_resistance5_lo_df 0.10)
    (tyre_resistance5_hi_df 0.05)

    this is my edit in the file, just add 0.10 to all, and voila...its perfect now, i feel the slip immediately, and no jerky movements while cornering without changing anything in the base or the in-game settings...not as strong as Danielkarts custom ffb, but its almost the same, with more details. :)
    I'm also change the (accel_feel 0,75) to (accel_feel 0,50) as you mention above :)
    Thank you again for your work.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
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  15. RAA

    RAA New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    Thank you for telling us what can be edited in the files! That's cool! You can customize the file even more for yourself!

    And yes, you were absolutely right about the sliders, I really didn't pay much attention to them before. Yesterday I twisted them in more detail and adjusted almost everything with them for myself. When I switched to the default profile, which I liked better before, I realized that I no longer have enough information here that is in your files) For myself, I ended up leaving Old_D_raw, pretty clean feedback, and the grip level feels great here. Great job!

    Perhaps later I will test Immersive well.
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  16. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes @ijac , unfortunately the file is loaded into memory when the game starts, so you can also modify the *.txt file while you play (make one, two, three changes) but then you need to restart the game otherwise the changes made will not be taken into memory ... I hope that one day Reiza will provide a "reload custom profiles" button but for now you must restart.

    @Boci I'm glad you find modifications that you like, that's how you learn to use custom files, I'll just give you a piece of advice that's valid for everyone, once you find a new value that you like the most, also take a spin on all the cars (even the strangest and most particular or little used ones), sometimes after making a modification many cars will feel better but then changing category they will feel worse ..... so sometimes you could then go back to the previous value or stay with the new one, or choose a median value ... the goal is to make all the cars on average more coherent and pleasant for your brain. ;)

    @RAA I am very happy to have been of help to you, you will slowly find your personal perfection and you will only be able to improve, what I recommended above to the Boci user can also be useful to you in your future choices and changes. ;)
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  17. Grip4x4

    Grip4x4 New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    @Stakanov thanks again you did a marvel, version 1.6.1 was already wonderful but this ATMOS 1.6.3 has removed all the excesses. The default rendering of the file is already excellent and perfect for my use and for all the cars and any changes i make then return to your values. I find the organization of the individual entries by type very useful and the explanatory notes help a lot even if some are redundant.

    If I may ask, which categories or individual objects do you recommend avoiding modifying to implement your own tuning? And which objects can be modified by a novice like me without making inconsistencies or errors??
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  18. Homed

    Homed New Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I can say that version 1.6 has improved the feel and we feel the tire better.
    I tried several custom files and thank you for those who take the time for the others!
    I use a simucube 1 and I don't like the fake feelings or vibrations which are useless in the feeling and driving.
    What I find is that you don't feel the braking enough and therefore the wheels lock or you lose grip on the steering wheel.
    I tried last DanielKart file and Alex's Rack Force
    I don't use any filtering in my software or in the game because the most important thing is to just feel when you lock the wheels and therefore a loss of grip.
    And yes, I'm trying to get closer to the feeling of a Raceroom
    Can you tell me if it is possible to modify a value in the file to improve this?
    Thanks for answeer
  19. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Raceroom FFB has become very clean (by the way, much better FFB than before) and you feel the road conditions and the tires much less than with Ams2. The curbs, on the other hand, are very similar to Ams2. I am someone who loves to feel as much as possible on the wheel because for me it is the most important connection for FFB. But I also understand people wanting it to be less immersive because it's very subjective. My files can be adjusted very well with FX. If you want to feel a lot, increase FX but only up to the recommended range, if you want to feel less, reduce FX. I even know people who drive with 0 FX, it's all a question of personal taste;)

    Addendum: In the end, of course, Ams2 remains Ams2 and Raceroom remains raceroom. Personally, I don't want to turn Raceroom into Ams2 or Ams2 into Raceroom. Every Sim should keep their soul as it is with all its strengths and weaknesses
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
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  20. Homed

    Homed New Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Completely agree with you regarding Raceroom
    I did not in any way ask that AMS 2 become Raceroom and vice versa
    As you say, the most important thing is to feel the tire information in the steering wheel and above all remove the false vibrations which yes are present in AMS 2
    And yes feel the curbs is important because it is part of the track and feeling the behavior of the car
    For me the black point remains the feeling of braking and feeling the limit of the tire and its loss of grip
    It is this value that I am looking to improve

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