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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The file is very rudimentary and doesn't actually allow any changes. Either you like it or you don't, that's also the case with Reiza's defaults, so you won't have any leeway to adapt it to your personal taste. As I've said many times, you can ask 1000 different people and everyone will have different ideas and different preferences. I can only recommend people to test it for themselves and decide for themselves what they should take and what they shouldn't take. Your personal feeling should be the sweet spot no matter what you prefer
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  2. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    If you don't like Reiza profiles at all and you are looking for an alternative with a strong and determined FFB I think you could start with the first 2, that are based on pure rFuktor and this is the info......

    ATMOS 1.6.3 Base
    (Original rFuctor 5.0.1/ with some adaptation and with code extended to all 4 wheels both in the rack and in the effects)

    ATMOS 1.6.3 BaseEVO
    (Atmos Base as above - Relax OS_US_YAW functions + the little implementations of other Reiza's base code and variables)

    If you like Reiza profiles at all and you are looking for an alternative ffb file less wavy and floating than the official profiles and with infomativity of rFuktor, then I think you could start with the last 2, which are always based on rFuktor but on which I have inserted some Reiza logic and characteristics but in rFuktor key as a symbiont and this is the info......

    ATMOS Old_D_raw 1.6.3 (BaseEVO + Old_D_raw)
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation of the profile Default of Reiza's also called "Old_D_raw")

    ATMOS IMMERSIVE 1.6.3 (BaseEVO + NDef_imm)
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation of the profile Default+ of Reiza's also called "NDef_imm")

    It is obvious that the last 2 files should be considered my target that are most informative for ALL, both for DD and for the MEDIUM-LOW BAND, but even the BASE files are not bad and have been my obsession since the game came out.

    I'm posting this info in the files post for other users.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  3. Sammo

    Sammo Member

    Oct 9, 2024
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    Or where could I perhaps add a little of that effect in V6000?
  4. Remco

    Remco New Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    i am now testing the rack file in game i have everything on 0 exept gain but what do i put in the fanatec base settings? the base makes alot of noice now
  5. RAA

    RAA New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    Hi! Thank you for your hard work. I'm new, please tell me, do I understand correctly that I can try to adjust some parameters in your files to reduce the strength and severity of any effects?
  6. Dinamiteru

    Dinamiteru Member

    Nov 15, 2024
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    Thank you so much,

    WIll try
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  7. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Thank you for your work, i will try it today :)
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  8. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I apologize for the length ;)... as general rules....
    - if you like Reiza profiles, you should use them, we don't prepare custom ones just to beat the parent company, I think most of us do it out of passion, but above all, to offer an alternative;
    - if you don't like Reiza profiles, you should look for alternatives and then you're in the right place;
    - new alternatives are always different from what you've usually used and especially the rFuktor compared to Reiza profiles works with a different logic and level, if necessary resetting your brain and wanting to recreate a pleasant custom;
    - if this above is not necessary and you can't go on if what you like most is always there, it means you have to ask on the other discussion of official Reiza profiles.
    - But the goal remains to help you as much as I can.;)

    Regardless of everything, feedback is always welcome so thank you, but if I may recommend ... (I put the text inside the spoiler so as not to bore others user while reading) ;)
    what you highlight about the use of all custom files seems only an incorrect setting of the cursors (and maybe also of the base) and also an affection for your normal Reiza custom.
    Regardless of your wheel and the custom file you will use (it doesn't matter while), if the FX slider if lowered will reduce almost all the effects that you can't stand and to your liking, if you also lower the GAIN you will also lower the rack's strength level, finally only the LFB and the DAMPING would remain to be set;
    With any file you have to dedicate time to it, I don't think you can have the difficulties you sustain if you start from a setting like this: GAIN 50 - LFB 5 - FX 25 - DP 5 (if your DD is very powerful over 20nm even the lowest gain around 35 and the lfb at 0 and the flying base with maximum force set between 50-75% without using the damping of the flying base).
    Once you have done this, raise the GAIN in steps of 5 until the rack is not too much for you, if you overtake it, go back to smaller and smaller steps until you find your taste (you don't like the movement?? the file turns off at low values so there will be a value for you).
    Do the same with FX, there must also be a level that does not bother you, if you get to 0 the effects turn off.
    The LFB depends on the base but is not so binding especially if you keep it low;
    Lastly the DAMPING, which goes to taste and philosophy, but as a rule raised until there are no oscillations on the steering wheel and until the sensations are stunned, you must reach a level that is acceptable for you, if you don't like it even 0.
    Once you have done this, that's where the beauty of custom profiles begins, because if you find your 75%-90% of taste you can intervene on every single voice you want ... if you don't want to go crazy you have to stay on the Reiza profiles, adjust the sliders and go!!!

    If you want you can reduce item "master_rack" from 1.00 to 0.75 but why you don't reduce the gain or the fx???
    In most cases is wrong to do quick tests on the sliders and start immediately with the internal modification of the file values, these are files to be used mainly using the sliders in play. For the internal modifications to the individual items you will have time and it requires a bit of practice.

    I would like to try to integrate Alex's essential file but it is not so automatic, or rather it would be even simple, but it would be difficult to do it without introducing scales and changes that then also had to be done on the basic ... unfortunately I do not have the time for this and my health allows me to carry on only one project, sometimes not even that ... but if I can and no one else can I will try. ;)
    I am always available for any need, have a good day. :)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  9. Dirk Muessener

    Dirk Muessener New Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Thx for this file!
    though, just one question. Should we set LFB to any value in-game? Or are those 0,15 LFB set in your file automaticly applied even when LFB ist set to 0 in the FFB-settings?
  10. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    @Stakanov I tried your new immersive FFB...all i can say this is the FFB im looking for, its almost like Raceroom, but with more details, and more less clipping than the previous files before..i have zero clipping (or just a notch) even on hard turns with kerbs :D

    i can tune up my in game settings a little bit higher.

    CSW V2 Settings in game(Tested with GTE class on Virginia with 100% vehicle specific FFB, where i have more clipping with the previous file):
    Gain: 75 ( previous file: 70-73)
    LFB: 5 (previous: 0 or 1)
    FX: 38 (previous 30-32)
    Damper: 5 (previous 15-20)

    Base settings:
    SEN: Auto
    FFB: 100
    FOR: 100
    DRI: 2
    Spring: 0
    Damper: 0

    I hope i can help with others with similar base with this settings :)
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  11. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    I have an issue with this thou. When the car is stationary, turning the wheel is almost impossible. Is it normal?
  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I'm very pleased and happy for you, the slightly higher gain confirms the lower level of forces and stresses, the damping has had a small modification in the code that links it to the FX slider marginally (as in the Immersive profile) and therefore you show me that this also works (as on my weak base) and also a greater use of the LFB cursor, even if moderate, means that everything is more organic and allows greater use of the sliders.
    THX for the feedbck ;)
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  13. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Astonished, this time you really surprised me (at this point I lied the other times), now I understand why you deliberately kept the file a bit overexcited until today. The file has become a silk now but also informative as before. :)

    My son thanks you and I no less, as always wonderful work very well on both bases that you guys see in my signature.
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  14. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Gain is probably your friend. I think that's more or less all that will be in effect for the in-game settings.

    Although having tested both side by side I'd say pretty much what default+ does makes the raw, noisy signal from the physics engine smoother across a bunch of different wheels.

    If you have a really smooth DD motor maybe it works really well.

    But to my mind you start with this file back at the beginning again and you'll add lines to that file until you get to more or less where default+ is.

    It's like here are 3 lines that do force feedback. It works. But original author added a line to get the nice histogram. Next person along adds a line for the LFB so it works better with older, low force wheels. Someone else has already noticed the resistance you get when the car isn't moving kinda sucks (and feels really notchity and geary on old wheels as well) - undoubtedly there's a line or 2 that will get rid of that because you mostly just want to centre the wheel in the pits or on the start line.

    Then you notice that although it has all the information you need to drive the car it is, as I say, a bit spikey so maybe someone else will smooth it out.

    And that's what default+ does. Until a few months later someone will come along starting from scratch again.

    The rest is really just setting up gain at various points to suit your wheel. e.g my wheel sucks long before you get clipping. Hence 60 gain in the settings and usually lowering to 70% in the vehicles to get something where it feels smooth as butter when it matters, so I can easily make small fingertip adjustments to the steering when the force is at its highest mid corner. The rest of the time with those settings it would feel nothing were it not for LFB.
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  15. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    A quick way of solving the problems with the rack force file is to just use the default custom file, if a less smoothed feel is wanted the damping and smoothing can be removed/lessened from the file, which like you mentioned was done by someone about 2 years ago, then someone did it about a year ago.

    Even going back to realfeel which introduced steering rack forces people started blending it with leoffb to get parking lot forces and tyre feel.
  16. RAA

    RAA New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    Thank you for such a detailed answer)
    Of course, I understand the general rules, I tried both standard game profiles, chose a more suitable one for myself, and came here because almost everyone says that you definitely need to try custom ffb, that it's much better, that it changes everything. I came here, so to speak, in search of the best. And it really changes everything and it's great that there is such an opportunity. It is absolutely clear that feedback is a very individual thing, someone likes this, someone likes that and you will not please everyone.

    My answer in the end also turned out to be very voluminous) I will also place it under the spoiler.

    I'm new to AMS2, but not to simracing, I started with Logitech, Fanatec and now I have a Simagic Alpha mini and it's more than enough for me. With regard to the base settings, everything is fine there, everything is just disabled, I get clean feedback from the game without any post-processing, except for the speed of rotation of the steering wheel and minimal smoothing to remove debris if there is any. As for the sliders in the game, aren't they linear? Well, that is, if I decrease the FX, I quickly understand the power of which effects I decrease and that it will continue to decrease if I continue to decrease the slider. It's the same with the others. I mean, it doesn't take me long to figure out what changes each slider in each file and what happens to the feedback in general.

    I tried each file as follows - I run it with the slider settings from the developer, see how the feedback changes, see what I like and what I don't, then I try and see if I can remove what I don't like with sliders, if not, I take a trace. file))) Well, for example, do I like your file number 3 for its purity of feedback? there is no debris there even without smoothing from the base, but the following point is not familiar to me: when you drive in a straight line, you have a very light steering wheel with a slight rocking on irregularities, and when you enter a turn, the steering wheel becomes too heavy, i.e. high contrast feedback, if I may say so, i.e. you are driving in a straight line, you have 5-10% of the feedback force, you fly into a turn and bang you already have 80-90% of the resistance feels… how can I fix this with sliders? I believe that in no way is this the individual nature of the feedback you are talking about. The only option is to reduce the overall feedback force, but then it is practically lost completely on the direct line.

    For myself, I find the default profile more uniform in this regard without sudden changes in feedback, the same is in the file from Alex, but in his file there is a lot of unpleasant garbage in the feedback, very sharp which has to be smoothed out without losing the details. There is also garbage in the default profile, but noticeably less. That's why I say that for me it would probably be an ideal option - it's a default or a file from Alex, but with the purity of your file number 3 or 4)))) by the way, in my opinion, these are the only files where the steering wheel turns smoothly without moving.

    I repeat, I am well aware that with regard to feedback, you will not please everyone, it is also clear that a lot depends on the equipment, so these are just my preferences and thoughts out loud) of course your files are interesting and I see that many people deservedly like them, thank you again for your efforts. And if you ever manage to combine these 2 files, I will be happy to try.
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  17. DaveS78

    DaveS78 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    I tried the 'steering rack' profile that Alex made and I also tried @Danielkart profile for DD wheels. The steering rack one is better than Default and Default+ for my small Mige DD but it's still too 'noisy'. Fire the engine up in the pits and the wheel starts going crazy but the oscillations aren't as severe as the Default profiles. I may try it some more with the gain turned down a bit.

    Daniel's profile finally killed the wild oscillations which is a huge plus. I like it so far, but the low speed forces in some cars (GT3s specifically) seem too high in comparison to the forces in a high speed bumpy corner. Like it takes quite a bit of effort to turn the wheel in a hairpin corner but then it's light through what would be a high load corner. But again it seems to be car specific. Not sure if that's a slew rate issue or something else.

    FWIW when I used a larger round wheel with the Formula Classic Gen 4, it felt good everywhere. I was using a 290mm Ascher F64 with the GT3s.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  18. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    This is very good information you have provided. You are using a dd Mige base. I assume your base doesn't have static force reduction yet? Otherwise your problem would be solved and you could add a little static force reduction in the base. Your 2 good pieces of information relate to your wheels. There is a big and important difference which wheel you choose because the size and weight can play a decisive role. My dd files are all tested with wheels of 30-32cm, so not a very small wheel. Then I recommend simulating a heavier wheel, as you can read in the files. For most bases, increasing can be easily simulated with “Inertia” or with “NIN” for Fanatecs
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  19. Dam

    Dam New Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    After trying ALL custom FFB files, several times each, in 1.5 and 1.6, my personal conclusion is that @Danielkart V6000 Extrem 2 is "the best for me" with a Ts-PC Racer.

    Thank you Daniel and thank you to all the guys who are sharing custom files. You allow us to enjoy this sim so much
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  20. DaveS78

    DaveS78 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    No, the older Simucube software for the OSW stuff doesn't have static force reduction. Seems it will always be exclusive to the Simucube 2. Thanks for your reply, I'll keep experimenting with it and mess around with inertia when I use the formula wheel.
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