Automobilista 2 V1.6, IMSA Track Pack, Endurance Pt2 & Lamborghini DLCs RELEASED (V1.6.3.6 Live Now)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Nope. I've only had either Authentic or Off. Pretty sure the TC was disabled with off regardless of the car having it (wouldn't be any point having 'off' as an option if that weren't the case would there?) but it's been a while so I could be mistaken.

    edit: Yeah just checked. Put your assists to 'off' and the TSI cup has no assists - and then it drives like a proper car. The TC is buggy imho or, as I said, if it's replicating real life then real life got it wrong - no one would drive the TC version over the none.

    Oh it most definitely harms it. You'd stop faster sticking your foot on the ground with it on 8.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  2. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    There's plenty of FWD in the game that drive just fine. The COPA cars are great fun imo. What breaks the TSI cup is the TC nothing to do with the driven wheels. You can put assists to 'off' and compare.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Well of course that trying to replicate it tonight, it didnt happen a single time in 3 races :confused:, I did have an enjoyable night of racing as a result so there is that.
  4. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Could you please describe what aspect of the car's behaviour or handling is "wrong" when Authentic settings are used (meaning the TC is enabled). And, of course, the TC in AMS 2 is not replicating every possible element in real TC systems. It is highly simplified. But I am still mystified as to exactly what you consider buggy or wrong. And, please specify which model you are using (in case there are inadvertent differences).

    Regarding the Mini, yes, as with all ABS, you will stop faster with less of it or it off, as I already said. I meant no harm is done to use the default setting for the player--you save flat spots and lock-ups at the expense of a very slight smidgen of longer brake distance. That's not harm, it's just a typical set-up compromise like all other set-up choices. But, sure, turn it way down from 8 if dry and you are experienced enough to not accidentally lock-up brakes.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
  5. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    I think people already have at some length over several years.

    Albeit they are pointing at other explanations that make no sense to me (or others are pointing at them for them) - e.g "It's the FFB" "It's the camera" "It's the tyre noise" "It's them - they're comparing with a road car"

    Not the least because I can trivially eliminate those other things and it remains. I can unplug my wheel's power supply so there's no FFB - this doesn't affect the physics or handling at all. I use VR so there's no camera issue just me sat in the car. You can even use bumper view in VR to get a better perspective on the car's movement.

    I assume you can turn the tyre noise down albeit I've never found any need to experiment there.

    The most obvious one for me - I can turn the TC off (actually while we're there if you really cannot turn off the TC or ABS in this car with 'authentic' on that makes no sense. I mean screwdrivers are authentic aren't they? I bet I could disable the TC in a VW whether the manufacturer provided a button on the dash or not. Really, if the keyboard options don't work and you don't allow it in the setup that just makes our lives more difficult than they need to be. Because I obviously might want to drive this car with no TC but with ABS, or I might want to drive this car without assists but still have the TC / ABS stuff available in the GT3 et al. If to do that I have to keep going into the settings to change off to authentic back and forth that's not 'realism' it's just 'a pain in the butt' - and, like I say, you can disable anything IRL with a toolkit so 'authentic' should always let you disable assists. Disregard this if you can disable them with the keyboard shortcut as I haven't tried that)

    Anyway in your last post you were telling me I can't have turned the TC off in this car and that I must have been using the generic assists. So I wouldn't expect you to have noticed a difference with something you didn't even realise you could do differently :) Just try it yourself. All the models are pretty much identical but I was using the normal polo.

    If you think the behaviour and handling is fine with the TC then like I said ok, but then I think real life has the bug - because TC makes the car harder to control - and bug or not I think it's a better explanation for people thinking the AMS2 handling is weird or flawed than the rest of the contenders on the list.

    The odd thing for me is that cars are engineered to slide, they're supposed to slide. They can't turn if they don't slide - and the faster you go the more sliding there is. There's a whole discipline of motorsport based entirely on making cars slide around. Yet, seemingly there's a subset of the audience of people using sims that think sliding is a bug. They seem to think that cars should drive like they do under the limit. Which, of course, they do - and AMS2 does that and you can do slow laps all day like that - even put the AI difficulty from its lowest setting to somewhere around 105 to 110% and win driving like that. The problem there perhaps is most people overdrive so they still experience sliding when they didn't really need to.

    Now I do notice, especially with a slower car like TSI cup just how slow VR makes driving feel. Especially sat high up in the cockpit view of these cars. I think this does create a situation where someone doing a 3 digit speed and they're saying "It's like driving on ice" when the car slides. Which is partly hyperbole and partly because they think they were doing about 30 mph when the slide started.

    But a lot of people post or talk about the handling and mostly when I see them on youtube with a great number of subscribers they're waffling away and they have a speedo on the hub with the TC and ABS lights flashing on and off like a christmas tree. And I'm thinking "Yeah there's your problem - that's why the cars feel strange"

    As you suggest, a TC that isn't fully on or off has some degree left where it's still going to break free (to be honest that's not so much the TSI cup problem because, as I said, it doesn't have enough power to break free from anything but certainly in the faster cars)

    So in their minds this loss of control happens in a surprising or unexpected moment. You know if you have a dog that puts its ears back, and then maybe growls you back off. There are signs and signals. Compare that to a dog that does nothing except flash a light on the speedo that you're not even looking at and then it suddenly bites you. You're getting rid of that dog - it's behaviour is strange and weird - not like any other dog you owned or met. But it's not the dog's fault, it's the - well the analogy has run out here I don't know what you'd attach to a dog that's like TC. You get the idea, TC is hiding the stuff you needed to know to correct your behaviour earlier on, and then you get bitten and think "What did I do? I was just petting the dog everything seemed fine and then it suddenly bit me!" "Didn't it growl or nothing?" "No sir"

    Worse, if the behaviour under TC is negative. e.g understeering. "Why is the car understeering" "To stop the wheels scrubbing"

    Generally in the past Project cars and AMS2 versions when the cars were recoverable in pretty much all but the most extreme circumstances it didn't matter that much. There was lots of talk about floaty feeling and boats and odd sways and unexpected movement from the cars. Now that you more often end up facing backwards on the track some of them seem to feel cheated when that happens. Maybe they quit the game, maybe they compartmentalise it "Some of the cars in X are ok but some of them behave really weird" and they just avoid those cars.

    For me the easiest way to drive the TSI cup is to use VR but with bumper view - gives a better sense of speed being lower to the ground and lets you see the track and really feel the movement of the car. Then you can get to the apex, unsettle the car with either a bit too much brake or a steering input and then just push the car to the kerb at outside of the track with the throttle. Link the corners together like that makes it really fun. Much better than anyone I've ever read talking about these cars - everyone was always asking what is wrong with them.

    Albeit if you overdrive too much you lose a lot of time with that sliding. The whole time the tyre sound is 'shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' and the car is completely in control of the driver and your throttle and steering input. The car is sliding where you want it to go.

    Now try that with the TC on, especially in the cockpit view. Someone said TC was there to get rid of understeer - but it understeers more not less. It feels weird to drive. Unless perhaps you've driven quite a bit without the TC and you know how the car wants to behave and you let it and you're 100% aware of the TC (a key point because think back to those youtube videos with the TC flashing away - the guy is paying no attention) once you realise the TC is making your right foot do nothing it becomes more manageable and understandable.

    Then you're left with a car that is just anodyne and less fun. To me the flaw there is - I'm getting nothing from the TC, I'm really learning how to drive the car with this impediment that's nominally supposed to be an 'assist' - and if I'm not aware of it it just makes the cars behaviour seem strange or weird.

    I can only suggest you google the AMS2 demo and see how people went on and on about how bad these cars were. Some undoubtedly believing these cars suck but adding "there's other cars in the game that are good" - other people are going to say later in development "it's old handling model and tyre physics blah blah blah don't pay attention to how the cars in the demo drive" which, is kind of true but it's the same thing with these cars in 1.5 and 1.6. It's the TC. That, imo, is why people think the handling feels weird or off in the AMS2 demo.

    Volkswagen Polo tsi cup This is just one thread but it has nearly every check point. "It's because the VW is from Brazil" ? Like wtf? "It's a bad car that makes you appreciate the good cars in the game" "It's AMS2 - it was the same in project cars too" "It's understeering" (ironic this one given that you think the assist is there to stop it) "It's sliding at 30 mph" "It's sliding off the track at 35mph - these cars handle totally unrealistically" "note to self never buy one of these cars IRL if this is how they drive" etc etc. And you can find threads like this on every forum and social media site where AMS2 is discussed talking about these cars. IMO all of this is just down to the TC. Switch it off and drive the car.

    I just think it's more obvious in this car than maybe cars like the GT3 that have a heap of setup options, are far more powerful and have a dial for TC.
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  6. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    not sure if there might be more things that causing performance issues, but yesterday we ran a 2 hour multiclass race (GTP,GTD,LMP2G2) around Road Atlanta, and out of the 26 drivers, a couple mentioned major fps drops, whilst it was fine for others, most of those drivers weren't using any custom ffb file.

    not sure if it helps, but i thought it would be worth mentioning
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    With AMS2 v1.6 F-Truck are really great to drive now. Even at Spa
    Eau Rouge with 120 kph
    Drifting through Pouhon
    With 160kph through Blanchimont
    At the end, a lap time of about 3 minutes
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  8. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Especially on Spa RX! :D
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  9. Divit Beria

    Divit Beria Prefer modern cars

    Jan 20, 2022
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    I was driving the 911 RSR aeound Cordoba and something popped into my head. Does Reiza acquire actual vehicle mechanics data even for the really old cars or is it just crafted from footage and trial and error.

    Because either way they feel phenomenal but very curious about this.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
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  10. Cholton82

    Cholton82 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Does Use class scoring in a custom championship work ?
    No matter what I seem to do the positions indicator isn’t split like when you run a single race. So it shows only overall position instead of overall and class position.
    Also how far off getting those big grids in championship are we ?
  11. Sasha

    Sasha New Member

    Nov 30, 2024
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    When the settings in online races are closed, the rubber in the formula does not change in the pitbox, in order to change it to another one, you need to choose the right one, leave the pits and go back through the return button and then the right set will be there, is this normal or is it a bug? We are talking about the formula Reiza
  12. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I think thats actually a bug, but depends which way you look at it, everything else is fixed on the setup, so it seems this should be as well.

    Keep in mind though, if you do this during qually, and put slicks on the car, if the race starts wet, you wont be able to change them during the 2 minute countdown before the race, in that case you would need to do a lap and make a pitstop to change tires
  13. Sasha

    Sasha New Member

    Nov 30, 2024
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    No one was able to change the rubber in our qualification, we accidentally managed to change it as I described, when you play by yourself everything works
  14. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    As a possible bug on AMS2 (but also possible to be on SimHub)...
    AMS2 is keeping/reporting 61Km/h, more precisely 60.(6) Km/h, with pit speed limiter.
    Before v1.6, it reported 60Km/h correctly (many times I had 59/60 fluctuations, which seemed to be fine).
  15. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    In all of this text, you still managed not to answer my simple question.

    The Polo GTS I drove feels fine with the in-built TC, and yes, I went back to the main menu and disabled all assists instead of using Authentic to try it that way and the car feels pretty much the same, but missing the TC. It can be driven no problem without the TC, as long as you don't drive like an idiot, and it can equally be driven no problem with the Authentic TC enabled. The TC seems to work like normal TC from my estimation, so again, I have no idea what you are referring to because you can't type one sentence of explanation, but can type half a book exclaiming that everyone already knows what the problems were with this car. If you don't want to reply, that's fine, but if you do, please write only the aspects of the current (v 1.6) car's handling or behaviour that you think are unrealistic/bad/wrong/however you care to describe it.
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  16. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    There is currently the option to set a mandatory pitstop for the race and to change 4 tires.
    Could there be an option to add up to 8 or even 12 tires mandatory for a race ? So when doing long races people are forced to do multiple full pitstops.
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  17. Raffaele S

    Raffaele S Member

    Dec 1, 2024
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    Is there a way to save offline during custom championship ? I mean during endurance race , is very difficult to complete a 6 hours race in one shot ahahahha
  18. Bealdor

    Bealdor Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    I'm afraid there isn't.
  19. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I tried this combination last night at Sebring School default dates in a race with 10 min practice and 10min qualifying. So i ran it on a wet track and dry track. I havent ran this car in probably a year because it was always pretty bad before. 4 laps into practice i was pretty comfortable with the car and turning fast laps. Its actually really nice to drive now for a s--t With the ai at 105 i was easily turning faster laps than the ai and if i could put the whole lap together could have found another 5 tenths. My lap times where pretty much identical TC on or off. So either hes got something corrupted or just wrong on his end.
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  20. PocketsRJ

    PocketsRJ Hi from UK!

    Dec 30, 2021
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    I tried the Super V8 at Bathurst in a Test Day yesterday, and the way I was able to build up confidence and the tires was really cool, I never felt quite able to do that before.

    I gradually got down to a 2:09 and I was so pumped lol :D Then add in a sunset vibe and wow, I love this game so much :hurrayreiza:
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