Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. RafaHenn

    RafaHenn New Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: all tracks
    Car Used: Camaro GT4, BMW GT4, GT4 Ginetta, Mercedes GT4, 2019 Stock Car to 2024 Stock cars, Street Chevy Camaro SS, Ginetta G55 GT4 SuperCup, GT Open Ginetta, Copa Montana
    Description: Bonnet / Hood Cam in those cars have sound problem
    Report: the cars mentioned on the hood / bonnet cam have the engine sound unbalanced coming out more on the left side of the headset and it seems to be only in that and nose cam in the other cameras the sound seem to be normal as of now only the cars mentioned i found that bug i update the message if i find more i drove the 2019 for almost 30 minutes non stop but i could not go longer because having the sound in only the left side started to give me a headache

    after more testing i start noticing that all cars with this bug are Chevy V8´s so it may be a bug on those engines that on the hood cam the sound comes all in the left side

    found more cars and noticed that all are cars with engine on the front right "below" the hood cam the only GT4´s ho did´t had this bug where the mid engine ones: AUDI, MCLAREN and PORSCHE

    i asked some freinds and while i reported only hearing on the left side and nothing on the right side some people said they hear on the right side but is unbalanced compared to other cameras

    Camaro GT4:

    BMW GT4:

    Ginetta GT4:

    Mercedes GT4:

    Stock Car 2019:

    Stock Car 2024:

    Street Chevy Camaro SS:

    Ginetta G55 GT4 SuperCup:

    GT Open Ginetta:

    Copa Montana:
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2025 at 7:18 PM
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  2. RNoctua

    RNoctua New Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: Cadillac GTP, McLaren GT4
    Applicable Settings: any
    1. Cadillac GTP - the engine sound is more on the left side
    2. McLaren GT4 - the engine sound is more on the right side
    Steps to reproduce: All the sound is fine except for the engine sound. Just need to get the revs up. To test, you can flip the headphones another side to see if the engine sound comes from one side less and the other more.
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  3. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: After 5 years, the replay system is still broken.
    Things like in the video below can happen on any track in any session.

    After restarting the game 3 times and loading the saved replay a couple of times, it finally worked, but then, I still had this issue with those weird cameras, placed behind trees by purpose in some sectors.

    The whole replay system needs a rework from scratch and somebody has to check the camera angles track by track ( what should normally be done before releasing a track, not 5 years later).
    In the current state, it is a house without a roof. :(

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2025
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  4. KrisP

    KrisP New Member

    Feb 14, 2025
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    Game version:

    Track & Layout Used
    : Nordschleife 24 Hour 2020

    Car Used
    : Any

    Applicable Settings
    : Time Trial

    : Player ghost fails to upload after setting a lap time in a time trial session.

    Steps to reproduce
    : Complete a lap and notice that your ghost isn't uploaded. Also notice that no matter what vehicle class you chose, none of the other leaderboard entries have ghosts attached.

    Further information:
    As this is an old issue (first reported by @ramsay back in 2020) I took a closer look by comparing a lap at a known "good" car/track combo where ghosts work, with a lap at the above mentioned Nordschleife 24 Hour 2020 while running with a debugger attached (I also "coerced" the logging system to output everything, no matter the severity level of the message.)

    Here's a snippet from a log taken when it works:
    [StatManager::FinishSubmitJob_Steam] Event leaderboard stat submit job changed the stat, updating ghost next (event 822, board id 822, version 0, track 0x00000000, vehicle 0x36604681)
    [SteamGhostUploadJob::StartUpload] FileShare started ; board id 822, version 0, data size 4102, track 0xdde5b6d4, vehicle 0x36604681 ; waiting for the upload to finish
    [SteamGhostUploadJob::FileSharedCallback] FileShare succeeded, ghost magic 822, data size 4102, track 0xdde5b6d4, vehicle 0x36604681: ghostid <deleted for my privacy>
    [SteamGhostUploadJob::AttachToLeaderboard] AttachLeaderboardUGC started; magic 822, lbid 15134697, track 0xdde5b6d4, vehicle 0x36604681, ghostid <deleted for my privacy>, waiting for the request to finish
    [SteamGhostUploadJob::FileAttachedCallback] AttachLeaderboardUGC succeeded in state 5, track 0xdde5b6d4, vehicle 0x36604681, ghost magic822, lbid 15134697, ghostid <deleted for my privacy>
    [SteamFileUploadJob::UGCQueryCompleted] Enumerating UGC query results, 1 matching items found

    And when it doesn't (i.e., on Nordschleife 24 Hour 2020):
    [StatManager::FinishSubmitJob_Steam] Event leaderboard stat submit job changed the stat, updating ghost next (event 7150, board id 7150, version 0, track 0x00000000, vehicle 0x36604681)
    [SteamFileUploadJob::UGCQueryCompleted] Enumerating UGC query results, 1 matching items found
    Notice that none of the four SteamGhostUploadJob member functions are invoked after the StatManager::FinishSubmitJob_Steam call.

    I have verified that in both the "good" and "bad" cases, a ghost file is being recorded into the user's temporary directory. Though in the "bad" case no .ghostsave is saved in the Documents\Automobilista folder.

    Sadly, any track layout that includes the Nordschleife have problems with ghosts - on the normal Nordschleife 2020 ghosts are sometimes uploaded, sometimes not.

    As these are some of the most popular tracks in the game, as evident by the large number of time trial participants, I hope you can fix this.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2025
  5. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Imola 88
    Car Used: F-Hitech Gen 1
    Applicable Settings: Race against the AI with changing weather from sunny to rain
    Report: On a 20 minutes race, with a completely soaked track after about 7 minutes, half of the field did not change tyres and ended the race on slicks without any problems, far ahead of the cars which pitted for wets.
    So, without having a mandatory stop, the AI still tends to stay out for ages on slicks with magic grip in wet conditions. This is ridiculous and racing with such weather settings does not make any sense at all that way.
    Irl, cars on slicks back then had huge problems on slicks when the rain was pouring down.

    Edit: The AI also almost stands still in corner exits when it is wet, but then magically can rush out of curves like a rocket.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2025
  6. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Indianapolis Oval
    Car Used: Several Open Wheel Classes
    Applicable Settings: Race against the AI
    Report: When driving in a pack, cars in front are braketesting player in corners for no reason whilst car behind attacks like crazy and tries to force it's way through.
    When you are overtaking on the inside of corners, AI on the outside just moves over to your car and often rams you off track in some kind of rage mode. AI drive as if they were completely blind, no matter which aggression settings are chosen.
    A horrible experience.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2025
  7. André Alfieri

    André Alfieri New Member

    Sep 18, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Indianapolis Oval (and all tracks)
    Car Used: Formula V10 Gen2 (and all cars)
    Applicable Settings: Race against the AI
    Recently (about 3 days ago), this bug started happening. Any track, any car.

    I leave the pit stop (I did one on the second lap just to test and take a screenshot), and the engine blows up. I start with 1 engine damage, and as soon as I cross the pit lane exit line—where the car's control stops being automatic and is taken over by me—the engine damage number jumps to 99 or 100, and the "engine blown" message appears.

    I don’t know what to do; I’ve tried everything. I don’t accelerate, shift gears, touch the steering wheel, or do anything, and this still happens. upload_2025-2-20_16-58-25.png
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  8. André Alfieri

    André Alfieri New Member

    Sep 18, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Indianapolis Oval (and all tracks)
    Car Used: Formula V10 Gen2 (and all cars)
    Applicable Settings: Race against the AI
    Report: The same problem happening before the start. I'm not accelerating, on the contrary, I even tested just braking, and the problem still appears. It goes from 0 to 100 in engine damage without any explanation.

    Apparently it was happening with cars that have "Low Downforce" in their names (it didn't exist before, was it recently added in some silent update?)

    I restarted and the Hitech cars stopped having this problem (at least temporarily in about 3 races I did with each one testing leaving the pits)

    However, the Formula V10 and Formula V12 cars continue to have the same problem

    I'm still thinking, it didn't have the name "Low Downforce", it appeared recently. What is this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2025
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  9. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: all tracks
    Car Used: GT3 G2 Porsche
    Description: No debris buildup on trunk panel
    Report: Tire debris doesn't accumulate on trunk at the same rate it does for the bumper and quarter panel.

    Attached Files:

  10. mach999

    mach999 New Member

    Feb 15, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: all tracks
    Car Used: Formula Vee
    Description: Positive camber on car model
    Report:: Car model shows positive camber no matter how much negative camber you put in setup. A lot of other cars had this bug but most of them got fixed in the last patches, the Formula Vee still has it..
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  11. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Active Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Nurburgring Veedol 2020
    Car Used: LMP2 Gen 2
    Applicable Settings
    : Same class, 23 oponents, AI 105%, AI aggression medium, AI mistakes 0.5, Rolling start.
    Report: Start of Lap 2, as you come out of the first hairpin after the main straight AI seems to regularly have a pile up. Just had it happen four times in a row
    Steps to reproduce: I was doing a quick race 14 laps starting iwith starting position set to 7th. Dry with light cloud.
  12. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: All
    Car Used: All
    Applicable Settings: doesn't seem to matter.
    Report: Sometimes when leaving pitbox in P or Q for the second or more times you have to press the ignition button prior to starting engine, other times you can just press start engine. It seems to be very random. Shouldn't you have to turn the ignition on first all the time?
  13. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Kart Speedland
    Car Used: Kart shifter
    Description: 2 bugs in replay
    1) driver is flickering terrible
    2) cover over kart is missing, even it looks a bit funny:)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2025
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  14. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: all tracks
    Car Used: BMW Hybrid V8
    Description: Missing aero bits over wheel archs.
    Report:: The model in AMS2 is missing these carbon aero bits over the wheel archs. I think its a proeminent enough detail to add.
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  15. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Spa 1991 ( happens in any track)
    Car Used: Mercedes CLK GT1
    Applicable Settings: x2 fuel, x3 tire accel, x5 time accel
    Report: On all tracks, 3 out of 4 GT1 cars used by the AI - the Porsche, McLaren and Nissan, pit adequately, using their full fuel tank to minimize time spent in the pits. The Mercedes GT1 however, the AI pit excessively - just the AI using the Mercedes. The latest patch for v1.6 fixed the issue where all cars were pitting excessively due to sensitivity to running with wearing tires. The Merc however remains wanting to pit more than the rest of the field, so often at the end of the race they are easily far behind where they would have finished otherwise.
    Steps to reproduce: Easily reproduce able on any track, with any accel settings. I've been racing with x5 time accel, with x2 fuel and x3 tire for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2025
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  16. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: Spa 2022
    Car Used: GT3 gen 2 Porsche
    Applicable Settings: Weather. 'Sunny'' Track temp around 85f Multiplayer locked lobby in practice session with 1 other player and pace car currently the only others in session. I am not host.
    Running game in VR with Quest 3 via link cable and no steamVR
    Report: Foggy left, right and center mirrors using the driver view. Virtual mirror works
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  17. inthebagbud

    inthebagbud Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Track & Layout Used: Spa 2022
    Car Used: GT4 AMG / P320 multiclass
    Applicable Settings: LFM Race 188643|1
    Report: Told me race had finished for me but it hadn't
    Steps to reproduce: I was 9th in class and the 8 in front crossed the finish line before the P320 leader. The P320 leader then crossed the line before me and the cooldown lap message came up but i still had a lap to go . CC also stated the race was over.
  18. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: LeMans
    Car Used: Mercedes CLK GT1
    Applicable Settings: Real Weather - but it was clear - not related
    Report: Sorry guys, I thought it was fixed in the latest 1.6 patch but no, the problem persists. At LeMans, vehicles seem to just run out of fuel. If safety cars are enabled, the problem compounds because a lot of cars will not pit even if very low on fuel during the FCY, so as soon as it goes green, they'll run out, which will trigger another FCY. I tried it with the standard authentic tire and fuel wear, and with x2 fuel and x3 tires. Same result. As a work around you just gotta run with FCY turned off at LeMans - but it's kind of a bummer since FCYs add so much to the experience. I've not seen this problem in other tracks. I've run full races and have not experienced this. Just at LeMans.
    Steps to reproduce: Just gotta do 1 or 2 full stints at LeMans. You'll see it happen. But one way to more easily see it, crash the car and park it so that you force a FCY right around the time the AI would normally want to pit. You'll see a lot of them just choose not to, and they'll run out of fuel when it goes back to green, or even during the pace car itself
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025
  19. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Laguna Seca
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Race
    Report: The lollipop men are still standing on the track instead of the pit lane.
    The issue occurs on some other tracks, too.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025
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  20. pimpi84

    pimpi84 Active Member

    Apr 6, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: All
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: All
    Report: While driving, the virtual steering wheel matches the rotation of the real steering wheel. In replay instead there is a mismatch, which seems to be related to the vehicle steering lock.
    Example: real steering input 45°.
    Kart: while driving, all is ok, in replay the reported steering angle is about 90°
    GT3: while driving all is ok, in replay the steering angle is about 30°
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