Featured Automobilista 2 V1.6.4.2 & Super Trophy Trucks RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.6.4.3

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 14, 2025.

  1. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    are you the person hosting the event, or is that someone else? and is it the same person everytime?

    if disconnections happen to the same people several times, it is worth checking if Steam isn't offline briefly for them, as that will instantly cause a disconnect.

    it's also worth trying to reboot their modem and/or router before joining, as that can help prevent small hickups.

    yes, there was an update, indeed no patchnotes so far
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2025 at 10:03 PM
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  2. herakles

    herakles Member

    May 26, 2022
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    Bugs are in the game - this is no secret to anyone playing this awesome game. And some of these are very annoying, which is sad.

    I got the impression that frustration ramps up while people see new content but no major bugs being fixed.

    Maybe the priorization of things to be done should be rethought by Reiza.
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  3. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Have you even considered that the people fixing bugs and the people that create new content might not actually be the same people, with a relative small team, and an engine that they haven't developed themselves, fixing bugs is a lot harder, and will take more time, also, you fix one bug, but that can have repercussions elswhere in the code, which then also need fixing.

    the frustration by people thinking that no (major) bugs are fixed, a look at almost every changelog/patchnote shows a lot of bugfixes, big and small.

    Reiza will do things in a way that works for them, no need to tell them how to do their job IMO
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  4. herakles

    herakles Member

    May 26, 2022
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    Well, I do understand people that are to some degree disillusioned due to bugs as they already paid for the game. This sadly includes me I must admit.

    If Renato writes "it is your call to decide if the overall is good enough to warrant your money", it won't help much as the money has already been invested by people.

    Dislike my post if needed. I don't want to be impolite or offensive at all. I just understand people wanting a working game to have fun with - that's what we're all here for in the end.

    I'm really eager to see the next updates to come. The game is - as said before - awesome to me and I really like it. This is no nagging, I really want things to move forward! Please don't get me wrong.
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  5. ChasteWand

    ChasteWand Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    LMU is the only contender, but I don't think either LMU or AMS2 can be called current generation, both are on ageing engines. AC Evo is the only current generation game,
    very bare bones, and not in my library. Arguably ACC is more current than both AMS2 and LMU, but the AI is the worst of all. I have yet to put any time to the most recent build of LMU, it was last summer that I last played for any length of time. It is certainly not on the same level as AMS2 for graphics or optimisation, let alone content. However the narrow focus could prove to be very beneficial for development. The AI in LMU are far better at navigating traffic, more considerate when a lapped and are very well calibrated providing you run a practice and quali session before racing. The strategy is equally as good, or poor, dependant on your outlook! Neither dynamically consider a winning strategy due to weather, traffic or incident/safety car. Contact and damage between player and AI is more balaced in LMU. The race save feature is also great for long races! But, and it's a big one, S397/LMU seems very focused on eSports/online multiplayer, single player features have stagnated.

    When all said and done, even with the frustrations, I much prefer AMS2 over LMU, but haven't played LMU for time. It was my plan to put some time to LMU this coming week...

    Perhaps my dreams are beyond the limitations of the madness engine. It's graphical optimisation and player physics/tyre model compromising the AI. With the endurance content and the stunning day/night cycle, real weather, and an equal focus between single/multiplayer/online, if my list of issues/frustrations can be solved, AMS2 will be truly amazing. I have faith that Reiza are doing their best, we have come a long way from the PC2 days. Physics now on 4 threads has helped stabilise frame rates on my system, perhaps more threads can be utilised for the AI.
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  6. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    This discussion has been had many many many times before.

    The conclusion is always this: which multiplayer bugs do you think a 3D modeller can fix!? Should all 3D modellers be fired until all multiplayer bugs are fixed? Whats your answer to this?
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  7. herakles

    herakles Member

    May 26, 2022
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    I did not want to write anything in addition to be honest, but as you asked me directly, I will answer, @Dolph.

    First off, it's not about multiplayer bugs, it's about bugs. No matter if single, multi, usability or whatever.

    That being said, where's the point in having the best graphics, all tracks, all cars but not being able to play with these in a mellow game? If there are 3D modelers that work on stuff, their work won't be worthless once the time has come to include into the game. That point should to my humble opinion be once the game works reproducably stable.

    And if in the mean time too many workers of kind X or Y have been employed, while the game suffers different challenges - well, this is a matter of project management, of company leadership. Reacting to challenges that arise during projects is part of the basics of project management.

    I never said and I will never say "hire & fire" as I'm no friend of quick changes within a team. For a team to be robust and productive, trust is needed, people need safety in their jobs and wellness to be productive. Plus: I never said, I'm the one to know how to deal with this defiance or I'd be the one to tell Reiza how to do things. The company will be wise enough to know what to do. I just said, they might want to reconsider priorities. What shall be done is not up to me - I am not "in command" of that company.

    Again, I know, this is no easy situation and I wouldn't want to swap positions with Reiza. I'm just a customer wanting a working product - and I think I'm not alone with this desire (as can be seen by some previous posts by others or your very statement, saying that comparable discussions had taken place before).

    I cannot state this clear enough: this is no offence, I'm not blaming anyone and I do NOT know better. I can't know better, as I'm not involved in the day-to-day running of the company. This post is just an answer to your question, @Dolph.

    Hoping for the best, still loving this game (currently mainly time trials due to issues mentioned before)!

    Keep smiling,
    herakles :)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2025 at 12:18 AM
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  8. Sasha

    Sasha Member

    Nov 30, 2024
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    Thanks for trying to help. I have always been the host of our events and championships and until recently everything was fine, until these disconnections started for different people who were also fine. We changed the host, but the problem still remained, we tried everything and noticed that it was with AMS that the internet disappears for a moment and Steam becomes offline with other games for people and I do not have such problems,internet and Steam are working stably this is not exclusively my problem.We also tried rebooting
  9. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    No major bugs fixed ??
    - tires not changed in pitstops - fixed
    - refueling not happening in pitstops - fixed
    - shadow bug at night causing static car shadows also blocking car headlights - fixed
    - ABS/TC disabled on cars that should have them - fixed
    - severe performance drop since 1.6 and overall poor performance at night / rain - fixed

    Just to name a few that i found severe and got done. What major bug is in the game right now that you are having issues with ?
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  10. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    You cannot start from the pits in this game. Do you mean Practice or Qualifying ? Do you mean automatic pit control and you get damage once player control has been given ? Or a rolling start gives you 100 damage ?
  11. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Ok, quite possibly it's an issue with a ingame created lobby, in several leagues i'm involved in we don't have any issues, but we are using a dedicated server with the JustRace platform.
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  12. Sasha

    Sasha Member

    Nov 30, 2024
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    It's hard to say anything about this, because as I said, when AMS is launched, sometimes different people and I also have the Internet disappearing and Steam goes offline, we've already noticed this in general, everyone who has such a problem will be relieved that it doesn't happen with other games, everything works stably, I play a lot of online games myself and I don't have any problems with them. In any case, thank you again for your answers, and for now we're considering alternatives
  13. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Herackles check the opening post in this thread if you may please, in it there is a combined changelog with over 50 bullet points, only one of them is for new content; the other 50-something points represent less than two months of development work since the last update for fixes and improvements. This is the case for every single update we deploy, which are purposefully synced with content releases to avoid confusion regarding development priorities - yet the confusion persists.

    Unfortunately there are some basic realities about game development that seems quite impossible to get through to a segment of the user base no matter how many times we stress it, but since we are here:

    1- 3D Modellers, texture artists, audio designers, physics engineers don´t usually do code

    2- Awareness of bugs does not equal to ability to fix them

    3- Games have bugs; the bigger their scope, the more they will tend to exist as is the case for any complex structure - there is always some pipe leaking, some wire loose and a wall needing another coat of paint.

    You are certainly entitled to be concerned or frustrated about other bugs major or minor that haven´t yet been addressed in these 50-odd points or the thousands that came in previous changelogs, and you may report or enquire about them so we can try clarify where things stand as we often do. But to imply the work is not being done ramps up frustration on the other side of the counter as it is not only not true, it´s more than a little disrespectful to work that is being done regularly by a team of developers month in and month out; at some point people that engage in that attitude is going to be rightfully invited to the door.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2025 at 1:58 PM
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  14. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Now in the spirit of taking things in a more constructive direction, I am going creatw a thread for user-to-dev direct feedback in a given area of the game; user makes a question or highlights an existing bug report, and the developer in charge gives a straight answer to the matter - no discussions amongst users, just straight Q&A between them and the dev in charge of a given development front.

    Besides being the overall lead I´m also lead developer in Physics & AI development, so the first one would be focused in those areas - give me a day to mull over some basic guidelines so we can start the fun :)
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  15. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    I have a question, what was in the recent hotfixes?
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  16. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    There was just one silent hotffix since V1.6.4.3, and it was to address an error in the tire indexing file that could cause CTDs with some classes.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2025 at 11:48 AM
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  17. ChasteWand

    ChasteWand Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    :eek: Wow!

    Given what happened in the lead up to 1.6 you are a brave man. Thanks muchly for this opportunity to communicate in the open forum. I really hope this turns out as a positive for all involved, and leads not only clarification of the potential to fix issues and bugs in the game, but also to scale expectations to what is possible within the constraints of the madness engine. I will reflect deeply on the game and my experiences playing to ask the most pertinent questions I possibly can. Your openness, dedication, and willingness to take a risk are greatly appreciated. :)
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  18. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Physics & AI Developer Q&A thread live now - have at it gents, keep it constructive and within the guidelines and everyone should win ;)
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  19. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Thank you very much for sharing all the insigtful information in that discussion thread !
    I just finished reading it, and wanted to say about the 3.rd point where i should have worded that differently as i was actually giving praise that in THAT specific situation the LMDh AI driver showed zero hesitation and went 3-wide and made a successful overtake on me and the slower car class, and it was amazing to see.
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