Accuforce Issues

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Wayne Whitmore, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Two issues have come up for me with using my Accuforce wheel. Since the Sim Commander 4 (SC4) update game CTD as the car loads in garage. If I run the game with out SC4 it will load OK. Are there any other Accuforce users able to run SC4 update 092 OK?

    The second issue is that the game will not recognise the Accuforce wheel to import the correct default profile even though it is listed in the devices list. I had the thought that it would need to be Joy 1 to be recognised for the default profile however I am unable to get it to be Joy 1 even after swapping USB ports with the FL2 device. The FL2 device lets me use my old G27 shifter as a stand alone device.

    Anyone had this problem?

  2. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Is the AccuForce listed as being the "Preferred Device" under Windows Game Controllers?

    I don't have my AF connected right now to check SC4 issues but, are the axis recognized at all by AMS when performing the button / axis assignments?
  3. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Default profiles are only matched against device 1. You have to setup manually for more advanced setups.
  4. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Yes Accuforce is the preferred device but making it device one I am still not have figured out how to do.
    Axis all recognised ok in setup
  5. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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  6. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    "Not Supporting" and Not having a "Specific Preset" for a wheel are not the same thing and the AccuForce works just fine in AMS once a custom configuration is setup; it's the same with the OSW-DD wheels, it just takes a bit more time to assign buttons & axis, save your custom-config and then you'll have it if/when you need to reload it. :)
  7. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Ok Thanks Dean I was thinking preset would include best game settings to suit the wheel.
  8. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I have been tuning the AccuForce wheel settings using MockRacer's simplified approach outlined in his guide; it makes tuning quite simple by focusing on a few fundamental settings for the wheel-driver itself.

    AMS / rF2 /AC all produce excellent results for me with very minimal tuning needed. It's the closest approach I can achieve with the AccuForce to how the OSW-SimuCube works; the only setting I need for the wheel are overall force and one filter. AC and rF2 have the advantage of adjusting the FFB strength on a per-car basis from within the game.

    I find this approach works equally well in every title except for Dirt Rally where I use Foundation FFB as Dirt Rally's game-FFB settings are not as effective IMO.
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  9. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Hi friends, since a few days ago I'm having problems with low FPS in Automobilista using the Accuforce V2 Pro, at first I thought it was something of the video configuration, but then I realized that when you start moving the wheel in the game begin to lower the FPS , below 50, when the normal for my pc (until last week) is over 100 FPS at all times, with graphics to the maximum, and I never had a problem.

    After realizing that the steering wheel was the cause of the problem of the FPS, I tried the configuration of the FFB in 180hz and effectively raise the FPS, I also tried other games and they work normally.

    So I wanted to ask you what may have happened these days, since Automobilista was working perfectly for me in 360hz and from one day to the next it started to malfunction, so it is almost unplayable.

  10. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Have you tried using the AccuForce without launching SimCommander? SC4 has had a few issues in the past with high CPU usage but, perhaps with certain PC configurations, it could still be an issue (?)
  11. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I think using the wheel without simcomander is like using a g27 with more torque... but maybe i'm wrong
  12. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Far from it actually but, the AccuForce then uses the settings you saved to the device memory (on board) and the FFB will then be 100% based on game-ffb (not SC4 telemetry ffb). It may be a way to isolate the issue or at least, narrow down the possible cause(s). When you run the wheel without SC4, it still performs as a Direct-drive wheel should, it just doesn't have all of the additional extra fine-tuning options that SC4 offers.

    In the event that you submit a support ticket with SimXperience, it may be one of the first things they suggest you try.
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  13. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    For a moment it was working fine, but now the problem is back, even with 180hz I am having problems with the FPS
  14. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I tried it, it improves about 10 FPS compared to having the program on, which tells me that while it improves a little, the problem is not really because of the program
  15. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Hello Juan, so as you know AMS1 didn't receive any patch since december 2018. You state it was working perfectly at 360Hz before (it was June then). Did that "before" meant before december 2018 or even further back in time, or it was working fine till May / June 2019?
    If it is the latter, then you need to look for problem elsewhere. AMS1 is not multithreaded, so if game is halting because of steering wheel input, there is some misfire in communication with wheel, either software or hardware nature.
  16. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Thank you for your answer @Domagoj Lovric , the problem began a while after buying the steering wheel, the video card and adding 8GB ram, this was in May / June approximately, for a while it worked fine, with the steering wheel at 360Hz, playing with 19 AI , online, no problem (120FPS)

    Then it started to malfunction, even with 180hz, to play offline and without any AI is fine (60-80FPS), but if I go to online or play with IA, I can not get more than 50fps, so it does a little unplayable

    For a moment I could solve it, I did everything, reinstall all the programs and also AMS, I don't know which step was the one that made it work well, after a week the problem came back so far, I repeated all the steps again and I could not fix it

    I can play others sim racing games with more requeriments than AMS at 90FPS or more with AI and graphics setups set to high/ultra

    I have to wait to AMS2 then:(
  17. GTSpeedster

    GTSpeedster Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    The software needs to sync the game FFB signal with wheel's frequency and the display refresh rate. And because AMS has elevated the FFB cycle, when coupled with direct drive wheels some displays, particular certain TVs, simply aren't able to keep up, hence the drop in FPS that the game software imposes.

    It's not an "Accuforce issue" but a combination of factors. Try running it with a different TV or monitor with a higher frequency or a sub 15ms latency and the problem will almost certainly disappear.
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  18. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hi guys. I switched from an OSW Simucube 1 to an Accuforce and just have 2 questions.

    1) If you play AMS without using a SimCommander profile (eg. without opening SC), does the in-game FFB option do anything? It doesn't matter if I set my games to 1% or 100% in-game FFB, I always get what seems like 100%. Game FFB strength does nothing.

    2) I know the OSW Simucube doesn't work with auto-rotation in most or all games including AMS but does the Accuforce? It doesn't for me so I'm trying to find out if it's supposed to be like that or a problem with my system.
  19. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Honest question, why does SimCommander need to sync anything to the display refresh rate?

    It doesn't for me as well, and I have to keep fiddling with the cars steering rotation to get a somewhat "realistic" feeling DoF without the need to reconfigure the DoF in SimCommander every time I change cars.

    The only games where Autorotation works for me is R3E out of the box and rF2 only with the OSW Profile and set to 1440° rotation in SimCommander.

    How do the OSW v1 and the Accuforce compare? I was contemplating switching away from the Accuforce to something else (maybe OSW v2 or Fanatec DD2)
  20. GTSpeedster

    GTSpeedster Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    1) If you play any title without the Sim Commander running, the wheel will go to whatever baseline settings are saved in the controller memory (Settings -> Sim Device Manager -> AccuForce Steering System -> Save Settings to Controller).

    2) I'm old so I like to set wheel rotation and lock per car myself and therefore I have very little experience with the auto-rotation feature. However the few times I tried it in the past I remember felling like the sim was constantly adjusting and changing the rotation while on the track. Maybe I just don't know how to use it, but right now I'd say you should probably ignore the auto-rotation and do it manually.

    It's not the Sim Commander that does it alone but the game engine itself. Every sim does it one way or another. The sim needs to know the feedback it is sending trough to the wheel is (at least somewhat) in sync with what the graphics engine ultimately portrays to the user; so he or she has a fluid experience with minimal blur and lag. To do this it takes into account all kinds of parameters from both software and hardware, like refresh rates, latency, pre-rendered frames, v-sync settings, etc. If too much is insufficient or in conflict it will have an affect in the FFB as a necessary side effect.

    In my experience, if you're running a 60Hz display (be it a TV or a monitor) you'll need it to be under 15ms of input lag to have a perfectly fluid image and therefore an optimal FFB loop. Quality monitors usually ace past this, but older or cheaper TVs can struggle, particularly if image emulators are still active.
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