Automobilista 2 May 2020 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 30, 2020.

  1. AlexBfromG

    AlexBfromG Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Screenshot_2020-06-25 Automobilista 2 « Game Details « de « SteamPrices com.png
    at first, it looks like its very cheap, but you have to realize that people in brazil make alot less money then people in europe.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  2. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    The UK pound to real is 1 to 6.65, A direct calculation of "equality/fairness" regardless of taxes and fees would have us in UK paying 18.04pounds for it, not 34.99.

    Put on top of that the costs of Licenses/naming rights, website fees and salaries of ppl involved just to list a few, you can understand and picture the "pure profit" involved, I'm sure you know that!

    There's isn't much to the final person as in most businesses these days unless they sell an incredible amount of it. But to secure the future of the game and to create that up-to-everybody standards experiences it does have a cost.

    Games like this are normally played by people with the passion, time and money to invest not only in the game but in an expensive computer to run the necessary graphics and a reasonable rig to really immerse themselves into it too, in that scenario the 119.99 isn't the most damaging amount of money right?

    I understand that in Brazil to say that the financial situation is not like in the northern hemisphere is an understatement, but even at 119.99 its hardly a rip off in the grand scheme of things.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. taylajee

    taylajee Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    Exactly. In order to play a modern racing simulators even on very low settings, you would need far more investment on the PC itself, making AMS2 price look tiny in comparison.
  4. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Well, luckily AMS 2 is that good, and has that lots of quality content and soul that you can easily reach 100's or 1000's of hours on one 'game'. While it may costs lots of Brasil people Sim + DLC is one purchase and all the other monthly money can go to house, food, simgear and all that what Brasil people loves.

    I am now at 230 hours. I paid 80 euro for it, so 80 : 230 = 0,30 cent per hour. And it's going down every time I play. When I reach 1000 hours it's 0.08 cent per hour. Woop, woop. Most games these days take roughly 20 - 50 hours and you pay likely between 50 and 60 euro. Then bin the game. Unless you're on console you can sell it, tho and gain a lil money back. AMS 2 is like a bottomless well. There's so much to do. You can easily play AMS 2 for years without buying another Sim.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
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  5. leobaruk13

    leobaruk13 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Just remember that the content in ACC is a lot limited, just few licences to pay... few tracks avaliable... etc!
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  6. AlexBfromG

    AlexBfromG Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    i never said it should be free, just that the pricing is half off in brazil compared to europe.
    of course if you have a PC that can effectively run the game, PC hardware is a lot more expensive anyway. and when you are a brazilian, AMS is a dream come true, something, most of us in Europe or the US can only dream of, not considering modding.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    We are not going to be a fanboy, and another thing, if you understood my text, I am saying in Brazil, the average price in Brazil by the stage that this AMS2 is salty yes, after the launch of 1.0 with the resources working, and the game is more round then the price will be good, I’m not saying in the future, I’m saying today, I have all of Reiza’s games, always support them but that’s not why I won’t criticize them, as long as it’s constructive and not a fanboy, making comparisons of console game with AMS2 is unreasonable, if you make one, get the PC version I guarantee you will agree with me.
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  8. John Hargreaves

    John Hargreaves Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I was comparing recent racing game releases that cost exactly the same, as I thought we were talking about value for money, but being a boy and also a big fan of AMS2, I don't mind being called an AMS2 fanboy :)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    By the power vested in me...
    I pronounce you man and game.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  10. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I agree, but the prices practiced here in Brazil are good, both for the game and for the DLCs, you win in sales volume, I met many people even in the beta stage of ACC who bought the game and left it there but bought it, because the price was well, 35.00 here in Brazil, I don't tell Reiza to do that, but at the stage that the game is before v1.0 it was to practice a covidative price, 60.00 70.00 but it seems a crime to say certain things here , you can only praise here, there are people who do not know the economic reality here in Brazil, here a friend comes down and puts a price comparison in Brazil and in the rest of the world, comparing what is charged in one country the other is not appropriate some, comparisons have to be more complete, compare purchasing power, what is the average wage in europe? how many% does the value represent over the minimum wage there? here 120.00 represents 12% does it represent that in other countries? the other friend compares with ACC on the console, I'm not here comparing games, I'm giving a point of view and that's it, I have AMS2, I have one more friend who has it and it's over, the rest of the people still haven't bought it and they tell me that due to the the game here in Brazil is expensive, I come here to expose what they say to me, and it seems that I am a hater of the game, from Reiza, how can something improve, just by reading compliments? not uncritical here, because anyone who criticizes is just deslike absurd comparisons I really don't understand.
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  11. John Hargreaves

    John Hargreaves Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I can't really comment on the cost of living in Brazil, but it's interesting to hear about it from someone there. The European pricing seems very fair to me, but I can imagine that things are quite different in other countries. I know the guys in Australia always struggle because they are so far away from everywhere. Is it generally difficult to get computer/tech stuff over in Brazil? Does it tend to come from Europe, US or is there a homegrown tech industry at all?
  12. SebWizterTv

    SebWizterTv Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Maybe we get V1.0 tonight :whistle:

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  13. AlexBfromG

    AlexBfromG Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    that was my immediate impression the first time i came here lol

    would be lovely since i have all the time tomorrow, but i have my doubts
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  14. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I don't think anybody is hating here, just like yourself they are expressing their opinion. If they sound like fanboys it's just what it is I guess.

    I live in England and I'm Brazilian, and I have friends here who joined the early access beta phase and like myself paid close to 120 or more I can't remember now. Some of us are earning close to 700per month and financing it. I think we were all super excited with it due to AMS1 so even if it sounded too expensive at first the long term cost-benefit as @Ivysaur explained changed our minds.

    But no hate mate, I've got friends here too that don't want to pay for it, as it is right now, because they feel its too expensive for an unfinished product, but that's why Renatos being saying wait until the full game is out or some DLCs down on the road.
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  15. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Unfortunately people compare values, which is the most wrong way to do it, the comparison must be made by purchasing power, how much this value represents in her salary, here AMS2 represents 12%.
    Related minimum wages:

    Germany: 9.19 Euros

    USA: 7.25 dollars

    United Kingdom: £ 8.72

    Brazil: 4.75 reais

    Germany averages 29hrs worked per week with 116 hours worked per month which gives a salary of 1,066 euros. game at 37.00 euros is equivalent to 3.5% of the salary.

    Uses the average number of hours worked per week and 34.5 hours, 138 hours per month, which gives the game 1005.00 dollars at 40.00 dollars equivalent to 4.5% of the salary.

    United Kingdom on average 41 hours worked per week equals 164 hours per month, so a salary of £ 1,430 as a game at £ 35.00 is equivalent to 2.4% of the salary.

    The great Brazil, 55 hours a week which is equivalent to 220 months, with a salary of 1045.00 reais, game costs 120.00, equivalent to 11.5% of the salary.

    Summary, the game costs:

    Germany 3.5%
    USA 4.5%
    United Kingdom 2.4%
    Brazil 11.5%.
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  16. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Unfortunately people compare values, which is the most wrong way to do it, the comparison must be made by purchasing power, how much this value represents in her salary, here AMS2 represents 11.5%. Related minimum wages: Germany: 9.19 Euros USA: 7.25 dollars United Kingdom: £ 8.72 Brazil: 4.75 reais Germany averages 29hrs worked per week with 116 hours worked per month which gives a salary of 1,066 euros. game at 37.00 euros is equivalent to 3.5% of the salary. Uses the average number of hours worked per week and 34.5 hours, 138 hours per month, which gives the game 1005.00 dollars at 40.00 dollars equivalent to 4.5% of the salary. United Kingdom on average 41 hours worked per week equals 164 hours per month, so a salary of £ 1,430 as a game at £ 35.00 is equivalent to 2.4% of the salary. The great Brazil, 55 hours a week which is equivalent to 220 months, with a salary of 1045.00 reais, game costs 120.00, equivalent to 11.5% of the salary. Summary, the game costs: Germany 3.5% USA 4.5% United Kingdom 2.4% Brazil 11.5%. On top of a citizen's salary, I didn't even put the percentage of people in that country earning a minimum salary because here in Brazil it exceeds 50% of the population.
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  17. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    the biggest problem in Brazil is the high cost of products, public spending here is large and to sustain this increase and create new taxes, the cost for a Brazilian to upgrade some informatics is high, look at the tags of most Brazilians and you will see as the average equipment is inferior to other countries, i3, AMD's Fx series are common here in Brazil, and any problem out there as the covid makes the dollar shoot up here it hit 6x the value of our currency, added to high taxes it's too expensive. This discussion of the value of the game is not a mistake by Reiza, she is also a victim because she sells the game by adding taxes, maybe with lower taxes it would have a much better price here, what I try to show is a point of view that within this problem of cost for her, she needs to work on something that makes the product more attractive, but unfortunately here you cannot give any point of view contrary to the game or the company, how do you improve by reading only praise? there is always that person who has the conditions to have the game for $ 299.00 and thinks that everyone has their purchasing power, or is a person trying to show that he has more than others, or has a profound lack of knowledge, my point of view is based on the reality of the people of the country where I live, I don’t think about me, but in the collective and with that in the best for the producer, if it doesn’t sell, we won’t have games, but I’m still Brazilian and Reiza is a Brazilian company, I want that are as good as a kunos, Studio-397 etc. it is not criticizing for not cheering, but criticizing for it to rethink and find a solution for it to sell more, that's all.
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  18. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I understand your position. I'm from Argentina, and here ACC + DLC is 25% the cost of AMS2 + Season pass, so there are a lot of people on the fence to buy it, or don't. And ACC is not on discount here, that was the price since v1.0. I bought it even cheaper at early access.

    I'm not saying the price is high, I'm only saying that on my Steam region, well established competing games are a lot cheaper than AMS2, and in a poor country like mine it can be a high factor about getting the game, regardless how good it is. For the casual racer, you can get AAA games for less than AMS2 price, so it means less people interested in trying the game too.
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  19. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    exactly that, many did not buy because it was good or bad but because of the price in question. a lot will wait to bet on AMS2 probably Reiza is aware and bet on this possibility. I think it's dangerous but they know what they do.
  20. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    That's why I keep suggesting a low monthly fee would be a better pricing model for both, the players and the studio... you using it from 3 months, you pay for 3 months. So you don't pay the steep upfront fees and keep getting free updates for the life of the products.

    Anyone who disagree, never owned their own business nor ran a game studio.... (I was in charge of 7 of them plus owned 2 of my own business with 140 employees for 17 years).
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
    • Disagree Disagree x 22

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