Troubleshooting - Automobilista 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Markku

    Markku New Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Rift S will not work in Oculus mode if you use Steam. You must use Steam VR. Oculus mode is only for the original Oculus CV1. Since you tried using Steam VR and it didn't work, you have other options. You can look in in your Oculus Library and will likely find that Automobilista 2 is listed. After selecting play, you will be taken to Steam but you are entering though Oculus, which may prevent the crash. Another way is to use the nvidia doorway in the GeForce software. This is spotty as nvidia doesn't alway pick up all your sims. Hope this helps.
  2. GuitarTech

    GuitarTech New Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Thanks for replying :) I reinstalled the whole sim, after first deleting the Docs Folder. Now I open it using SteamVR mode directly, and now it seems to work. Happy days! Thankyou!
  3. Mauro Handro Paz

    Mauro Handro Paz New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    I just would like to inform about what it seems a little bug I have noticed. On the Sigma P1 car the first digit of the speed dial is removed when the speed reaches 89 km/h and 99 km/h. So, instead of showing these speeds, only the number 9 of the right is displayed. I have not gone through the whole range to check if a similar thing happens on other speeds, but when fixing this I recommend to check all range.
  4. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I don't have any FFB after deleting my Documents\Automobilista 2 folder and reassigning settings. I can see that FFB is working in the Telemetry HUD, but nothing is communicated to my wheel.

    I am currently using the release version with the latest hotfix, v1.0.0.2. Like instructed in the release thread, I deleted my Documents\Automobilista 2 folder, redid all graphics, audio and game settings, reassigned my controls, recalibrated the wheel and pedals and reset FFB to the values I was using before. Input sensivity is at the default 50, deadzones are at 2 for pedals and 0 for steering. They're all exactly the same settings in the new profile compared to the old one. When I go out on track in presumably any car (tested with the 2020 Corolla Stock car, the F-Trainer and the OldStock) there is no FFB at all. If I rename the new Documents\Automobilista 2 folder and copy the old one back in, FFB works again. Restarting AMS2, TrueDrive or the wheel don't do anything either.

    My hardware and wheel settings are in my signature, and here is a link to both my old profile from EA ("Automobilista") where the FF works and the one I created just an hour ago ("Automobilista neu") if that's any help: Public - Google Drive
  5. Danny

    Danny New Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Hi, probably a silly question lol but with the official release is the beta no more :)
  6. Rocco Thamm

    Rocco Thamm Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Official statement says, that both versions shall continue. It also says, who should keep which version or both. Also this is no troubleshooting question, if it was even a question without a questionmark. ;)
  7. Mauro Handro Paz

    Mauro Handro Paz New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Hello, I have been struggling to configure my G27 wheel on AMS2. In addition to the issue I mentoned on this post, it seems the wheel is with a non linear gain. I steer the wheel but the car does not steer so much, keep steering with a similar rate and then suddenly the car steers much more, as if the steering rate changed. I look for linear vs no linear adjustments on the control settings menus of the sim, such as the one present on AMS1, but could not find anything. Then, in order to confirm my guessing, I steered my wheel applying the same rotation rate on an open wheeled car stopped on the pits and observed that the tires angled much more quicky on the half end of the wheel rotation range than on the first half. So, I started to explore some settings on the menus, hoping to eliminate this issue and then I notice two potential issues with them, especifically with the steering sensitivity and speed sensitivity. I change their settings but when I click on back button in order to go to another menu, their setting automatically comes back to the previous values just prior to the screen change. Coming back to the configuration menu, it is possible to confirm they really came back to the previous settings. So, in fact, the change I mande previously is not being applied, and because of that I could not know if messing with these adjustments will solve the non linearity issue I mentioned. The way it is, along with the other issue of the post I referred above, is being practically impossible to drive any car for me. Hope to receive some help here. Thanks !
  8. Roberto Carabajal

    Roberto Carabajal New Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I apologize if I ask something trivial or already answered, but I have just installed the Automobilista 2 Simulator and I am new to it and get confused. I previously had Project Cars 2 installed with out problems. Now, in Automobilista 2, the G25's pedals are not detected and I also can't indicate that I want to use the paddles. I don't understand what directories should I delete. Have both simulators share any files ? I press the pedals in the calibration menu but the meters remain in cero. Can you help me please.?
  9. Dale Ballweg

    Dale Ballweg Member

    Mar 6, 2020
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    I'm running into an issue where the game keeps freezing up, I can't even get a full lap in without this happening. I have to control, alt, delete and then end the game that way to unfreeze my computer. I have no issues with any other of my other games and I'm running them all pretty close to full graphics. I've done the integrity check, deleted my folder from the My Documents and reinstalled, messed around with countless video setting, installed new video drivers. I'm out of ideas, this all started this week, before that I was able to run the game without issues. Is there a log file where I could look to see if something is conflicting with the game now.
  10. Francisco Romero

    Francisco Romero New Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Estou tendo um erro grave ao criar um servidor multijogador usando óculos de Realidade Virtual VR, todos os comandos do Looby não funciona, não consigo convidar, sair, entrar no jogo, única solução e pressionar Ctrl+alt+del e fechar o jogo.
    Fiz o teste no Project cars 2 e deu o mesmo problema.
    Uso do Oculus Rift S
    Alguém com VR está nesse mesmo problema?

    Outro problema que ocorre quando o tempo não é multiplayer quando você convida alguém na tela de convite do Steam fica travado e não fecha precisamente clicando várias vezes.

    Veio pedir uma atenção especial por isso que o multiplayer é otimizado e com bugs graves condena o jogo.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
  11. Ashaz

    Ashaz Member

    May 2, 2020
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    First time testing the game after release (Played it quite a bit during beta so it worked before)

    The game crashes in a weird way as soon as the car leaves the pit, while in the pitlane.
    The graphics stop rendering so I get a still image, but the audio and the FFB tells me the car is in fact still driving. it is just not showing me. Happened 5 times in a row now with different cars and different tracks.
    I have also had the game suddenly stop responding while navigating the menues. The audio continues and I get the ocasional "bump" sound of the mouse hovering over an option, but not nearly as often as it should if I wiggle the mouse around.

    Not really the performance I expected of the full release. :|
  12. Christian Wojk

    Christian Wojk Penito Grande AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 21, 2020
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    I have no ffb with my sc2 ultimate. Only center spring force. On the track there is no ffb
  13. karoliens

    karoliens Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I don't think it's true. I always launch AMS2 in Oculus mode without any issues. Rift S.
  14. Gdude66

    Gdude66 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    I don't know if anyone has reported this byt in the new update portugal circuit won't load - say sit is looking for estoril but the cuircuit is Caiscas. Game exits with error.
  15. Heitor Facuri Cicoti

    Heitor Facuri Cicoti Good Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Gdude66, are you still having this issue? I can't reproduce it. What mode are you choosing, and what are the relevant settings you are using?
  16. Mauricio Rocha

    Mauricio Rocha New Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Bug Splat... all the time.
  17. roetsch

    roetsch New Member

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Hi, tried Historic 2001 Imola Circuit no pit crews at all (others imola circuit with pit crews)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
  18. roetsch

    roetsch New Member

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Hi have tried several circuits in vr, by all them the same problem , if all the cars go the first time in pitstop fps is all ok but when the cars go a second time in pitstops the whole begins to stuttering extremly, when all the other cars have done her 2 pitsstop game rebegan to run smooth?!
  19. ElCamo13

    ElCamo13 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I backed the original crowdfunding campaign at level 4 and have only now got around to looking into it. From what I have read it should either have been added to my steam library automatically or I should have been emailed a key but neither of those have happened.


    Jun 25, 2020
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    I do too, though sometimes it gets where it won't launch in VR. It will only launch in the virtual desktop. That happens in SteamVR as well. That ever happen to you?

    A reboot usually fixes this for me. Incidentally, other VR games run fine when it gets like this.

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