Renato Simioni posted that v1.6 will have a full HUD and Ui overhaul. Hopefully with a fully customisable HUD.
Great community spirit here @BrunoB resorting to name calling is always going to help :rolleyes: As for OP, MP is an ongoing piece of work as you...
7800x3d is fine and AMD GPU are poor for VR.
1080p triples where pretty decent on my 3080, pretty solid 144fps. 1440p triples is a big ask for a 6800xt though. 1440p certainly look crisper...
Totally the iRacing engine at fault here, whilst i wouldn't get AMD because of the AMDip, that CPU shouldnt be the limiting factor. iRacing need...
Dont get me wrong, the 4090 can suffice but for me and i know you, we want the most out of our systems. The G2 has great clarity if using native...
That reflection is really bad, some cars it's so distracting and weird, really needs to be either removed or an active live reflection.
That will be 100% of the base 60% that you have set. So if you lower to 90% on an individual car that will be 50%. Well that's how I read it.
Yeah big diff in performance but minimal in visuals.
Medium but MFAA on in NVCP.
iRacing is so track and car dependent. Some tracks i got 4ms other pushed over 10ms as you said. Its up to the developers to bring that sim into...
The 3080ti isn't powerful enough to max out the G2, a new GPU will give much more benefit than a new CPU. After the new GPU comes then a faster...
I use OpenXR on my G2 with a 4090 and run at 3500x3450 resolution, quite a bit higher than native. If i wanted to run at night (which i dont...
Wow that looks amazing!
No idea but the channel has good content. Also if you want to see a chick drive check out cookie and cars on YouTube. Massive rally freak.
I like OTGG ;)
For me I feel the wheel get light under lock ups, which is how it should be Imo, I don't want any judder or vibration, just a wheel that lightens...
Back in the pC1 days i was playing on a 40" 4k screen and it had the problem then at that PPI, also on my 1080p triples its there and now at...
Nothing has helped me for this problem since back in pc1 days.
Separate names with a comma.