V1.5 will be released immediately after… :D
We all know that the VR replays need some love from the devs. One thing that would be nice is ONE button to "HIDE EVERYTHING/ALL" in the HUD (VR...
No, this car is still too ugly to drive… :D
Which other VR game/sim has the best implementation of sparks? Then Reiza could have a look at this, compare it with their own implementation and...
Not sure if I want them to get removed because I fear if that happens they will never come back again or get fixed in VR which would be sad…...
How’s your performance and your rig? I have Pimax 8k+ but I prefer my Quest 2 despite the lower FOV but I want everything at best graphics...
Would be interesting to know how many of the Reiza devs use VR and if they like VR or not. It might sound strange but I have never played AMS2...
Hmm, I‘m curious when this will finally get fixed…
I can hear the negative comments already: „These cars drive like on rails!“ :D
Okay, is there an info which "beta-version" (reiza51testing, reiza51testing2) has which content and which is the latest one? Are there changelogs...
Ah thanx, I see. It didn't install automatically as it usually works when I buy a game and I had a filter which only shows "installed games" so...
Okay, I got the mail and already activated the beta-keys in Steam. But what should I do now to try the beta-versions? If I open the Beta-tab in...
Thanx. Would it make sense to have only one installation (to save space on my SSD) but always switch around between beta and release (just opting...
It’s an honor for me to support Reiza and become a Paddock Club member! Edit: I paid and hope that one day you will bring us Zandvoort… :D
And for singleplayer do you also need to install it twice (double disc space) if you want to try things out in beta?
Yes it is :-)
Yeah, and advanced mirror option for VR doesn’t work here. Mirror picture stays static no matter how I move around my head… :confused::eek::D
Wanted to play todays F1-race at Barcelona but with the Formula Ultimate Gen2 they all retire and disappear at corner 7. Wrote it in the bug-forum...
Exact the same problem at exactly the same place. Wanted to play the F1-Barcelona race from todays F1-calendar so in my case it's Formula Ultimate...
After the latest RC (with Barcelona...) I got another small update (165 MB). Is there a changelog for those latest changes/fixes?
Separate names with a comma.