Yeah and it sounds like they are going to address the share issue by a separate but equally desperate dilution...haha. Which is exactly why the...
I don't think you understand how that works at all or their reason for doing it. A revers split is not a buyback at all. No capital is exchanged...
Or how about the very long overdue update to said RF2 Reiza pack?
Yeah fair enough. It was a bit surprising in that some of the other corners at Spa I do get a bit of an "oh crap" moment with zero wing so I guess...
I have a question about taking Radilion and Eau Rouge at Spa. In the GTE Porsche I can take it full out on a light rubbered road with 0 rear wing....
I know this doesn't affect the performance of the car, but for the love of god are the tire colors in the F Reiza ever going to be fixed? It's...
I took the video as him kind of being in disbelief that a company that made a game as epic as AMS1 would have a game that behaved as poorly AMS2...
I never understood why Jimmy B got so much hate. It is very rare I will watch him or any sim youtuber but he never came across as a hater of...
I can only speak for myself when I say I never expected a modern Indycar to be a part of the package anyway. We will still have CART ovals so...
I certainly wasn't suggesting iRacing's tire model is good. All I meant was that the 2 sims I mentioned are quite old and still adding features....
With the addition of the 2022 F USA, AMS2 has every single car I would ever spend extensive time driving. Literally every car I would ever want to...
It is difficult to have this conversation because it always seems to go the same way and I just don't feel it would be positive. I'll end up...
In my opinion, AMS2 has all the pieces to be the most dominant sim. Rfactor 2 player count wise is AMS2's current closest competitor. RF2 is never...
I wasn't referring to the missed deadline. I have access to the beta and from what I see, it is going to get the reaction I predicted it would...
Still a long way to go to be comparing AMS2 to AC or even ACC for that matter. AMS2 currently sitting rock bottom after well over 2 years into...
Also I think as far back at the beta stage a Mclaren MP4/6 was teased.
I know a few people are a bit sour about the delayed historical tracks, but I am still excited for them. No other sim is doing that as far as I know.
Agree totally. Even the simplest things are problematic. Example: Server is set up, but the admin with access to the dedi has something hold them...
Separate names with a comma.