interesting English :D
Yes. I need to set at least a combined resolution of 7680 on my desktop. For me that is the same as using Nvidia Surround. I just want to keep my...
Such a large screen is awesome but still not as immersive as a triple screen setup. I went back to triple screens just of that. And because my...
It is not a problem to setup triples with surround. Only some games don’t like surround and you need to disable it. And then , if you want to go...
RaceRoom is a great sim, but the major drawback for me is the lack of proper triple screen support. They still haven’t implemented this, and...
Well I tried ll sorts of “tips and tricks” but non are working for me.
But still no good triple screen support. (without Nvidia surround)
awesome cars to drive in VR. Like a canned Fish. A lot of... Nice livery:D
Well Just was on the way to report back that I found the solution. I just did copy the files to the Beta version. And what the h*ll. It works back...
Sadly this did not solved my issue. I'm out of options.:(
Ah, I think I missed the graphicsconfig.xml file. I’ll edit that one as well. I only edited the triplescreensettings.xml file, where I set the...
What steps did you take to get it working again in the beta? I’ve tried many options, but I still can’t fix it.
Yeah in the non beta I’ve used the triple screen config file to set the triple info. Also in the beta, but in the beta it is all f**ked up some...
The strange part here is, it works flawlessly on AMS2 . No surround used. But in the Beta it does not work. The half of the side screens are more...
Currently I have just set the triple screen information in the triple screen xml file. No NVIDIA surround used. Works perfectly. returned the AMD...
Because it is a great Vr set with awesome lenses. I use it with a link cable, not via WiFi. For me it works perfectly. 90FPS in the highest...
Ah, okay. I sold my 4080 Super and have now joined the dark side—AMD. May the force be with me! :D
Will do. Let’s hope it won’t disappoint me. :D
Informative answer, thanks for that! After checking the prices for the Nvidia GPU I was considering, it comes down to €999 for AMD versus €1299...
Hi all, I’m in the market for a new GPU. I’m back to using a triple-screen setup for a change, but my current GPU only has 2x DisplayPort and 2x...
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