Recommend driving at Barcelona (no chicane) with Stock Car 2023 or F-Ultimate Gen2, whichever is closest to the car type you prefer, and with AI...
Maximum visible vehicles is under Options / Performance.
Click on your name at top right, then on edit info or whatever the button is on the right side. You can set your forename, surname and nationality...
Your in game name is your Steam name, which can be very easily changed back and forth whenever you want. I used to do it all the time as one of...
Yes, of course everyone is entitled to state their opinion, at least along as they aren't making erroneous claims along the way. You say "if you...
So in practice what you are asking is that Reiza should never give any estimate of release date ever, and instead just announce "live now,...
The use of some PCars2 assets was already made clear....
You want to get him drunk right when he's crunching to get the update done? I'd be wary of a few angry forum members arranging for Hawaiian pizzas...
But Reiza have already given as close to a date as they are likely to give. Quoting Renato in the opening post: "the plan is on to release the...
Can you beat Stock Car 2023 or F-Ultimate Gen2 AI at 120 at Barcelona? Those are the primary 'calibration' combos to use for determining the AI...
Er, this man is a Paddock Club member so already has, or can have access to his 'presents'...... ;-)
It does, but..... It's work in progress, so there are good and bad examples across the 40000 odd car and track combos in the game.
That's how it's meant to be. One of the models is hold to activate and the rest like an on/off switch.
It is, as seen here: [MEDIA]
Layout is the same or very nearly the same yes, but the kerbs and some trackside stuff differ. They decided to include the track as was for both...
It has been added for several cars, where it applied in real life. From the release notes: Added launch control system for F-V10 Gen2, Corvette...
The visible dust was turned on and off a few times throughout the beta phase. I don't think it is currently enabled, but it will no doubt be back...
Just in case you haven’t thought about these yet…. 1. You do have space left on the hard drive AMS2 is installed on? 2. You have run a file...
Depends on the car, as launch control isn't properly tuned yet for some of them. F-V10 gen2 is the one to use to experience how it should work.
Safest approach if at all uncertain is to wait until the incoming update and release announcement from Renato actually arrives then see if you...
Separate names with a comma.