LMP2s are by far the best in game, they are perfect. Should be the benchmark
Drove some vintage F1 cars around Nürburgring Südschleife. Holy crap the immersion is amazing, patches of snow here and there. Some fella cooking...
Overall very positive about 1.6! I really love the presets, I hate twiddling with setting up a race so its really easy to just select a preset and...
It's about the driving dynamics of 1.6 using a GT3 car, something that people can't stop talking about how it will be and now we finally have a...
Thoughts on this? GT3 racing in 1.6.. [MEDIA]
Oh yeah for sure not an easy task, not trying to bash on his driving but more an explanation of why the driving seemed a bit odd!
Just to comment on Mikes GT3 video. I have no idea about how 1.6 will drive and not trying to defend the work here but there are some major...
Haha jesus, got a PTSD just by reading this post! Yeah the whole "steer more to overcome understeer" has been one of the worst things for me in...
"expectations" is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case. If the community continuously expected things in the summer and that...
I'm sorry but this issue is all self driven. I don't know why you would tease this game changing 1.6 update for so long and saying its close and...
Oh I for sure agree that AI is still wonky and I don't see any racing sim having an "outstanding" solution. Personally I think its good or fine...
Well is it? It's not like the guy comes of as a credible type judging driving physics or AI behaviour when he can't even control the wheel let...
This is just silly then. It's not a freaking investors call that has to be published, literally no one expected a livestream so why this HAD to go...
Cars look a lot more sticky on turn ins, no longer seems to be in that constant sliding state. That looks really impressive! As for the streamer,...
Looking at the onboard video around Monza it surely does look a lot better. Turn ins are a lot tighter, current F1 car would be a lot softer and...
Yes the UI is quite horrible information wise. I just want to see all the car types/brands in one big screen so I don't have to scroll up and...
As a software dev I think the closer as a developer can approach the end consumer the better. No one knows the demand and wishes better than the...
Thank you for the detailed reply! I think however I found what I needed. It was using legacy movement set to false and head movement to 100. Then...
Would it be possible to split this head movement on horizontal and vertical level? The horizontal sway when you take corners is something I...
Not sure if this counts as off topic? But would it be possible to split this head movement on horizontal and vertical level? The horizontal sway...
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