Deadzone within driver. Now go into AMS2. Then go to 'Configuration'-tab. Set all deadzone to 0, and sensitivity on 50, as that's the default. No...
How did you solve it?
Maybe I am stupid, but I believe you've to toggle the flags/rules on in SP too.
The text is wrong. Thank you very much! I tested it quickly. 1 TC allowed me to lose my rear very quickly, 10 TC made very stable as I could...
If I am correct it's actually 0 is off, 1 is least and 10 is most TC intervention. Which car are you using?
How many devices you've on? USB-hub? If you've a couple of devices switched on I suggest to switch them off one by one to see which device interferes.
Yes. However, if you disable the chatbox you can't chat or see the chat.
Only LFM? Then you I advise to ask on LFM-forum.
Yes, you can hide the chat. It's somewhere in the display-settings in the main menu.
I never heard of that. So you join a multiplayer lobby and your wheel doesn't work?
Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post) Here you can report. Thank you!
Try a verify cache, and perhaps you're joining modded servers? Or perhaps server that have a rating-requirement you do not met. Alternatively you...
Have fun racing, mate! Oh wait, you're not G1ll1 :P
The chatbox? Not at the moment, but hopefully in the future. You can turn it off, tho. It's somewhere in the settings.
Trucking is amazing. ingame radio on. (you can pick radios with the .ini file or so) and have a blast. It's better if you do voice chat, etc, so...
I added Default+ to my reply @G1LL1
That you don't have a problem doesn't mean others also don't have it. When I deleted my old ams2 folder and made a new for 1.6 I exactly...
Sometimes, specially with a DD, if you've more than 360 for example you turn to the left and turn back it won't bind the assignment. To workaround...
When I had my CSW 2.5. If I recall I used: Driver: Everything default except using Drift -2 Ingame: Default+ 62 or 35. Can't remember. I think...
Hi there, Sorry to hear your wheel isn't working as expected! Please follow these steps to troubleshoot: Base not working? Check picture....
Separate names with a comma.