Please try the setting in the picture I provided. Then bind the keys/buttons/wheel to the correct assignments. Have fun racing!
What do you want to know? It's easy and straight forward that everything means, but if you need help I will provide.
Crimsons reply is an direct answer of the CEO because Crimson works very closely with the CEO. Have patience and it will eventually come ;)
F-trainer at Spielberg in the rain is quite good.
In the Thrustmaster software.
These can be moved. Go to Hud options - messages and then either subtitles or the other one.
Can you try to disable udp in the system-tab. So where Shared Memory is.
Has been requested a couple of times. Just need time to implant it.
Please reduce the rotation to approx 180-360. Then try to bind the left & right setting to the assignment. When it has been recognized please...
Je suis l'un des Reiza. Si vous ne pouvez pas obtenir de connexion en multijoueur, il y a quelque chose de votre côté qui n'est pas bien...
Currently there's none, but there's a fix incoming that let you disable the chatbox again.
Il doit y avoir quelque chose de votre côté. Peut-être une installation propre de Steam, vérifiez votre routeur/modem, etc
If you've a spare computer/laptop install AMS2. Boot it up and see if settings safe. If yes, then I would suggest to back up all the important...
There must something that interferes with your mydocumentsfolder. Likely something like administrator-access. Alternatively I think you can try to...
Save 50% on Automobilista 2 All-Inclusive Bundle on Steam I believe this is the one you want.
Let me tell you a short story. Once, I wandered into my favorite cigar shop in my hometown. The owner, a man I held in high regard, greeted me...
Avez-vous essayé de passer de Steam à en ligne. Aussi lingua france est anglais
Perhaps have v-sync turned off by accident? Turn it on again.
Another thing you can try it to go ingame. Set it to 90 or so. Then configure the xml. Save it. Make a back up of it. Now rightclick on the file...
Separate names with a comma.