I mean yeah they are a lot better ofcourse but I think F1 drivers can also do alot better in sim than in real life, because there is none of the...
So has anyone else tried to compare for example formula Reiza, V10 gen 2, ultimate gen 1. times from this patch to old patch? I'm interested what...
Yes I understand this, but also take in to account you can drive a bit more dangerously on a sim than in real life, also always perfect weather...
Has anyone else actually tried to match their old time trial times with the new physics? I feel like there is a really big difference, for example...
I really can't say what it is exactly, but when the update came out I immediately jumped on track which I had just grinded hours ago, and my lap...
This might be a very very unpopular opinion but i'm really not feeling the new physics on the formula cars, I mostly drive formula cars not much...
Has anyone been comparing how the physics affect lap times? I was just doing a lap on the formula ultimate 2019 (I don't think gen 1 ultimate had...
I will probably be 87 when 1.5 releases, currently in my mid-twenties
tomorrow 24h man
i said i want f2004, 2007 abnd 2013 they give me big msc no happy
also next formula 2004, 2007 and 2013 ty
am very disappoint
not even kidding man here going home ft mcdonalds after reiza day bender
where is the update i have been drinking for few reiza days and am very desparate
I'm Finnish I tried to look at Hungarian newspapers and I honestly can't understand a word o_O
Finnish and Hungarian people don't actually understand each other our languages are related very distantly. There's a few similiar words but...
Tota Lorem Ipsum juttua yleensä käytetään koodauksessa placeholderina jos ei oo vielä mitään oikeeta kontsaa, näin saa paremman käsityksen miltä...
Separate names with a comma.