weird [ATTACH]
Is it me? I cant find either of Mikes 1.6 preview videos on YT now. Perhaps they are unlisted now as they still play from my history. Hope we...
If you had to pick one gamer changer or mild tweak which would you pick ;)
Does anyone know about quadviews? I think my original post was lost after the GT3 video dropped
Is that true, are you speaking for Reiza? Seems to me theres more risk to the content creator who's combo selections & driving abilities come...
I think I'm gonna temper my enthusiasm down from game changer to mild tweaks.
In the GT3 he looks to be sliding and counter steering out of the corners - still looks not too dissimilar from 1.5 behaviour to me. Hopefully I'm...
Back to the subject of VR does anyone know if AMS2 / Madness engine has plans to support Quad Views Foveated Rendering? There are significant...
i live near bransdhatch and i can say the sky never looks like that
I'll be sure to retune my TV. Does this look orange, coz its a random snip from youtube [ATTACH]
are you saying it doesnt look too orange? tbf i didnt want to make this about AMS2 more about saying LMU doesn't look from 2000s
its subjective & depends very much on your rig setup. yes the mirrors require a high desktop resolution, but then that impacts viewing the...
I can't let this go unchallenged. IMO LMU looks incredible in VR, now this will be controversial for sure - but I think it even looks better than...
Everyone in an organisation thinks their role is critical to the operation. In my view a communications dept are someway down the list. They ARE...
we can expect in September then
everyone has left
Hype train is shunted into sidings. Folks are now onto LMU and AC Evo.
I enjoy the Brazilian stock cars in AMS2 but agree they wont attract enough interest, I bought the Brazilian stock cars in iRacing (after AMS2)...
Come straight here and slate it of course
page 100, half way lads, keep going
Separate names with a comma.