Tack: Kanzai GP Car: Super V8 Applicable settings: Time trial, T300RS, Gain 60, LFB 80, FX 90, Thrustmaster control panel: degrees set to 180...
DOH! Me being a dumbass again, no surprises there lol, I haven't tried the StockV8 cars recently I'll let you know if I see similar issues though....
Did you delete the AMS folder in your documents? (ignore me if you did...) I ask as I too love the Super V8s and the only time I've come across...
Cully I had the brake pressure @ 75% and I'm also using the conical brake mod for the T3PA pedals which I've set to allow me to feel pressure...
Here you go @Cully : [MEDIA]
Did a race yesterday @ Interlagos Historic in the P1 Metalmoro V6 turbo @ 120% & 50% and had a blast and a half saved the replay I'll have to...
Really? I find it laughable that reading a brief question raised as a legitimate query can be psychoanalysed as "veering off the line of cool into...
Solved it! My ISP is being a pain in the backside.... Doubled my internet connection costs and I'm in a battle with them atm so they've been...
Thanks for all the help guys :) Checked firewall and both launchers are shown (AMS2 and AMS2AVX). Updated Win 10. Verified game files. Checked...
Thanks for the update still got nothing, updated windows checked firewall, verifying files atm... Really don't wanna have to re-install but...
Yes but are you on the Beta version or the Early Access version? As I see that you're a Reiza Backer which SHOULD (afaik) put you into the Beta...
No times shown for formula trainer advanced at brands.. And yes I did mention the EA and Beta lists are separate.. [IMG]
Just had someone on Steam tell me to look at Trucks at Monaco/Azure cause he'd set a time there... I looked and saw this....
Just checked no times listed at all... https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1010439675060966187/2A424948AAB5439266578F71CF7D23003FD4311F/...
Times are not being recorded as far as I can see, Retiring, As seen in Mad Al's recent update video, skip to 3:40 onwards and in pause the timings...
Track & Layout Used: Interlagos Historic Car Used: Super V8 Applicable Settings: Time trial Report: Times not recorded, retiring (As seen in Mad...
Hmm so You're a mind reader then... Must've read the wrong mind.... I WAS chilled, why? because I'm SERIOUSLY enjoying the game. That does NOT...
Thanks for that I missed it entirely and it actually answers the question. As I said though the Steam DLC page did indeed list Bathurst + GT3/GT4...
Oh I am chilled about it just querying the change as the track has disappeared from the Steam DLC page, and yes I am aware this is all subject to...
No, I'm not mistaken, I definitely had looked at the DLC bundle listed on Steam which has now been changed as I stated above. There WERE 3 DLC's...
Separate names with a comma.