Well I re install win10 to my c drive + steam games (hdd) + logitech wheel. Guess what. Same freeze (in rf2 this time but i haven't tested ams2...
While i have downloaded ryzen's chipset drivers i use the high performance power plan. Anyway i will re install win. Windows are totally f**ed up...
I dont have the possibility to swap my PSU. I use a CoolerMaster MWE Gold 550W. No smell, no coil whine. How else can i check it? PS I will have...
Unfortunately i dont have an extra hdd/ssd to install (for sure if i had i would have changed it but - i do not have high hopes on it) cause the...
I am using 472.12 at the moment (latest one) but i do not think it is gpu software related as i tried many versions before, and still had this...
I ve managed to fix it by changing the power management mode (nvdia cp) to adaptive
Don't think so. It is a CoolerMaster MWE Gold 550W, bought in April 2019. Relative new Besides i only work pc for 1-2 hours per day, no more
Oh yeap. It s already off PS The funny thing is that this happened suddenly - without touching anything (in terms of h/w) in my rig. That's the...
Which means? Can you elaborate? Have already done this. No difference. I do not have an ssd atm to test (i have my games in 1TB hdd but i do not...
Yes, that s my thought too
I do have an account there even though i do not use it very often. Will try there too, thanks
Thanks @Silvano Whatever i tried, i do get this freeze sooner or later. It also can be bigger or smaller, depending on settings. I give up:(
Does this work when you drive only outside the pits? Or does this fix work even if you have freezes throughout the whole track?
Thanks i will try and report back Edit: @Fizzy this version is not compatible with my win10 system (i guess it is made for previous win...
o_O 1) No, no afterburner running (even though i guess this could work as a log file also?) 2) I will try the 389.12 version, thanks for the...
Yeap it also happened in rf2 too, ams and rf2 are the main games i play, so i m not sure whats going on here:( i ve already reinstalled my...
As i said before this "freeze" is graphical setting unrelated: it happens even with the lowest settings. Also it is not a stutter (as we know it)....
You mean in virus and thread protection settings=>manage settings=> exclusions? (i m using the built in antivirus) Dont think it has nothing to...
Yes, with same result. I even lowered some graphical settings but it seems it is settings independent
I can't use a 2nd screen. Maybe i could run the game in windowed mode and have the task manager open simultaneously, but i doubt if i can see on...
Separate names with a comma.