coming soon #266
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Its v/good with it but superb, super fast without. Credit to Track team . looks /feels great in test. Shoutout:) to...
I think he's banned from Beta tests already, of late. AWOL. Absence without official leave is a non-pay status and means any absence from duty...
yes, no 3 qualie sessions. thanks for detail/correction @CrimsonEminence :)
Hi and Welcome There are still some here that devs are aware of and, constant updates across the board are improving, monthly. The mp system will...
When I ran (uk) daily online 22.00 onwards it used to happen every week, Tue/Wed damned lottery, hell if ranking is on. Marius advice above is...
Changed video, replaced with flavour of the month and coming to AMS2 v/soon:D:D:D:D over a coffee. for the time being. Historic Spa. [MEDIA]...
Ref night/rain I dont run Vr but had many races in past at night in storms, with a drop but not perhaps as is now. Some recall (inc remco) as...
Only grass/landscape none ontrack.
:D Another great job Billy, Super comparison vids.:)
Welcome TT. Reported in bug thread and also on the other side in the appropriate specific thread, others have also reminded team of long term...
Yes its a known problem (that was not always there) Beta has an improvement in fps for a different scenario, so hope they can crack this 1 as...
Monaco Tarmac terrorist live stream whilst spectating this car out of full house/grid Report Car behaviour all race and no damage as well (at...
Bug from Monaco race great stuff esp in wet. This 1 car was like this all race. Bugged and suffered no visual damage [MEDIA] The race video for...
When thinking of 'The man' (@Renato Simioni) and his passion for his product a quote comes to mind. 'An artist's only concern is to shoot for...
! My error. apologies. Still should be public knowledge imo. as to state of play (historics). I guess a ban incoming my way then.
It was not.+we are none the wiser than yourselves atm as to where things are in this respect. Agreed. It was not sadly, but the question was...
Separate names with a comma.