TTOW (nothing to do with Toto The Old Wolf) Popular with over 140 TT times set in first official challenge Reiza team/Beta folks . :DThanks for...
License and points have returned to previous values. pls close steam and restart pc Beta is also fine Running test races in main this evening!
Save your docs folder before you delete /uninstall game. Reinstall may/will lead to license and points reset probably (was the case in the past)...
@CrimsonEminence @Renato Simioni The loss of license and reset to U seems to not correct back to former license. Does seem like an error...
Glitch probably. I have seen this before on first start of new update and it always corrected for this scenario. close steam, reboot pc and...
@YOUNG IL YOON korean AMS2 community administrator. Hi, Nice to see some far reaching communities.:) Do you have a growing member count?
4pm uk (if all goes as planned)
Probably he will have it, try it, enjoy it, not tell anyone.
Agree to that, and the 'enhanced connection to the road' will be needed to stay out of the 2022 track gravel traps everywhere, a lot less room for...
A guess @roadAmerica?
Thanks for useful video. You may wish to post below as well. Its a more popular thread for Ams2 videos. Need. More. Videos! C'mon guys! This...
Agreed and Im only on page 6 (now have to cook food) so will catch more later. @Renato Simioni Great thread op and nice to see you answer many Qs...
Easter Eggs.
This from 'The Man' #1
Ha yes that was it. Some time ago, just had a look at the wiki and some achievements were made and respectable. Was an interesting watch at the...
It would be nice some indication from the team (maybe via @CrimsonEminence) to know why it is not active in ams2, and when /if it will be. Im sure...
Hi Marius, Yes, for me its never had any interest or appeal, I have watched some over the years but personally find it boring to watch and the...
E sport? Future on not. [MEDIA]
Ha, Howdey Hi B. Hope your well, been ages. 'The Man' .has spoken
Many thanks to @Scraper and @rmagid1010 and others. The examples you chaps have posted are inspirational, just lack of time here, though have...
Separate names with a comma.