Those look sharp, good job mate.
Sounds like the below may be your issue, no in-game support for the G923. Aye, the Ghub I mentioned is the later software.
Are you using the Logitech Ghub software? If so, is the 'Sensitivity' set at 50? and 'Operating range' set to 900?
This is a discussion forum where people can chat, learn, help, be helped. You may not find the (Still within the realms of being on topic)...
My little digging suggested otherwise*. I'd say the spectrum of the gauge is a little off for fuel pressure. *Edit: As far as what the gauge is of...
Google translate gives me 'Benz. Pressure'. Can't work out what the 'Benz.' is... It seems 'Ol' or 'Oel' is 'Oil', and that's what it is, oil...
Diff checking can be used too: Diff Checker Same idea really.
Really disappointing...I even resorted to twitter (After having no luck here) where I described and pointed out the issue, which got a response...
You should be able to as far as I know, people tend to install it while waiting for their new HMD's. Maybe find it in the Steam 'drop down' >...
Do you have SteamVR installed? - SteamVR on Steam
50MB update. Looks like these (And more) were updated... [ATTACH]
How do I open the .bff? (I have no idea what this format is) Ok, after searching...Yeah I think it'd be better if Reiza could supply the...
Cheers for the reply but I don't think they're what I'm looking for? When I say each livery, I mean for example, all of the different ARC Camaro...
@Rob Thompson as an aside, it would be great if we could have the actual livery of each car as used in game as a PNG, for use in leagues.
Yep, this. It will drive you mad if you judge yourself against them, best to judge against yourself. :-) In fact I'd love to see some algorithms...
Indeed, I actually leave mine at the default come to think of it, and never have the wheel turn/cause scrolling etc. The default seems enough to...
The idea is to set 'Menu spring strength' high/full so that the wheel will not move at all the menu's.
@CrimsonEminence Most definitely ha.:)
I had a go in this horrible little thing (Can you tell I'm not a fan? Lol) at Oulton as you mentioned earlier. Although I don't like the 'Overall'...
Was 4am when I initially posted but here goes: Setup: I7-6700K. MSI GTX 1080. 16GB Ram. MSI Z170A Mobo. G29. I selected my dedi server, (Caterham...
Separate names with a comma.