Hi guys, i setup a dedicated server yesterday with a 60 min practice session, i set my practice weather to this // Default event weather....
I thought that meant no video posting? Not that it cannot be mentioned. edit: it clearly states ":the builds will be available on the on the...
New beta has individual ffb multiplier that can be adjusted on track via button configuration. Works well. GT1 cars are wonderful
I have never noticed before but with my new reverb G2 when i move my head forward the whole car moves forward instead of me getting closer to the...
Don't understand your answer ?
Any idea when this is going to be available, it is ridiculous for multiplayer that you cannot set your own name without changing it in steamo_O
Wish someone would post a fully fuctioning server.cfg (minus name and password) with sms_rotate_config etc so we can try to get a known working...
Pixel is correct, try going on the grass on the inside of the track at Johannesburg historics last corner, the car just hovers across the ground....
Yep , my mate just had the exact same issue with the latest version, for him he unticked Wheel Rumble and it fixed it. he spent hours trying to...
this is not an update issue this is a major flaw in the update that should never have got thru:(
Anyone elses Vsync now broken?? nothing i can do to get vsync working, even forced on in nvidia controller does not work FFS:( EDIT:read the...
it said something like xinput3.dll missing. directx install fixes it
The .dll can be fixed by reinstalling DXsetup in the support-directx folder the AMSdedicated.exe is corrupt, i copied mine from my full version...
just copy over the AMSdedicated.exe from your working game folder
The AMSdedicated.exe on the server is a different size to the one in my game folder on my PC. Copied the AMSdedicated.exe from my computer over to...
yep same issue, no vehicles, why on a weekend when we are racing grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uninstalled dedi and restarted, same issue
Lucky you, the Pumat GTB and GTE don't show up for me under brazilian tc classics? I am doing an integrity check now, weird as the car folders are...
Separate names with a comma.