1. If you do some research, you would find that I agreed with a certain individual who propose an option to turn it off. This has been mentioned...
Your singular preference huh? You sound like I am the only one that want this option. Anyone who own a VR headset know that they can't play this...
Why do that when you can disable the entire thing. It makes sense to have lights at night, but not needed for rain. I am running this thing at...
Are you sticking with realism or are you trying to resolve the frame rate issue? What's wrong with giving an option in the settings to turn it...
I just installed RTX 4090 and tested the game in VR for fps. Now, I can say I can finally drive in rain, storm and thunderstorm with no problem...
Are they turning Monza into oval too? That bank is sick...just like Daytona.
What about pigs, did they add pigs yet? Deer? Birds? Also, there should be some umbrellas in the crowd when it's raining?
EA should never bought the Project Cars franchise. They don't know what to do with it and now they just trashed it. They're going to piss off a...
Hey Reiza, this is what smoke is supposed to look like https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BDL4cH0eR3w Please add that and fire...
Surely someone must have RTX 4090 right? What is the fps for driving in rain max settings, max AI?
That's one issue I have with the previous build and was hoping they fix it. The AI speeds in ovals can leave you in the dust no matter what skill...
Mandatory pitstop is for refueling, I don't think it's fair to force them to stop for tires when the weather isn't changing. But I guess it make...
I am you from the past. I still ONLY play single player. I have no pleasant experience in online racing, not in AMS2.
I expect an announcement of optimizing graphics tailor toward RTX 4090.
Sorry to say, but I could not hear it. I don't know if that's because I am driving in VR or inside the car.
What sparks. I haven't noticed any?
I agreed with that grass must be polished in terms of grip. When I was driving on Kyalami, as soon as it started to rain, I knew I am done once I...
Exactly. Add a NEW DLC pack called "European Pack" and include Bannochbrae and Le Mans.
Speaking of "abuse," can we get smoke, sparks and fire when there is a huge crash on the scene.
Yes, and hoping for Le Mans and Bannochbrae. I will buy these two tracks for $20 alone.
Separate names with a comma.