[ATTACH] As a long standing team having raced numerous sims over the years, NRT are running our first AMS2 league in the near future and...
Thanks, Ill give that a whirl. I did mess around for a while, using the latest custom one from here, and it does seem pretty nice using the...
Ive searched the thread, but cant really find anything recently regarding the Thrustmaster TS PC Racer Just wondering if anyone is using this...
Im pretty sure its bugged. Sometimes you can set it enabled, and sure enough you get in the server and its disabled.
As subject really, is there any way to force the game to keep focus when you accidentally mouse click outside the game window? I race in vr with...
Lets hope we do
Automobilista 2 Server Manager / Emperor Servers
I think the re install has actually fixed it now. Ran a longer test race, and the tyres do now show changes, albeit in a lot less detail than the...
Tried that, still the same. Strange thing is i have a simhub HUD which shows changes in colours as the tyres heat, but the temp doesnt change. I...
Hi all. I thought the tyre wear indicators were now showing temps and changes in colours to reflect this, but mine seem to be stuck on green and...
That looks really interesting, hopefully someone might do a video review of it to see how it all works
Thanks for your help. It was definitely set as off in the options the host can see, so pretty sure it's setting that as default regardless of what...
Track & Layout Used: Kyalami (or any other) Car Used: GT3 Applicable Settings: Any weather - dedicated server not using any rotation Report:...
We ran a few different cars last night, one of them was the mcr2000, one of the guys was running out of fuel so went to pit, and couldnt add fuel....
I added this line into the cfg as it wasnt there before, but doesnt seem to take effect. "DisablePitstopRefuelling" : 0, Also set it to 1 but no...
Hi folks How do you set refuelling to be allowed in your server.cfg file?
Many of you may be aware of the rf2 log analyser made by Nibo. It a brilliant peice of software, as far as a i know it was compatible with AMS1,...
As I mostly race with the same group of friends, it would be great to have the admin vote to move/restart sessions etc, especially on your own DS
Well, rather strangely, the t300 does interact with the ingame menu, but with different buttons. Even though button mappings are the same. The...
Ive never really had an issue with that in rF2, but I rarely drive in public servers in that one. Just seems really wrong being able to drive...
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