Did you read the text from the Huldenberg video ? ........For the test, Hulkenberg wears high-tech frames that look similar to a pair of glasses....
I get your point. No method can replicate the exact sensations you get IRL, but the default one makes it impossible to drive (for me) in some...
Right again, but that only applies for your dash and the mirror and everything that is attached to your car and vibrates together with it. When a...
Correct, but the view through the windshield, when eyes/inner ear/brain work together, will never bounce. RHM seems to mimic RL view very well.
The second one.
Real Head Motion for RFactor 1 - MagicFr Dev Site
Problem solved. RHM works now. I downloaded and installed another version and for some reason it is OK now. I can finally race without motion...
Always cockpit view...
Just installed this version: ################################################################## //# Real Head Motion, plugin for rFactor2...
I seem to have only one .prl file (in bold). There I changed the values to zero (in notepad) and still bounce around. Btw: trying each time with...
This strikes me though: From the RHM download site (and mentioned before here): --------------------------- Installation Set the Head motion to...
Agree, and preferably in the UI, in stead of having to dig into the files. Btw: which version of RHM are you using ?
And that is how I expect my view to be...:)
I tried version 1.3. Maybe that is the reason it is not working. Just read some comments from guys with the same issue, all using 1.3... Will try...
Been playing around with these values too. Sadly it did not help either.
Thanks. I did try RHM in AC before, did not like it. But I wanted to give it a chance in AMS because in some cars it is nearly impossible to drive...
Thanks, found them. Not sure what values would help. There is also a cockpitinfo config in the car files, where it says CockpitVibrationMag=0.004...
Thanks. All the in-game settings that I think could be involved are tried and set to zero. But sadly it does not change the "world" bouncing up/down.
Fairly new to AMS and not really a PC wizzard, not having found a solution on the net, here's my question: In some cars, (always using cockpit...
I would like to see this option added too. Up/down, fore/aft sometimes is not enough to get the ideal position, seat angle would be a very welcome...
Separate names with a comma.