Here is something I did with the output json of SM: AMS Results or AMS Results There are still some improvemnents to do, but I'm really happy...
Thank you very much : that's great. Now the drivers who disconnect after the finish line are in the "Race_End.xlsx.json". But, the drivers who...
Thank you very much... I think you can keep all of them, even if they did not finish the race (in that case, they will be visible with DNF status).
In other word, can we keep all the driver in the result in the file Race_End_xlsx.json ?
Hello, Thank you very much for this software. I trying to use it in order to create a ranking after a race. Here is an example: That is the first...
Hello, Yesterday we organized an event and we experienced a nightmare that force us to host the race from a players's computer. The dedicated...
I'm thinking about creating a script like that: 1- Start the AMS2 server 2- Rename sms_stats_data.json to sms_stats_data_YYMMDD_HHMM.json 3- Go to...
Ok, thank you very much for the first answer: we have to stop the server first. Today I'm keeping the last 10 sessions ("history_length" : 10,)...
Hello everyone, I have 2 questions: - Is it possible to empty the file "lua_config/sms_stats_data.json" ? Everytime I delete the file, it came...
Separate names with a comma.