AMAZING!! THANK YOU MICK!! MUCH OBLIGED MATE!! What a great communitiny we have here! CHEERS!
Well I guess that a part of the confusion, people use all sorts of terms for the same things. OpenComposite is not a lancher per se, but a Runtime...
Hi I guess you missed what I was writing and the screenshot. All good.
Hi I understand what OC is doing. What I'm asking is what default runtime would you have Steam set to in OpenComposite. Also, what setting would...
Hi Mick, thank you for the detailed instructions. Prior to reading them I'd un-installed WMR for SteamVR thinking it's making a call to launch...
Hi Shodan, that's what I'm doing but SteamVR and WMR are still lauching along w/ AMS2. Edit - when you say lauch do you mean through steam or...
Okay so I read all 20 pages on this thread, whatched every youtube video, googled everything, and my eyes are bleeding....I keep reading about not...
Separate names with a comma.